Panlong, I started with the main godhead

Chapter 186 Challenge from the Master of Reisijing Palace

Mo Si took Lei Jing and the three of them to the place where he lived. Lei Jing looked at Mo Si who wanted to entertain him well, and said anxiously: "Brother, please don't entertain this kind of thing. Let's Let’s go to the plane battlefield quickly.”

"You are really impatient."

After Mo Si shook his head, he smiled and continued to explain: "Among the four of us, none of us is the master of the palace. If we go to the trap like this, we will definitely not be able to enter the plane battlefield."

Lei Jing looked indifferent and said matter-of-factly: "What's the difficulty? Let's just pick any palace master and challenge him on the way to the entrance of the plane battlefield."

"Nothing is that simple. Every palace master has experienced countless challenges. Since they can easily secure the position of palace master, they are definitely not simple people."

As he spoke, Mo Si took out a piece of information and introduced it to Lei Jing and Zorro, the brothers and sisters: "This is all the information on the palace owners that I have collected over the years."

"Why are most of them the palace masters of Blood Peak Continent and Bauhinia Continent?"

"Because this place is relatively close to my territory, the information here is more detailed."

After watching it for a moment, Leisijing pointed at one of them and said, "How about this? I have the main soul defense artifact. After all, I can restrain his trick."

"Okay, he just became the master of the palace recently, and he seems to be in the palace."

So the three of them rushed towards the territory where the chosen palace lord was located. At the same time, the master of Muhua Mansion in Blood Peak Continent was sitting in the courtyard, playing with a boxing glove he had obtained some time ago.

Some time ago, he accidentally met a middle god who was being hunted. After he killed the middle god, he found this strange metal glove on his body.

He also tried to recognize his master, but unfortunately this thing was unable to recognize his master. Later he discovered the strength of this thing, which could actually amplify physical attacks. This made him ecstatic, with excellent soul attack and defense.

Not long ago, he obtained the position of palace master by virtue of his innate soul attack. In that palace master's challenge, his material attack did not take advantage.

After a hundred challenges, Lei Jing chose to challenge Shatru, the master of Muhua Mansion.

"What did you say, someone wants to challenge me."

Shatrull was very angry after hearing this, and directly asked his subordinates to inform Lei Jing, who agreed to the palace master's challenge.

On a mountain range next to the Muhua Mansion, the master of the palace, Shatru, looked at the Lei Jing who had been waiting for him for a long time. He had only become the Palace Master not long ago, so naturally he didn't know Lei Jing who had been trapped in the Bauhinia Mountains all year round.

"Boy, I can give you a chance to accept me as your master, and I can survive."

"Humph, die."

Lei Jing was also offended by the palace lord's words and directly used the power of the Landlord God. Controlling the Amethyst Space, the ultimate trick he had comprehended, he surrounded Shatru, the master of the Muhua Mansion.

Shatru felt the gravity changes in the amethyst space, and he used a drop of the power of the Lord God of Destruction as a last resort. He punched out with a frown and found that this kind of space could actually be restored.


Lei Jing's sneak sword stabbed into Shatru's glove. The amplified material attack blocked Les Crystal's attack and shattered Les Crystal's superior artifact.

Reisijing reluctantly took out the arms of his amethyst behemoth, changed the direction of gravity again, and grabbed Shatru before he could adapt to this change in gravity.


In Reisijing's disbelieving eyes, Shatrull easily blocked his punch using the power of the Lord God with one punch. Lei Jing hurriedly controlled the Bauhinia space and moved Shatru to other directions.

"How is it possible? I used the power of the Lord God to punch, and he just caught it."

Shatru was also very annoyed with this kind of amethyst space, so he punched with all his strength. Breaking the current space and looking at Lei Jing who appeared in front of him again, he just used the soul attack of his innate magical power.


A soul attack containing Shura's full blow reached Leis Jing's soul space. There is a thin membrane in the soul space of Resijing. After the attack reached this point, this transparent membrane easily defended against the soul attack.

Shatru, the leader of Muhua Palace, looked at Lei Jing who was unharmed under the attack of his soul. He said with a smile on his face: "Hey, it seems that this is your confidence to challenge the palace master."

He looked at the incomplete glove on his right fist, and then looked at Lei Jing, who had no intention of answering him, and he didn't care.

"If it were before, I might not be able to do anything to you. The power of your main god must have been dissipated, and you can die now."


The power of the Lord God also burst out from Lei Jing's body again, and the face of Shatru, the master of Muhua Mansion, was already livid. He used the soul attack of his innate supernatural power to kill the former palace master, and then discovered three drops of the Lord God's power from the former Palace Lord's space ring. How could the guy in front of him still have the power of the Lord God.

"who are you?"

Lei Jing snorted coldly and said arrogantly: "There are many young masters with the power of the Lord God."

Shatru, the leader of Muhua Palace, frowned for a moment. He understood that he had just become the master of the palace in just a short period of time and did not have many connections in hell. But he also understands that this kind of guy who is not lacking in the power of the Lord God is obviously the child of the Lord God.

"You win, you are the master of the Muhua Palace."

After Shatru said, he planned to leave directly, but Lei Jing did not intend to let him leave. He took out the dagger Matthews had given him and struck it directly at Shatru, the master of Muhua Mansion.

"not good!"

Shatru, the leader of Muhua Mansion, felt the pressure from the dagger's swing and didn't care about the remaining two drops of the power of the Lord God, so he used one drop directly.

He used all the strength blessed by the power of the Lord God, raised his right fist, and faced the incoming lightning attack.

With the dagger used by Resijing, Matthews sealed three attacks equivalent to the Great Perfection.


Shatru, the leader of the Muhua Palace, only had time to scream, and he had already fallen under this blow that was equivalent to the Great Perfection. Lei Jing came over and picked up Shatru's gloves. After dripping blood to identify the owner, he found that he was unsuccessful, so he received the space ring.

Then he picked up the space ring of Shatru, the master of Muhua Palace. After checking it, he found that there was not much wealth in the space ring of the master of the palace.

"What? There are so few ink stones."

"Hahaha, that's it. Lei Jing, he can compare with you in wealth, but you are the one who can take a bath with the power of the Lord God."

Lei Jing heard Mo Si's teasing and smiled and touched his head.

"That's right, it's important that we go to the plane battlefield."

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