Panther Commando

Chapter 1198: Electronic Warfare

At this moment, in the pitch-black mountains surrounding Wanjia Xiaoyuan, a few black shadows were emerging like ghosts from the darkness. Apex Novel w-w-wusc-o-m. Cheng Ru and several people drilled out from several holes, and they heard Wan Lin's order as soon as they appeared silently from the tunnel.

Several people answered, and according to the plan agreed on near the hot spring yesterday evening, scattered from the exits of several different caves in the mountains, and flanked the direction of the hot spring.

A few black shadows undulating rapidly in the dark mountains, Xiaobai and Qiuqiu's eyes flickered and appeared, closely following Xiaoya's side, rushing forward.

At the same time, in the mountains two kilometers away in front of Wanlin, Aso and several people were hiding on various hills, lying on the back of the gun and slowly turning the muzzle, observing the rolling hills ahead through the scope on the gun, Waiting for Takahashi to drive the opponent into his position.

On a hillside not far from Aso's side, a Yamaguchi team member was slowly moving in the direction with a small square box on which a stubby cylindrical antenna was erected. He stared intently at a small LCD screen above, which showed many dense green spots several kilometers away. He knew that it was the electronic signal of the densely defended group of officers and soldiers around the target residence.

At this moment, a brighter and brighter dot suddenly jumped out of the dense circle of dots, and was quickly approaching him from left to right, and a green dot appeared not far behind. Dot, in tight pursuit of the dot in front. Obviously, the dot in front is the leopard's head being chased by the deputy commander, Takahashi.

With a happy expression on his face, he kept adjusting a **** in his hand, stared at the two fast-moving light spots for a while, and happily reported the results of his detection to his companions.

When the surrounding Yamaguchi team members heard the team's detection results, they were all energized, pulled the bolt gently, pressed their faces to the **** of the gun, and pressed their fingers lightly on the trigger. The dark mountains echoed faintly. the sound of the gun bolt.

Aso was lying coldly on the top of the hill, staring at the front through the scope of the automatic rifle, and the reports of the detection teammates constantly came from the earphones: "The target distance is 2,000 meters", "1,800 meters." , "One thousand five hundred meters"...

Aso listened to his subordinate's report, and a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth. With modern detection methods, he knows the other side's actions like the back of his hand. Where else can you go? ! He gently released the automatic rifle in his hand, raised his hand, picked up the bazooka on the edge of the stone, and placed it on the stone in front of him, ready to shoot at any time.

"Report" At this moment, a hurried voice of his subordinates suddenly came from his earphones, "Several new signal sources appear around the target residence, they are moving fast, and the current direction is unknown!"

Aso was shocked. Could it be that the troops defending Leopard Head's homeland sent reinforcements? He hurriedly lowered his head and ordered, "Determining the number of people and the direction of the other party's travel?" As soon as he finished speaking, the urgent voice of the surveillance team came from the earphone: "All the signals of the other party suddenly disappeared!"

Aso was stunned, all the radio signals disappeared? He immediately understood that the other party must have considered that he might have radio monitoring equipment, so he suddenly turned off all radio equipment at this time and implemented radio silence.

He immediately informed Takahashi in front of him into the microphone: "Deputy head, pay attention to your back. Monitoring suddenly found that there were several unknown targets outside the protection circle of the target's residence."

Just as Aso said this, there was a sudden silence in the earphones. "Hello," he whispered immediately, but there was still no sound in the earphones. Aso understands that the other party also has radio countermeasure equipment, which is a radio shielding for himself!

He quickly turned his head to look at the monitor not far away, and saw that the other party was hurriedly gesturing to him, informing him that the other party had implemented radio blocking.

Aso cursed inwardly: Damn, the battle hasn't started yet, the two sides started electronic confrontation first, it seems that the other party's equipment is really good. He raised his hand and made a "understand" gesture to his subordinates, then turned his head and looked behind him. Four black shadows were flashing in the mountains behind him, rushing towards him.

Aso knew that this was Yoshino, the leader of the third group, who had planned to cover up behind him. After receiving the order from Takahashi, he rushed over from the direction of the hot spring with his three team members, preparing to intercept the opponent with his own group.

He quickly stood up and indicated his position to the people behind him. A few shadows ran over and immediately dispersed and concealed. Only one shadow ran straight to his position. When the shadow ran close to him, Aso realized that it was Yoshino, the head of the three groups, who ran over.

Yoshino ran to Aso and lay down, turned his head and asked, "The opponent hasn't appeared yet?" On the surrounding hills, two light machine guns have been set up, forming a blocking position around them.

When he saw all the team members were in place, he turned his head to look at Yoshino and replied: "The opponent is approaching our area. The opponent suddenly blocked our communication facilities just now, and they themselves implemented radio silence. The opponent was detected for the last time. The figure is more than a thousand meters away from us. Hehe, it is already a face-to-face battle, let's wait for the deputy head to drive the opponent Yoshino is checking his shoulders at this time He wanted to check the opponent's situation through the camera on Takahashi's body, but there was already a snowflake on it. When he heard Aso's words, he immediately turned off the monitor with a "click" angrily, and scolded in a low voice: "Baga , no wonder it's full of snowflakes." He then picked up the night vision binoculars and looked ahead.

At this moment, a few red lights suddenly flashed in the distance, followed by the sound of sniper rifles "poof" and "poof", and several groups of weak gunfire lit up one after the other from the front.

Aso and Yoshino immediately lowered their bodies, pulled the bolt with a "crash" sound, and pressed the **** tightly against their shoulders. Several people knew in their hearts that the opponent must have been driven in his direction by Takahashi with bullets.

Wan Lin was running fast among the mountains, and the trees, stones and rolling hills in the mountains had become the cover for his fast movement. Under the hazy starlight, his fast-moving body merged with the trees and rocks for a while, and then jumped out from the top of the hills again.

He was running attentively, and in his mind he could already feel a few clusters of life breaths thousands of miles away. The nerves in his brain were already tense, and his left hand quickly pulled the bolt of the gun.

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