Panther Commando

Chapter 1176: Loyalty, filial piety, benevolence and righteousness

Wan Lin and the others sat around the table and saw that the table was basically food brought by Wen Meng and Yingying, as well as two bottles of Maotai. Lingling looked at the table full of food in surprise and looked up at Wen Mengliang with a smile. The person asked, "Hee hee, why did you bring so much food? Did you make a fortune?"

Wu Xueying covered her mouth and said with a smile: "Of course, come to see the master, the brothers and sisters, you have to look a little bit like, Director Wang, don't you think?"

Wang Merlin picked up the chopsticks on the table, gestured at Wen Meng and Yingying who were snickering with their mouths covered, and said to Lingling and the others with a smile, "These two stinky girls insist on taking me to the mall to buy, They threw them all the way to the shopping cart, I followed them all the way, and when they got to the cashier, they ran out first, turned their heads and yelled at me to check out! They also forced me not to say that I bought it.”

"Hahaha" The people on the table laughed, Yingying stood up and picked up a roast chicken, broke off two thighs and handed it to the two little sisters, "giggle" laughed and said, "Who asked you to make money? We have more money than us, and our money is not enough to fill our stomachs." She said, looking at Wan Lin and the others with a smile on her face, and then said, "Don't worry about the instructors, we are not stingy. . Guarding a big money, not spending nothing."

Shanshan excitedly stretched out her little hand to take the chicken leg that Yingying handed over, picked it up and put it to her mouth and stopped suddenly, her big eyes rolled, and said, "I'll give it to mom!" She twisted her body as she spoke. Jumping from the chair, Xiao Jingyi also jumped off the chair at this time, and said, "I will also send it to auntie".

Both little girls ran to the kitchen with their drumsticks in hand. The two children are here, and life is taken care of by Shanshan's mother. Xiao Jingyi has already established a deep relationship with her, and she has also called her mother with Shanshan, but the word "big" is added in front.

Everyone was stunned for a moment, and then saw them running to the kitchen holding the chicken legs, and they all understood that they were going to deliver the chicken legs to Shanshan's mother. Everyone smiled and nodded and secretly said: The two children are kind!

Wang Merlin turned his head to look at his grandfather and Professor Chang, and sighed: "Mencius said: If you don't follow your parents, you can't be a person; if you don't obey your parents, you can't be a son. Well, you two elders teach well! How can an unfilial person be loyal? How can I be a son of man? Although loyalty and filial piety cannot be both, a person who has no filial piety in his heart cannot have the word loyalty and righteousness in his heart!"

Wan Lin and several others lowered their heads silently when they heard Wang Merlin's words. That's right, loyalty and filial piety can't be both, and he is fighting for the country in the army, and he really fails to do the filial piety to his parents and elders, and he is indeed ashamed of his parents.

After listening to Wang Merlin's sighs, the old man nodded heavily and said, "Yes, children should be taught to be filial and filial from a young age, so that they have a heart of benevolence and righteousness. In fact, for us military family members, children can have us in their hearts. That's enough. As long as they are doing business and have our relatives in their hearts, it doesn't matter if they are with us or not."

Wang Merlin raised his head and stared at the old man's gray hair, turned his head and sighed at Professor Chang: "This is the family of our son soldiers, without their support, how could a strong army come, and why would there be so much blood for the country? Kill the warrior!"

At this moment, Shanshan and Xiao Jingyi ran back with their chicken legs. The torches on the side of the courtyard wall were blazing brightly, and the faces of the two little girls were reflected red.

Xiaoya looked at them holding the chicken legs and asked with a smile, "Didn't you give it to mom? Why did you get it back?" Shanshan said loudly, "Mom said that Sister Mengmeng and Sister Yingying have already brought it to her mother. Okay." He Jingyi sat back in his chair again and nibbled the delicious food in his hands sweetly.

At this moment, Shanshan's mother was standing in the kitchen looking at her child, tears flowing silently from her eyes. She is a woman in a mountain village who does not know a few characters, but now she has such a group of good-hearted and knowledgeable people who are carefully teaching her daughter, and her heart is full of happiness and touching.

It was late at night, and the sky was dotted with stars. The torches in the Wanjia courtyard were burning brightly, illuminating the Wanjia courtyard. The jumping flames accompanied the laughter in the courtyard, covering the small courtyard with a joyful and peaceful atmosphere.

While watching the two little girls eat greedily, everyone smiled and held up their wine glasses. Wang Merlin stood up with his wine glass in his hand, pointed at Yingying and said, "Stinky girl, you just said that I am a rich man, when did I become a rich man? You guys are trying to please your masters, brothers and sisters this time, but I'm half-hearted. The monthly salary is gone, and I will tighten my belt in the second half of the month. Chang, I will be nervous at that time, but I will ask you to borrow a pension."

The people in the courtyard burst into laughter, and Professor Chang raised his face and laughed, and said repeatedly: "No problem, no problem!"

Wang Merlin smiled and turned his face to look at everyone, and said, "Okay, let's all raise our glasses, I'll first apologize to Grandpa, Wan Lin, and Cheng Ru!"

He said, took the glass and drank it. Everyone quickly stood up and took a sip. Wan Lin finished his glass of wine, waved his hand and said, "You are too polite, everyone is busy for the country, what is there to apologize for?"

Wang Merlin waved his hand to let everyone sit down, then sat down and turned to look at Professor Chang and asked, "Brother Chang, how are your two little disciples?"

When Professor Chang heard him ask about his two primary school students, a smug look immediately appeared on his face. He looked at Jingyi and Shanshan, who were nibbling on chicken legs with gusto, and replied, "This is But two little geniuses, not only did they learn a kung fu from the old man, but also the culture class is easy to understand. I think this is the effect of Wanjia's internal skills. Ha ha ha, it is my blessing to be able to teach such students, two little guys It's amazing. Jingyi and Shanshan, chat with Director Wang in the foreign language you've learned."

When Jingyi heard Professor Chang's words, she forgot one thing about Wang Merlin in surprise, and wondered in her heart: Grandpa Wang can speak foreign languages? But she hurriedly put down the chicken thigh in her hand, stretched her neck and swallowed the chicken in her mouth vigorously, and said a long string of words with a red face.

Wang Merlin talked to her casually, Shanshan also started chatting to the side at this time, Xiaoya and Lingling also joined in enthusiastically at this time, a few of them spoke fluently and kept laughing.

Wan Lin and Cheng Ru listened quietly, knowing that they were communicating in English at this time. They glanced at Professor Chang admiringly. Wen Meng whispered by the side: "Professor Chang can speak six languages." Wan Lin and the others couldn't help but secretly admire that the national security system is really hiding dragons and crouching tigers, and they are all talented in both civil and military.

The three of them chatted for a while, and Wang Merlin suddenly changed his tone and spoke a string of languages ​​again.

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