Panther Commando

Chapter 1129: old man's emotion

The old man pondered for a while, looked at Zhang Wa's pale face and said, "It shouldn't be a big problem. In this way, I will give you a separate exercise every day, and I will assist you with some qi-invigorating medicines. I estimate that you should be able to recover." The old man said something. Hesitating, he has never encountered such a situation before, and he is not very sure in his heart.

Zhang Wa hurriedly bent over to give a salute, and repeatedly said thank you, tears welling up in his eyes. He knew that Wanjia internal strength was a miracle in itself. Grandpa, the old man, was a miracle worker. The old man would definitely restore his strength.

Grandpa smiled, raised his hand and patted his shoulder and continued: "Don't worry, with Grandpa here, there is no obstacle to cross."

The old man immediately turned around and commented on everyone, and then said to Wan Lin and Cheng Ru: "You are injured now, and the meridians in the injured area have been blocked. This needs to be opened gradually and slowly. Remember not to forcefully rush through the blockage. The meridians, so as not to hurt the meridians haste," Wan Lin and the two quickly nodded in agreement.

At this time, Jing Yi dragged Shanshan to her grandfather, raised her red face and said crisply, "Grandpa, you have already commented on the brothers and sisters, why don't you talk about the two of us?" Shanshan also raised her face and said eagerly, "That's right, why don't you talk about us, we are also working hard."

Everyone laughed, and there was a gleam of love in everyone's eyes. Grandpa walked over and stroked the heads of the two young disciples and said with a smile, "You have practiced very well, much better than your brother and sister. Come, let them practice the palm technique that Grandpa taught you, and let the brothers and sisters have a long experience."

"Hey," the two little girls excitedly stood in the center of the courtyard and took a stance. Wan Lin and the others all smiled and walked to the side to step aside.

The two little girls posed, the excited look on their faces suddenly disappeared, their little faces were tense, and their expressions were very serious. The two of them lifted their left palms, kicked their right legs out violently, and turned back with their bodies. The right palms were already cut out, and then they moved quickly under their feet. Get up, bend down and kick your legs for a while, the movements are firm and soft, quite well-organized.

The movements of the two little girls are getting faster and faster. Their petite, slender bodies are like willow branches swaying in the wind, sometimes as tender as a spring breeze, and sometimes as strong as a sharp blade unsheathed. The air in the entire courtyard was flowing in two movements towards the little girl, whistling.

Following Xiao Jingyi and Shanshan's tender and tender voice, the two suddenly stood firmly on the spot, motionless, their little faces flushed slightly, and their big eyes sparkled at the people beside them.

"Okay!" Wan Lin and the others shouted loudly, and then applauded vigorously. Xiaoya and Lingling ran up to them and hugged them, praising them.

The old man smiled and walked over to Cheng Ru and the others and said, "You have never learned this palm technique, I have taught Xiaoya and Lingling before. The technique of high-five is different, and many moves are done in the opposite way, which can have unexpected effects on the enemy, and is suitable for girls to practice.”

When the old man said this, he said to Xiaoya and Lingling, "When you are all right, give pointers to the two little junior sisters. Their movements are very good, but they are still lacking in the use of agility and breath." Xiaoya and Lingling nodded quickly, Pulling two little junior sisters to the side and making gestures.

The old man smiled and watched their gestures for a while, then turned around and said to Wan Lin, Cheng Ru and Zhang Wa, "Now you should concentrate on restoring your physical strength and try to clear the blocked meridians as soon as possible." Then he patted Dali's shoulder again. Said: "I'll teach you a set of stick techniques when I'm free. Your body is suitable for hard skills. The stick technique can easily find weapons on the battlefield. Guns, trees, tables and chairs, and benches can all become weapons in the hand at any time. It is a kind of A very useful technique."

He grinned excitedly and agreed. He had practiced hard qigong in the past, and knew that it would be difficult for him to practice high-level internal skills. Now, the internal skills he has learned have benefited him a lot, not only greatly improving his original strength External skills, and it can be regarded as both internal and external cultivation, the kung fu of the body has been greatly improved compared to the original.

At this time, Professor Chang came over to look at Wan Lin and the others with admiration, turned his head and said to the old man, "I envy you, you have so many good disciples and grandchildren. Today, I have opened my eyes. I didn't expect Wanjia's internal kung fu to be so powerful. The power of this is truly a stunt. No wonder the Panther Commando has such a great reputation! There is half of your credit for it.”

The old man smiled when he heard Professor Chang's admiration, looked at his disciples and grandchildren with pride, and said emotionally, "You are over the top. Ha ha ha, but speaking of our Wan family's inner strength method, it is indeed true. A unique skill. After so many generations, our families have treasured our skills and are unwilling to join the disputes of the world. We have never walked out of the mountains. The experience of our ancestors has made us afraid, and we are afraid that the world will not allow us martial arts practitioners. But since Lin Er's father stepped out of the mountains and sacrificed for the country, his last words woke me up."

When the old man said, a sad look suddenly flashed in his eyes, and his tone became low. He turned around and looked at the rolling hills outside the courtyard, and continued: "Lin Er's father said, the world has changed. Now, it should be time for our Wan family to step out of the mountains and serve the country. Over the past few hundred years, our Wan family has grown from a huge family to now withered, and only our family is left alone, barely maintaining With the incense of thousands of families."

The old man's eyes turned red, he seemed to recall those relatives who had already passed away, and his words became more and more sad: "We have always followed the ancestral instruction and never walked out of the mountain, but the disputes in the world have not been far from this mountain, countless ancestors. They left with the social turmoil, and our ten thousand family eventually went from prosperity to decline, and only Lin Er and I were left in a huge family.”

The people around were watching the old man silently. Wan Lin came over and held his grandfather's hand. His eyes became red. With so many brothers and sisters around me, and with so many disciples of Wanjia, isn't our Wanjia going from decline to prosperity!"

Professor Chang took it over and said: "Brother, Wan Lin is right, the world has changed, the motherland is cherishing the unique skills of your family, and trying to help your family thrive. You have such a group of lively disciples and grandchildren around you, I think All are envious."

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