Panlong, I started with the main godhead

Chapter 199 The birth of daughter Diana

Since Zijin became pregnant with Matthews' daughter, Matthews happily accompanies Zijin every day. That day a loud cry appeared on Rengar Island.

"Hahaha, my daughter is born."

Unlike Lacey Crystal, which has many characteristics of the amethyst behemoth, this girl has mostly human characteristics except for a cute amethyst behemoth horn on her head.

"Our daughter's name is Diana Matthews."

After Diana took action, Matthews became a daughter slave. While holding her, her body began to be infected with a trace of the original power of the water world.

Diana's body is more like that of an ordinary human being, so she definitely does not have the powerful divine body like the Rhys Crystal Bauhinia Beast, so Matthews played tricks on her lovely daughter. Make her water talent stronger, and increase her physical strength by infecting the original power of the world.

"The best thing is like water, water is good for all things and does not fight for it -"

While teaching Sanctuary's daughter boxing skills, Matthews explained to her the moves that contained the concept of water law.

"Being under water, being kind benefits all things without fighting. Being good at using softness to overcome hardness, hardness and softness can change endlessly."

A cute little girl with a small horn on her head was following Matthews's Sanctuary deity on the island of Rengar to connect fists. She looked cute and cute when she moved her hand back and forth. A round water ball changed positions and danced in her hand.

"Boss, I'm teaching my niece how to box."

After the little girl finished practicing a set, she proudly asked Asolun, "Uncle Asolun, am I good at practicing?"

"Hahaha, of course Diana has practiced very well. She is half as good as my uncle was back then."

"Come on, stop pretending. My daughter can train you better."

"Ah, boss, you are too partial."

"Of course my daughter is number one in my heart."

"Where is sister-in-law ranked?"


Matthews glared at Assolun, this kid was definitely not good-hearted.

"Okay, what's the matter with you?"

"It's okay, I just came to see Diana."

More than twenty years passed by in a flash, and a divine wave of heaven and earth appeared in the sky above Rengar Island. The twenty-nine-year-old Diana's fusion of the elemental laws of water and Yuanrou Mystery reached the level of a lower god, and successfully became a lower god of the water system.

After another hundred years, she merged the two mysterious laws to become the middle god. As a reward, Mathews' life-rule god clone came to hell and took her and Zijin's holy body to travel to various material planes.

In Harper's material plane, the plane teleportation array lit up. In the eyes of the plane defenders, Matthews and his family appeared in the teleportation array.

"Sir, welcome to Harper's material plane."

After Matthews nodded, he unfolded his body with Zijin and Diana and left the mountain range where the cold plane teleportation array was located.

In a human city on the central continent of Harper's material plane, Matthews, Zijin and Diana were sitting in a restaurant. Try the special foods of this material plane and check out the various species of this material plane.

In Harper's material plane, human forces occupy a very small area in the east of the Central Continent, orcs occupy the cold north, warcraft occupy the mountains in the west, and creatures like elves occupy the warm and humid forests in the south.

"Father, I want to build the power of my faith here."

Matthews nodded. Their family has been playing for a long time. Now that his daughter wants to establish faith in this material plane, Matthews agrees.

Although in his spiritual perception, this material plane is dominated by elves. Therefore, the main god of the rules of life in the material plane dominates the belief, but it doesn't matter, and he doesn't care.

A sect called the Ice Goddess has flourished in the eastern human territory of Harper's material plane, and some geniuses have been included in the Ice Sect's sphere of influence.

Due to Diana's intervention, humanity survived in just a few years. From a small piece of land in the east of the continent, it has advanced a lot towards the continent in the south.

In the ancestral land of the southern elves, several elves are discussing the human invasion of their territory.

"Humans have invaded most of our territory. We have found out clearly that they are supported by the Ice Sect. Behind the Ice Sect is a water goddess."

Just as the elf leader and his men were discussing, the voice of the elf goddess's soul appeared in his mind.

"Don't worry about this matter, I will handle it myself."

The Elf Goddess is the strongest of the Elf clan, and she is now also a median god of the rules of life. She had also sensed the arrival of Matthews and his family before.

"The Ice Goddess, Mu Ya is here to visit."

Diana met this elf median god named Mu Ya, and the two went to fight in the mountains outside the city. Although Elf Muya is a veteran middle god, she is obviously no match for Diana who has merged the two laws.

After a while, Diana walked in happily.

"Father, this is the secret technique of the elf Mu Ya and his family. I know you have the rules to practice life, so I came here for you."

Matthews smiled and happily took the parchment that contained the secrets of elves handed over by his daughter.

Although Mathews' current divine avatar of the rules of life is not yet the Great Perfection, it has already gone a long way on the road to understanding the rules of life. These things are pretty good and can provide him with some inspiration in different aspects.

After Diana defeated the Elf Goddess, she stayed in Harper's material plane for two hundred years. On this day, in an attic next to a human city, the rules of heaven and earth suddenly appeared.


Diana's earth law finally understood the elemental law and reached the standard of becoming a god. The rules of heaven and earth came, and Diana once again had a clone of the underground god of the earth.

Diana took out the Golden Soul Bead to restore her injured soul that was split due to becoming a god. When Matthews saw that his daughter, the Law of the Earth, had become a god, he no longer wanted to stay in this material plane. Before leaving, Diana also gave a human godhead, giving such a human the power of a mid-level god.

Time always passed quietly, and after Matthews took his family to travel the material plane, he returned to hell again.

After Resijing returned to Rengar Island, he met his sister Diana.

"Who are you?"

"Huh, I'm Diana Matthews. You are my brother Les Jing who likes to play tricks, as my father calls me."

"Ah, you are actually my sister."

"come in."

Matthews had already felt the arrival of Les Crystal, so his soul sent Les Crystals to the small pavilion where he was fishing.

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