Panther Commando

Chapter 1162: Dangerous Swamp (2)

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The grandfather smiled, took out a bamboo tube from the bag that he straddled, poured out a few pills and handed them to the crowd, saying, "This is the smell produced by the decay of trees, grass roots and animal carcasses for thousands of years, and it contains a lot of Toxic gas, everyone should take a detox pill first to prevent it." He said, and put one in his mouth.

Everyone quickly put the pills into their mouths, and a cool smell rose from their mouths straight into their minds, immediately dispelling the dizzying feeling of boredom.

Grandpa saw that everyone was carrying antidote pills, raised his finger and pointed to the vast swamp in front of him and said, "According to the older generation, this place was a forest thousands of years ago, and then the forest disappeared for unknown reasons, and a large number of trees were It gradually fell on this piece of land. With the continuous inflow of hot spring water behind the mountain and the rise of the underground water level, this plain has gradually formed this large swamp.”

The old man said, raised his foot and took a few steps forward, then raised the bamboo pole in his hand and gently inserted it into the swamp, "Pfft", the bamboo pole more than two meters long plunged into the swamp at once.

Xiaoya and the others stared at the bamboo pole that was deeply inserted into the mud. Lingling exclaimed, "My mother, it's so soft?"

Grandpa raised his hand to pull up the bamboo pole, turned his face and pointed to the front to look at the few people and said, "The soil and corrupted things on this ground have been soaked in water for thousands of years, and this ground has long formed a deep area. Bottomless silt. You have to be very careful when walking here, if you are not careful, you will be swallowed by the silt below. When I came here, I saw with my own eyes a huge antelope chased by a leopard and ran into it in a panic. In this swamp, the antelope just ran into the front for more than 20 meters, and then fell into the mud below with the leopard that was chasing after.

When everyone heard Grandpa's words, nervous expressions appeared on their faces. Xiaoya and Lingling held the hands of the two little girls tightly, lest they would run into the swamp in front of them without obedience. Several people's eyes followed Grandpa's bamboo pole. Pointing, looking forward.

There are puddles of different sizes in the endless swamp. There are clusters of weeds around the puddles. There are pieces of dark brown, rancid-smelling soil exposed between the puddles. The water in the puddles shows Dark brown, the silty stagnant water was like a black mirror in the sun, flashing with a bright black shimmer, and the swamp that could not be seen was muddy everywhere.

In the distant puddles, there were wisps of dark gray mist. On some overgrown meadows, there were solitary trees that were crooked and twisted. Not a single leaf could be seen on the intertwined branches. The twisted trunks and dead branches look particularly ferocious and terrifying in this silent swamp of black water.

The entire swamp is like a dark and green dead sea, and the unique ups and downs of the mountains are not visible at all. The birds and animals on the swamp are extinct, and the muddy scene is endless.

Xiaoya and the others just came from the lively hot springs. When they saw everything in front of them, they felt a layer of goosebumps on their bodies. There was no life in the endless swamp, as if they were in a barren apocalypse. among.

Everyone frowned after watching it for a while. No one thought that such a deadly and terrifying place was hidden in the depths of this vibrant mountain. It was the first time that Xiao Jingyi and Shanshan saw such a terrifying scene, and they unconsciously leaned against Xiaoya and Lingling, their faces turned pale, and their eyes were full of fear.

The three leopards were also lying quietly on the rocks at this time, staring at the swamp in front of them with glowing eyes, and seemed to have a nervous feeling.

The old man turned his head to look at everyone and said, "We in the mountains call this place the Jedi. Humans and beasts are rare, and birds don't come here to poop! You can't see any creatures all year round. Hunters in the mountains know this place, and when they come to this place, they will Stay far away from this place."

He said that he looked up at the blue sky and white clouds above his head, and then said: "You see everything here is calm now, but in fact there is great danger inside. Not only does it smell bad and dangerous, but also the climate is impermanent, and the climate and the mountains behind the mountains are decidedly different. It's different. If it catches up with spring, autumn and summer, it will be a blue sky for a while, wind and rain for a while, lightning and thunder for a while, and hailstones the size of eggs may fall from the top of the head at any time. Once humans and beasts stray into this place, they will most likely fall into bottomless darkness. The quagmire never sees the light of day."

When the old man said this, he turned back and looked at the mountain that was thousands of meters behind the mountain, and said leisurely: "Fortunately, there is this mountain behind us, which blocks the smell here and this huge swamp. Our ancestors chose to be in Settling here is because it is less traveled and relatively safe.”

After listening to Grandpa's words, everyone turned to look at the mountains behind them. Only then did they realize that they had lived here for so long, but they had never smelled the smell here. In the era of chaos and turmoil, this mountain was not a peaceful and pure land. Settling down in a place where people and animals were rare was indeed a safe haven from war.

Grandpa turned his head and said to a few people, "Let's go in and have a look later, remember: to lift up your true qi and use the Qinggong movement method to walk in it, you must step on the grassy meadow beside the puddle, and lift it up. Use a bamboo pole in front of your feet to check whether the mud under the meadow in front of you is Once you stray into the mud, don't struggle, stretch your body as much as possible to avoid getting deeper and deeper. Xiaoya and Lingling don't go in yet. Now, you're outside with your two kids, and make a note of the route we've taken."

As the old man said that, he bent down and rolled up his trouser legs, straightened up, took a deep breath, waved at the three leopards, raised his feet, and walked towards the swamp. The three leopards immediately straightened up and jumped out with the grandfather.

Wan Lin and the others also rolled up their trousers, looked at the swamp in front of each other, and walked forward with their feet scattered. Xiaoya and Lingling quickly took out a map and marked the route of the few people on the map with a pen.

The old man carefully walked about a kilometer in front, stopped and turned around to watch the movements of Wan Lin and the others. Several people were leaning on bamboo poles and lit the meadow in front of them from time to time, and their feet quickly crossed the meadows one by one. Every time they took a step, they made a "puchi" and "puchi" sound, and they walked very carefully.

The old man stood in front and smiled, and shouted to Wan Lin in a loud voice, "Lin'er, let's go ahead and have a look." With that, he raised his right arm, and suddenly threw the bamboo pole in his hand to the side, and jumped out with the tall body. The grass leaped forward like a smog.

Following the old man's shout, Wan Lin also threw off the bamboo pole in his hand, jumped up and jumped out behind the old man. one

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