Panther Commando

Chapter 1135: play hard

Kuroda was startled, his body suddenly fell backward, his right hand was raised, and the black shadow in front of him fell to the ground with a flash of fire. At the same time, an exclamation of "ah" suddenly came from not far away, followed by a black shadow, followed by a "bang" bowstring sound, and an arrow shadow flew towards Kuroda like lightning.

Kuroda's body that was leaning back suddenly slanted to the side, and the lightning-like shadow of the arrow flew past him with the sound of the wind. At the same time, the black shadow jumping out in front suddenly fell to the ground with a groan. Apparently, the team behind Kuroda shot in time to kill the opponent.

Fortunately, the valley was very lively, and the singing and roaring drowned out the screams made by the shadow just now. Cold sweat broke out from Kuroda's body, and he hurriedly stepped on the torches that fell beside him. He looked around vigilantly, and secretly said in his heart: If he hadn't reacted in time, he would have been pierced by spears or sharp arrows. ! Unexpectedly, these black people hidden in the thatched grass did not have a breath, and even the sniper who had been specially trained was deceived.

Heotian's heart couldn't help but be vigilant. There are tribal hunters who have hunted for a living for generations. These people have a natural ability to hide themselves, and their legs are extremely flexible. A little carelessness may make themselves stay in this valley forever. middle.

Kuroda gritted his teeth hard and walked towards the valley. Along the way, they killed six or seven hunters who were on guard at the foot of the mountain.

Fortunately, these indigenous people did not have professional knowledge and did not know how to place the post. Although their post was placed on the only way to enter the valley, they did not establish contact with each other in terms of vision.

They thought that as long as they found the sound of outsiders, people in the valley could be alerted, but they didn't expect that they could not see far in such a dark night, and today is a festival in the valley, and the people who were vigilant at the back couldn't hear the front at all. The warning sound came, and Kuroda shot at such a fast speed that there was no time for the other party to sound the alarm.

Kuroda made his way all the way into the valley. The valley echoed with singing and the beat of beating bones. A group of young black men and women were dancing in the middle of the bonfire for some unknown dance? The people around were watching with great interest, making strange noises from time to time, and no one noticed him as an uninvited guest.

Kuroda swaggered into the valley, and found a huge rock more than ten meters high at a distance of 600 or 700 meters away from the singing and dancing bonfires. The rock stood not far from the foot of the mountain. It rolled down, and it was far away from those scattered thatched huts, and there was no one around quietly.

He looked at the distance and saw that no one was paying attention to him, got up and jumped up and climbed to the top of the boulder and sat down. From a distance, he looked like a native sitting on a rock watching the lively valley ahead.

Kuroda looked around and saw that no one was paying attention to him. He raised his hand and inserted his hand into his waist. He took off the sniper rifle from his shoulder and unwrapped the rags. Then he took off the cloth bag behind him and placed a few grenades. At his side, a spare magazine was inserted into his waist.

In the valley, except for the bonfire in the center, it was bright as day, and the surrounding area was dark and light.

Seemingly inadvertently, Kuroda slowly raised his sniper rifle and placed it in front of him, his eyes slowly scanning the cheerful crowd through the sniper scope. He knew that the more generous he was at this time, the less attention he was going to get.

His eyes suddenly stopped in front of the stone house. Several gray-haired old black men were sitting in a row of chairs, and there was a row of tables in front of them. There seemed to be a lot of food on it, and several people were holding bowls. He smiled and watched the crowd singing and dancing in front of him.

Kuroda moved in his heart, carefully recalling the pictures of the target his employer had shown him, and the muzzle slowly moved on the faces of the old men. Finally, his gun stopped, yes, it was him! Kuroda's heart skipped a beat.

He slowly got up on one knee from the top of the stone, held the gun body stably with both hands, and pressed it against his shoulders tightly, and slowly pulled the trigger with his fingers. He held his breath, focusing all of his body and mind on the target.

Just as he pulled the trigger, a childish voice sounded from the side, "Pfft" Kuroda's finger slammed the trigger, and the muzzle turned to the direction of the sound, "Pfft" and "Pfft" again and again. Pulled the trigger twice.

A cloud of blood mist suddenly appeared from the heads of the two little black figures, and a sharp exclamation of "Ah" sounded from the grass not far away, and a low figure suddenly stood up from the grass and walked to the side. run away. It is estimated that the two children's companions just finished standing up in the grass, and just happened to see this scene.

She let out a shrill cry as she ran, but just a few steps away, a cloud of mist appeared on her head, and she fell to the ground. At the same time, there was a sudden scream from the bonfire in the middle of the valley, followed by countless figures running towards Kuroda.

Obviously, the screams of the child who suddenly stood up pointed out the direction of the assassins for the people in the valley. The bursts of cries made the valley hum, and countless black people armed with spears and bows and arrows shouted loudly. Shouting towards Kuroda, angry eyes flashed on his dark face.

After Kuroda fired, he grabbed the grenade on the stone and threw it around then jumped off the stone and ran out of the valley. He knew that there would never be a living mouth under his gun, and the target must have been headshot on the spot.

From the beginning of the operation to the present, he has not hesitated to shoot six or seven unarmed women and children in order to assassinate the target. If he does not flee now, he will not let these angry crowds be torn to pieces.

The grenades of "Boom", "Boom" and "Boom" sounded one after another, and black figures were churning in the firelight. Kuroda kept throwing grenades around as he ran, and the surrounding thatched huts were ignited by the explosive flames. There was a scream of women and children, and screams and angry roars resounded in the valley, and the whole valley seemed to be boiling.

At this moment, Kuroda, who was running, suddenly heard the sound of breaking through the air. Arrows and spears flew around it with the sound of wind, and the sound of automatic rifles also came from his side. sounded from behind. The people who were chasing from behind threw their javelins and shot bows and arrows while running, and the guards with automatic rifles beside the patriarch also chased up with automatic rifles.

At this moment, gunshots suddenly came from the hillsides on both sides, and the gunshots of two Kuroda's subordinates rang violently, and the figures behind them turned to the ground.

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