Panther Commando

Chapter 1311: crisis everywhere

The sudden attack made Henry's whole body tense. He reacted quickly, pulled the bolt with his left hand, raised the muzzle to the place where the sparks appeared on the top of the mountain, and pulled the trigger several times in a row, followed by holding the sniper rifle and pounced from behind the tree to the hillside. Going out, the body fell to the ground and quickly rolled to the foot of the mountain along the **** of the mountain.

He quickly rolled to the edge of a rock at the foot of the mountain, kicked his foot, and suddenly jumped behind the rock, then bent down and stood up, quickly swaying along the foot of the mountain and flew forward, and it didn't take long. Disappeared behind the foot of the mountain on the side.

At this moment, Wan Lin and Xiao Hua were sticking out half of his head from the side of a rock on the side of the top of the mountain and staring coldly at Henry who was running away. Just now, he was more than 1,400 meters away from his opponent. He had just run along the ridge here when he found that his opponent suddenly jumped towards the hillside.

Just as the opponent moved his gaze towards the top of the mountain, he decisively raised the gun and pulled the trigger. It was in the morning, and the line of sight between the mountains and the fields was excellent. If the other side looked in his direction, he would definitely find his footprints on the ridge. Since the other side would find that he was already following him, it would be better to preemptively attack the other side. Sharp.

Although there is no certainty that this shooting distance will hit the opponent accurately, shooting will damage the opponent's self-confidence. Sniping is not only a contest of marksmanship, but also a contest of tactics and psychological endurance!

Sure enough, Wan Lin's shot just hit the opponent's invisible trunk, but now that he sees his opponent fleeing in embarrassment, he knows that his shot has achieved the expected effect, and this arrogant Black Hawk sniper's self-confidence must be was hit hard.

At this time, Xiaohua stood beside the stone and saw the other party fleeing in embarrassment.

"Go, catch up, we can't let him live in peace!" Wan Lin turned to look at Xiao Hua and said with a smile. Xiaohua shook her big tail vigorously, and jumped out of the rock with a swoosh. Wan Lin chased forward along the ridge with a sniper rifle, and immediately left a shallow footprint on the snow-covered ridge.

That afternoon, with a pair of large brown goggles on his face, Henry was using standard tactical marching movements in the mountains, running fast from left to right, leaving a large S-shaped footprint on the snow behind him.

The speed of the leopard sniper behind him was too fast. During the brief exchange of fire between the two in the morning, he was so impressed by the opponent's fast-moving action that he had to speed up his advance.

At this time, the sun had already set behind him, and the warm sunlight shot from the oblique rear to the white snow in front of him, and the scenery in front of him was completely visible. His tall body cast a long shadow under the setting sun behind him, and swayed quickly with his movements on the snow, like a long black snake twisting and crawling forward in the snow.

Henry looked at the shadow in front of him and smiled. How could his black eagle, which was supposed to soar in the air, suddenly change into the shape of a long snake? He turned his head and glanced behind him. The rolling hills were white and flawless, and there were only his own rolling footprints on the soft snow, and no other traces could be seen.

A sudden movement occurred in his heart, he raised the sniper rifle in his hand and looked to the side while running. In the morning, the snow-covered breeze was still blowing, and I don't know when it has stopped.

Suddenly, two tiny marks on the hillside in the distance stretched forward faintly on the snow, extending all the way to the top of a mountain four or five hundred meters ahead. Henry frowned, and threw himself behind a rock on the side of the hill.

"Is it the trace of a beast?" Henry hesitated in his heart, but the movements under his feet were fast. There were dangers hidden at any time in this seemingly peaceful mountain, and he did not dare to be careless.

He jumped behind the rock and first observed the surrounding terrain. This was a rocky beach that rolled down the hillside with the mudslide. The surrounding area was dotted with large and small stones, the largest being as tall as a person. He nodded with satisfaction. Not only was it easy to hide here, but it could also be evacuated from behind the stones in time when the situation was critical.

He crawled to the middle of a pile of stones, slowly stretched out the sniper rifle from the gap between the two stones, and then leaned behind the gun and looked through the sniper scope to carefully examine the traces that slipped to the top of the mountain.

On the thick snow on the ridge, there are traces of trampling. The imprints are not like human footprints, but a bit like those left by large animals running, but the shape is slightly different, and the traces are very shallow. Henry frowned and muttered in his heart: No, if a large animal runs, it will definitely leave deep paw prints on the snow. Why are these traces so shallow?

He raised the muzzle suspiciously and looked up along the trace. On the top of the mountain are a few more snow-covered rocks and a few snow-covered trees, standing quietly on the top of the mountain. There are a few bushes on the hillside covered with rolling snow, and there is nothing unusual.

Henry took a deep breath and stared quietly around the top of the mountain. From a cluster of bushes near the top of the mountain, the golden pheasant, which had always been colorful, suddenly flew out, flapping its wings that reflected colorful in the sunlight. , ran down the hillside in panic.

Henry was startled, the muzzle of the gun was immediately aimed at the surroundings of the golden pheasant, and the left hand quickly pulled the gun bolt. "Hey," a small yellow animal suddenly jumped out of the bushes and flew towards the golden pheasant that flapped its wings and wanted to quack", a panicked sound of golden pheasant suddenly sounded in the mountains. With a chirping sound, the yellow animal that was thrown out suddenly stretched out its two front claws in the air, and fell to the hillside like lightning. It pressed the golden pheasant to the snow, and its sharp teeth flashed coldly, and it bit the prey's neck in one bite. superior.

A trail of blood immediately spilled onto the surrounding snow, shimmering bright red in the sun. "Leopard!" Henry was shocked. Could it be that the other person and beast actually went around him and ran along the ridge in front of him?

He immediately aimed the sniper muzzle at the yellow animal's head. At this moment, the small animal's claws tightly pressed the struggling golden pheasant, and turned its head to observe the surroundings vigilantly.

Henry raised his hand and took off the goggles on his face, with a cold expression on his face, he stuck close to the gun, and said to himself: "The wind speed is level 2, and the distance is 1250 meters. Hey, you leopard is not a human-animal one Then I will kill your assistant first!" His left hand slightly adjusted the **** on the gun body, "Pfft" his right hand gently pulled the trigger.

Under the sunlight, a fast-moving transparent vortex immediately appeared in the silent air. The small animal that was 1000 meters away suddenly gave a miserable howl, and fell backwards on its back. A bright red blood mist suddenly rose into the air. rise!

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