Panther Commando

Chapter 1115: fancy bracket

Xiaoya was shocked, Wan Lin and Cheng Ru were about to die with the enemy who rushed over! At this moment, Li Dongsheng, Lingling, Feng Dao, and Dali's eyes also stared straight at the explosives on the ground. The pupils of several people immediately shrank, and their hands trembled slightly.

If the old man hadn't arrived at the juncture of life and death first, Wan Lin and the two would most likely have detonated a powerful bomb! The eyes of Li Dongsheng and the others looked at the old man unconsciously. They didn't know how the old man came all the way from hundreds of miles away. But they already knew from the tired demeanor of the old man that the old man had exhausted all his inner strength and came with the ball.

When they jumped out of the cabin, they had already seen the scene of the old man risking his life to shoot arrows and running wildly, because the old man was desperately running for a few minutes early, saving the lives of Wan Lin and Cheng Ru! Save their comrades-in-arms!

Everything at the scene shocked and moved Li Dongsheng and the others. The eyes of the drooping old man, Feng Dao and Dali, unknowingly shed two lines of tears in their eyes. They took a deep breath, increased their energy, and rushed towards the old man's body, guiding the scurrying in the old man's body. The residual infuriating qi started running quickly.

Xiaoya shook her head vigorously, shedding tears all over her face, and pulled out a blood bag from the first aid kit, raised her hand and plunged the needle into Wan Lin's arm, then raised the blood bag with one hand and moved anxiously to the side. Looking up, I wanted to find someone to hold the blood bag high so that I could treat Wan Lin's waist and shoulder wounds.

Now that the situation on the battlefield is unclear, and the rest of the teammates are on guard around, Xiaoya doesn't dare to call anyone over to help. They just arrived, and they don't know how many people there are. Now the surrounding security must be guaranteed.

Xiaohua was carrying Xiaobai and Qiuqiu around in a hurry. He suddenly raised his head to see Xiaoya's intention, and immediately jumped over to the top of the head of Dali, who was beside the old man, and stretched out two front paws. Snatching the blood bag from Xiaoya's hand, she let out a low growl at the two big leopards lying beside the tree, staring at them with blue eyes.

The two big leopards were startled and immediately stood up from the ground, staring at Xiao Hua with fear and wonder in their eyes. "Ow" Xiaohua saw that the two leopards didn't understand what she meant, she stood on top of Dali's head, turned her face and roared at Xiaobai and Qiuqiu, followed by opening her mouth to grab the blood bag, raised her front paws and gestured quickly again few times.

Full of anxiety, Qiuqiu suddenly saw Xiaohua giving orders to him, he stood up suddenly and his eyes were blue light, and he was about to have a seizure. Now that he is the king of the mountain, how can this old king of the mountain dare to show his prestige with the current king of the mountain? But it immediately saw the vicious light in Xiaohua's eyes, it quickly turned its head to look at the surrounding scene, immediately tucked its tail up, and hurriedly fell to the ground again, then turned to look at Xiaobai next to him. , Seeing it is also with red eyes and a mouth full of sharp teeth, a look that does not recognize the six relatives.

Qiu Qiu's big mouth grinned, and the blue light in his eyes dimmed immediately. The usually docile parents and adults are now full of fiery, fierce demeanor, which makes it immediately understand: now is a critical moment, and it is no longer my own little mountain king to show his power.

Qiuqiu hurriedly watched Xiaohua's movements with his tail tucked, and watched Xiaobai next to him for a while before he understood Xiaohua's meaning. They twisted and ran to the backs of the two leopards, rode on them, guided them with their claws to the big tree in front of Xiaohua, then jumped down and ran in front of the two big leopards, stood up and tried hard The claws held up the two leopards, made them stand up and leaned against the big tree, and followed a gesture of grinning to keep them from moving.

Qiuqiu's demeanor towards the two leopards was particularly majestic at this time, and he vented the grievances his parents had given him just now on the two big leopards.

Two huge leopards stood up against the thick tree trunk nearly two meters high. What does a mountain king who terrifies them make them stand up?

Xiaohua stared at the two big leopards standing on top of the tree, with blood bags in their mouths, jumping from the top of Dali's head to a leopard's head, and with a wave of her front paws, she took the blood bag from her mouth and stuffed it into a leopard. In his mouth, he turned and jumped to the top of Li Dongsheng's head. He stretched out his claws and took the blood bag he held high for Cheng Ru's blood transfusion. , keep them from closing their mouths.

Xiaoya took out her hands and quickly dealt with the wound on Wan Lin's shoulder that had been grazed by the sniper bullet. She then took out scissors from the first aid kit and cut off the blood-stained bandage around Wan Lin's waist, exposing the mountain pass around his waist.

She was stunned when she saw the huge wound, and the muscles on her face shook violently: no wonder Wan Lin, who was like an iron man, lost his ability to move.

Xiaoya gritted her teeth and tried to calm herself down, now is not the time to sigh at Wan Lin. She took a long breath and quickly circulated in her body twice, forcibly calmed her emotions, then raised her hand and took out a local anesthetic from the first aid kit and injected it into Wan Lin's waist muscles, and quickly disinfected the wound with alcohol cotton, took out The powder that Grandpa carried evenly spread a layer on the wound, then quickly sutured the wound and re-bandaged it.

At this time, the situation was critical, and she could only deal with it simply. She quickly finished all this and turned her head to look around, and saw that Li Dongsheng was dragging two stretchers and running towards Just now, after Xiaohua took the blood bag, Li Dongsheng immediately saw It placed the blood bag in the mouth of the leopard standing on the tree trunk. He stared at the funny posture of the leopard standing upright against the tree, with a blood bag in his mouth and two front paws raised on his chest for a moment, and then he realized that the two big leopards were ordered by the king of the mountain to hold them instead of him. blood bag.

Li Dongsheng freed his hand and quickly looked around. He pulled out his saber and ran towards a bamboo forest not far away. He ran to the bamboo forest with his saber and chopped off a few bamboos of suitable thickness, followed by cutting off the top branches and cutting them into two Mi Duo was long, and he pulled a few flexible vines from the side. He crouched on the ground and quickly bundled two simple stretchers, dragged them and ran back.

Xiaoya saw Li Dongsheng running over with a stretcher, and quickly raised her head to look at the blood bag above the blood vessel. Only then did she notice two leopards with strange shapes standing beside the big tree with blood bags in their mouths.

Seeing the funny posture of the two fierce leopards, Xiaoya suddenly felt a warm current in her heart, and her eyes turned red. But now that the situation was urgent, she didn't care to express her feelings, she quickly stood up and took a thin bamboo pole handed over by Li Dongsheng, and tied it to one end of the stretcher for hanging the blood bag. At this time, Li Dongsheng was also on the other side. A pair of stretchers were strapped to their supports and stood up.

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