Panther Commando

Chapter 1132: The rise of Yamaguchi (1)

Just after Aso finished speaking, there was a thunderous roar on the phone. Aso quickly moved the microphone away from his ears. He knew that Kuroda, the boss of his Yamaguchi security guard, was furious.

Yamaguchi Security's boss Kurodahara is the grandson of a famous Yamaguchi underworld organization, a former elder, who has practiced martial arts since childhood and served in the R country's special forces for eight years. At that time, he was the most famous sniper in their special forces.

After he retired, the boss of the Yamaguchi organization let him join the underworld organization. He hesitated for a long time and finally refused.

One day after he had been idle in the society for two years, Yamaguchi's boss suddenly came to his house in person and once again proposed to let him join the organization

Looking at him, Kuroda shook his head and said, "I'm so sorry, when I retired, I swore I would never join a gang-related organization. My grandfather used to be a member of the organization. The purpose of serving is to avoid the fate of joining the organization. I'm really sorry. I didn't mean to belittle the organization. It's just that everyone has their own aspirations. Thank you for looking down on me."

Yamaguchi's boss watched him quietly for a while, smiled and said, "I'm a family friend with your grandfather. I know the reputation of the organization is not very good. I also understand your thoughts. I'm not here to let you join the organization. Do you want to join the organization? I'm not reluctant, but I value your ability and qualifications very much. Now the organization is also working hard to open up some legitimate industries. Now I have an idea. This time I came here to hear what you mean."

The boss then introduced his plans in detail until Kuroda realized that the Yamaguchi Organization had taken a fancy to the big cake of the international mercenary market.

Now some small and poor countries are often in turmoil. Some local politicians and various factions in turbulent areas not only need a large number of mercenaries to protect themselves, but also spend a lot of money to find mercenaries to eliminate hostile forces in order to protect themselves and weaken each other's strength; Some people with financial strength such as drug dealers and consortium bosses are also looking for mercenaries with actual combat experience to protect themselves. This turbulent and strife situation has created a huge market demand and has prospered the ancient profession of mercenaries.

The Yamaguchi Organization saw this and wanted to ask Kuroda to form a mercenary organization under the Yamaguchi Organization in order to get a share of the big cake of the international mercenary arena.

After the boss introduced the analysis of the mercenary market, he watched Kuroda quietly for a while and then said, "I understand your intentions. The business of this organization is mainly in foreign and domestic affairs. We will never let you meddle in and we will handle it ourselves. I thought of a name called Yamaguchi Security Company. This is just the name of our organization, and there will be no suspects involved in the underworld. You come to set up all the expenses and we will pay you. You are only responsible for forming and managing the company's shares and giving you 20% of the shares. You see How"

Kuroda was stunned. This condition is indeed too tempting, and the security company's business does not interfere with the actions of the Yamaguchi organization in the domestic underworld. reply"

Yamaguchi's boss smiled at him, got up and walked out. He firmly believed that Kuroda would agree. He knew the Kuroda family. This is a family that is not willing to be lonely. This retired special forces soldier will not be willing to be lonely. Came to the door and promised it

After the establishment of Yamaguchi Security, Kuroda immediately started to select a group of special forces with excellent skills and actual combat experience from the retired old comrades, and then released the news of the establishment of Yamaguchi Security in the mercenary market around the world.

In terms of business, they first started with some multinational companies in their own countries and undertaken some security and intelligence spying work as a breakthrough to enter the mercenary market, and then actively sought employers internationally.

Half a year after the company was established, Kuroda finally received an employment business assignment from a world-renowned oil company in a major western country to rescue a group of hostages hijacked by terrorists in their branch in the Middle East. The employment fee is very rich.

Kuroda was overjoyed that he had won this big business. Although the task was very difficult, it was a great opportunity for Kuroda to expand the reputation of his company. He knew that this was not only a lucrative business, but that his Yamaguchi Security Company was employed as a servant. The time has come for the military market to become famous

Kuroda personally selected more than a dozen subordinates with combat experience and personally led the team to go deep into the target country. After a detailed reconnaissance of the environment of the place where the hostages were being held, he led the team to secretly approach the place of detention on a stormy night with a lightning-fast offensive. The raid succeeded and quickly took the hostages to rescue the hostages in the siege and interception of nearly 100 terrorists. Although Hei Tian lost six or seven capable men in this operation, he still managed to rescue the hostages. He did an excellent job and completed the assignment given by the employer. Task

The success of rescuing the hostages this time, as Kuroda had expected, would make Yamaguchi Security immediately famous in the world of mercenaries, let the world finally know about the newly established Yamaguchi Security Company, and let people have a preliminary understanding of the strength of this new mercenary organization.

After the success of this operation, they soon ushered in a second big business. The second business was a big consortium hired to go to a small country in Africa to carry out an assassination mission. $8 million commission for local tribal leaders

Kuroda quickly studied the relevant information provided by the employer and investigated the local topography and the distribution of indigenous tribes. From the relevant information, it was understood that the location of this indigenous tribe has a rare metal deposit where an ancient African tribe has lived for generations. The geographical environment with a scale of more than 2,000 people belongs to a typical mountain and forest terrain. The local tribes mainly rely on hunting for a living. They are not only extremely aggressive but also have absolute loyalty to the clan leader.

After careful analysis of the target's geographical environment and the security situation, Kuroda immediately understood why the employer would spend 8 million dollars to assassinate the tribal leader, because once the other party buys the land containing rare metals, it will bring at least several 10. Tens of billions of dollars in revenue

But why did the other party find him, a small company that was just emerging

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