Panther Commando

Chapter 1304: cliff fissure

Henry thought of this and stared nervously at the dangerous mountain road ahead. The left side of this mountain road was steep rock walls, and the right side was a cliff. He could not enter the mountain in this terrain at all.

He immediately stepped on the gas and drove forward, staring nervously at the cliff, eager for a passage that would allow him to get into the mountain as soon as possible. Driving on such a narrow mountain road, once the pursuers on both sides of the road came over, he could only sit still and have no power to fight back.

After half an hour, he finally saw a longing crevice in the cliff ahead. He slowed down and slowly parked the car on the edge of the cliff beside the road, looking sideways at the crack that suddenly appeared in the cliff on the left side of the road.

There is a narrow crack more than two meters wide on the steep cliff that stretches like a whole piece of slate, as if a whole piece of slate was slashed by an axe from top to bottom. A gap was cracked on the cliff, extending straight into the mountain behind the cliff, and the cracks were full of large and small rubble.

Henry was overjoyed when he saw this, and immediately pulled the handbrake of the car and jumped out of the car. He glanced vigilantly on both sides of the mountain road, and there was no car in sight on the mountain road. He let out a long sigh, and then a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth: There is no way in the sky, if you want to stop me, the Black Hawk sniper, on the road, stop dreaming!

He immediately picked up his equipment bag from the back seat of the car and carried it on his back, lifted the sniper rifle leaning against the door, then walked to the edge of the cliff in front of the car and glanced down. The white mist shrouded the bottom of the cliff, and it was impossible to see how deep it was.

Henry walked to the car with no expression on his face, leaned his upper body into the car, released the car's handbrake, turned the steering wheel slightly to the right, and then pushed the car forward with his shoulders against the door, the car slowly moved to the right. The tires were turning on the edge of the cliff on the side. Henry pushed his shoulders against the car and ran forward for two steps, then backed away.

The car slid slowly to the side of the road along the slope, and then suddenly the rear of the car tilted back and fell headlong down the cliff. Henry quietly watched the car disappear from his field of vision, followed with a cold look behind him, turned and crossed the mountain road and drilled into the crack in the stone wall on the opposite side.

After he ran for dozens of meters into the mountain along the gravel under the stone crevice, he heard a faint "boom" from the bottom of the cliff behind him.

Henry stopped and didn't look back, and then heard an explosion of "Boom", and a cloud of black smoke slowly rose from under the cliff. There was a flash of coldness in his eyes, and he turned around and drilled into the mountain.

In the electronic information command hall of the Provincial National Security Bureau, Wang Molin and Ye Feng were sitting on the sofa on the side of the hall, their eyes fixed on a huge electronic topographic map on the wall screen. The picture is showing the towering and precipitous mountains of S province, a thick black line that twists and turns, and a bright red bright spot is slowly moving along the black curve.

Ye Feng pointed to the bright spot and explained to Wang Molin: "The red dot is the jeep driven by Wan Lin, and it has a GPS positioning system on it." Wang Molin nodded, knowing that the jeep Wan Lin was driving was originally owned by the Provincial National Security Bureau, and all the vehicles of the National Security Bureau were equipped with a satellite positioning system, which was convenient for determining the location during the operation.

His eyes were fixed on the topographic map on the wall, his brows were slightly raised, and he looked pensive. While looking at the terrain in the mountains, he said thoughtfully: "Wan Lin is tracking in this direction, which means that Henry, the sniper, has guessed that two of his men have fallen into our hands. This kid has a very fast reaction speed. He turned into this mountain road to avoid us looking for his traces to find another truck escorting arms, and he himself went to the mountain to find another way of men. By the way, is there any gain in tracking the other party's mobile phone number?" Said Then, he turned his head and glanced at Ye Feng beside him.

"No, I've been tracking for several days, and there is no information. The other party has been in a shutdown state. It is estimated that he has replaced the mobile phone chip." Ye Feng replied immediately. Just after he finished speaking, he suddenly raised his finger and pointed at the red dot on the screen and said, "Look, Wan Lin's car has stopped!"

Wang Molin quickly turned his head to look at the map. Sure enough, the red dot that was moving just now suddenly stopped at a corner, and he immediately said, "Contact Wan Lin to find out what happened?"

Ye Feng immediately dialed Wan Lin's phone and asked, and then pressed the speakerphone key. Wan Lin's voice soon came from the phone: "Report, I followed Xiaohua's instructions to chase here. Xiaohua said that the smell of the other party's car disappeared here. I'm getting out of the car to check, wait a moment."

After a while, Wan Lin's voice rang again on Ye Feng's phone: "I am now at a bend in the middle of the mountain, with a cliff on the right and a steep rock wall on the left. There is a crack of about two meters on the cliff. Xiaohua just now I have already ran into the crack and smelled it, and confirmed that the other party has followed the crack into the mountain, it seems that he abandoned the car and left."

He paused for a while and then said: "I now find that a faint black smoke is bubbling from the bottom of the cliff on the right, and there is a smell of burning in the air. It is estimated that the opponent has realized that he is being tracked, and abandoned the car here and went into the mountain to find the mountain. The other side of the road has gone down. It is very likely that the car was destroyed by the opponent at the bottom of the cliff. I am going to abandon the car and go into the mountain to track it. You can send someone to deal with my car. In addition, Xiaohua said during the tracking process that she found the other party's car inside. There is a smell of the dead, you send someone to check it, it is estimated that it is the body of the car owner hijacked by the opponent."

Wang Molin pondered for a while and said to the phone, " Be safe and keep in touch at any time." "Yes!" Wanlin answered firmly, then hung up the phone.

Wang Molin glanced at the still red dot on the screen and said to Ye Feng: "Inform the local police to investigate and tow Wan Lin's car back...

Wan Lin was walking fast in the mountains with a tactical backpack and a sniper rifle. Xiao Hua was running back and forth hundreds of meters in front of him, his head raised from time to time, sniffing the smell in the air.

Wan Lin watched Xiaohua's tortuous running route while walking, and analyzed in his heart: Xiaohua was moving along the running route of the Black Hawk sniper. Judging from the opponent's movement line, the opponent has entered a state of battle, which is completely a standard battle tactical action.

Thinking of this, there was a sudden flash of light in his eyes, his body suddenly gathered true energy, and he was full of energy, carefully observing the grass and trees in the mountains in front of him. In which corner is the opponent most likely to be hidden? You can shoot deadly sniper bullets at yourself at any time.

He also picked up the speed under his feet, and ran forward suddenly from left to right. Every step he took, he ran to the obstacle in front of him to prevent his opponent from locking him with a sniper rifle when he paused.

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