Panther Commando

Chapter 1345: explosion moment

In the undulating terrain in the pit, the members of the commando quickly rushed to four or five hundred meters away from the rock wall where the enemy was located. .

A few people are trying their best to suppress the enemy's firepower. Now that the leopard head is flying towards the side woods, they must suppress the enemy fire on the cliffs and hills ahead. A few cracks in the giant stone on the opposite side are shooting out fire.

The positions of both sides were hit by a string of bullets, a stream of white stone chips, and a block of mud that was hit by the bullet flew in the air. Bullets from both sides pierced the air with a sharp whistling sound.

After a brief exchange of fire, firepower suddenly increased on the boulder bunker where the opponent was located and the mountain pack dozens of meters away. The firepower network, the fiery bullets whistled towards the stones and grass in the center of the tiankeng. As long as Xiaoya and a few showed their heads, they immediately attracted a shower of bullets, and the firepower of the commandos was suppressed by the crossfire of the opponent. down.

At this time, he vigorously held the machine gun in the crack in the middle of a boulder, quietly observing the opponent's firepower, and the rest of the team members were also suppressed by the opponent's crossfire behind the cover.


Cheng Ru stooped and ran over with a sniper rifle from behind with the help of various shelters. He coldly observed the opponent's position where fire was spewed from time to time through a crack in the rock.

The position chosen by the opponent is indeed easy to defend and difficult to attack. Fortunately, there was no gunshots in the woods on the side. Obviously, the snipers there have been entangled by Wan Lin and the two leopards and cannot be separated. Otherwise, the team members will cross fire on the enemy's three sides. In the middle, it is difficult for one's own side to find the position of stealth shooting.

He was optimistic about the enemy's flaming firepower, and whispered into the microphone: "Wen Meng, you are responsible for suppressing the firepower on the mountain!" After speaking, he quietly extended his sniper rifle from the stone crevice and aimed at a gap in the opposite boulder. Pulled the trigger lightly.

With the two soft sounds of "poof" and "poof", two clusters of white dust immediately emerged from the stone crevice opposite, and the gunshots in the crevice stopped abruptly. Cheng Ru pulled the trigger and immediately ran behind the rock with the gun in his arms.

"Papapapa", Cheng Ru just left the sniper spot just now, a string of bullets hit the surrounding stones, and a piece of splashed gravel hit the body armor and helmet behind him, sending out There was a "crack crack" sound.

Cheng Ru kicked the ground and threw himself behind the stone on the side, muttering in his heart: "The other Black Hawks are really well-trained, not only are they very quick to respond, but their marksmanship is accurate. Bullets followed."

At this time, the gunfire on the opposite side suddenly sparsed. Cheng Ru glanced at Wen Meng sideways, and saw that she was also rolling on the rocks with a sniper rifle, and was shifting the sniper position. It is estimated that her shot was muted and the firepower that was strafing towards her side was muted.

At the moment when the sound of the pistol was weaker, the surrounding team members suddenly jumped out from the invisible place, and a powerful light machine gun suddenly sounded from a boulder on the side. Zhang Wa, Xiaoya, Lingling and Wu Xueying moved forward. While strafing, he quickly rushed behind the front cover. At this time, Henry was using the residual power of the two grenades he threw to jump out of the woods and rush towards the front cliff. He knew that no matter whether the grenade could hurt the two pursuers? The huge explosion can definitely slow down the speed of the opponent's pursuit and provide time for himself to evacuate. Every minute and second at this time determines whether he can safely retreat to the cave.

Carrying a sniper rifle, Henry lowered his body and followed the undulating grass and rocks to the left and right, and ran for more than 100 meters towards the cave with all his strength. rice place.

As long as he crosses the boulder, he can attack the enemy behind him at any time. Once the battlefield situation is unfavorable, he can quickly enter the cave and evacuate along the dark river with his men.

Just as Henry got up and jumped behind a mound in front, his eyes immediately swept to a rock four or five meters away in front of him. A strong wind flew over his head suddenly, and two slender reflections flashed across the bluestone in front of him.

Henry's heart sank, and the body that was about to jump suddenly fell on the grass. "Boom", "Boom", two huge explosions suddenly came from in front of him, and the entire Tiankeng shook in the huge explosion.

Countless rocks on the cliffs around the tiankeng rolled down along the rock wall with a "crawl", and the sound of boulders rolling down one after another sounded around the tiankeng, and the whole tiankeng shook violently with the loud noise. write.

Henry was stunned, this was the bow and arrow bomb shot by the leopard's head! He had experienced this kind of bomb when he played against the opponent last time, but it was on the open ground in the mountains. Although the explosion was amazing, it did not show such great destructive power. , such a bomb would generate such a huge momentum.

In the huge explosion, all the gunfire stopped abruptly, everyone hid in the low-lying place and pressed close to the ground to prevent the bomb fragments and gravel flying in the air from hurting themselves. A loud explosion resounded loudly.

At this time, a round of rising sun had already hung obliquely above the Tiankeng, and the dazzling pale yellow light shone into the hazy Tiankeng in a flash.

In the flames of the countless pieces of gravel and mud danced in the air near the cave, and two huge plumes of smoke rose into the sky. As the flames of the explosion extinguished, the earth and gravel that covered the sky fell to the surroundings with a "crack and crackle".

At the moment when the fire was extinguished, Henry suddenly jumped out of the hidden place and ran quickly towards the cliff against the falling gravel and soil.

The situation on the battlefield was changing in an instant, and every minute and second at this time was determining whether his life could continue.

The surrounding air was incomparably hot from the huge explosion, and the gravel and soil that fell from the air smashed onto his helmet and body, but Henry clenched his teeth and rushed forward desperately regardless. At this moment, only a veteran like him, who had experienced a hundred battles, dared to rush out in the moment after this violent explosion.

Henry knew that at this time it was a matter of life and death, and he was racing with his own life. If he rushes out a second earlier, he may be hit with debris by the oncoming fragments; if he rushes out a second later, he may be penetrated by the bullets fired by the pursuers behind him.

At this moment, he is competing with the **** of death for every minute and every second, and he has gathered all the energy in his body to run desperately, and he does not dare to slack off in the slightest!

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