Panther Commando

Chapter 1355: Send off

"Hahahaha" Everyone laughed when they saw Charlie's bold look, and they were both happy for him and seemed to have some sadness in their hearts. How can a world-famous sniper who once galloped on the special battlefield really let go of the weapon he loves?

He was just out of the strife of the world. Perhaps, in the future, he can only smell the pungent smoke of gunpowder in his own shooting range; he can only hold mellow wine in his pasture and recall the battlefield where he used to be all-powerful.

After Charlie said this, he turned around and strode toward the edge of the cliff. His tall body rose and fell on the undulating grass. His walking pace was light and powerful, and he had reached the edge of the steep cliff in a blink of an eye. Standing on the edge of the cliff, he suddenly stopped, turned his head and glanced deeply behind him.

"Salute!" Wan Lin suddenly shouted, followed by raising his hands in salute to Charlie who stood upright and looked at the distance. All the team members around him suddenly straightened their backs and slammed their guns in a gun salute.

Crystal tears suddenly flashed in Henry's eyes, this is a group of the best special forces in the world seeing him off! He has no regrets in his life!

He turned around and jumped high, his fingers slammed into a crack on the cliff that was more than three meters high, his body swayed and his feet kicked on a raised rock on the side, and he kicked his feet vigorously, and his tall body then jumped up to six. On a seven-meter-high rock, he rose and fell with his body, and in the blink of an eye, he had already climbed hundreds of meters.

Wan Lin watched Charlie leave, turned around and saw the team members who were looking a little miserable. Knowing that they were still feeling sad that Charlie, an excellent special soldier, had left the stage, he waved his hand and said, "There's nothing to regret, we Wouldn't there be such a day in the future? This is the law of nature, and none of us can permanently fight on this battlefield."

He was consoling his teammates, but there was a touch of sadness in his words. Those of them who were used to the hail of bullets and the greed and grudges on the battlefield, can they still adapt to that ordinary civilian life?

He shook his head mockingly, stared at Xiaoya and Zhang Wa and asked, "Did the remaining enemies slip away from the cave?"

He had seen from the corner of his eyes that the two were running from the direction of the opposite cliff, and he had already heard the sound of the rapids coming from the direction of the cliff, and he guessed that there must be a dark river there. If the remaining enemies were not wiped out, they must have slipped through there.

Zhang Wa and Xiaoya looked at him in surprise and nodded, Wan Lin's face became serious again. After hoeing, we must not let these few enemies who once killed our compatriots survive! He ordered in a low voice: "Go, go and have a look."

As he said that, he raised his feet and walked quickly towards the cliff. The two leopards immediately jumped off his shoulders and ran out in a flash.

Wan Lin came to the entrance of the cave and saw Dali and Lingling standing guard near the entrance with guns, and immediately said: "Lingling, report the situation to the national security system, let them immediately find out the flow of the dark river, and send someone to intercept it at the exit of the dark river. "Speaking, he took out the strong light flashlight and got into the dark cave.

The sound of a huge torrent reverberated in the cave. Wan Lin raised his flashlight to observe the spacious cave, and then walked to the river to shine the flashlight beam on the river in front of him. He squatted on the edge of the river and stretched out his hand to the river below, a chill that was piercing to the bone immediately rushed up with his fingers.

He quickly retracted his hand and turned his head to face Zhang Wa behind him and said, "The river is so cold. You can find a tree branch and throw it into the river to test the flow rate of the dark river."

He said, walked to the edge of the cave, picked up a large stone, and threw it into the river with all his strength. The stone fell into the water and sank with a "pop". From the dull voice, it could be heard that the river was deep, and he raised a strong flashlight to shine into the depths of the cave.

The wide river flows quietly forward, the tall cave walls on both sides are rugged, and the front cave echoes the echo of the water hitting the river bank.

Wan Lin turned around and raised his flashlight to take a picture of the upper reaches of the river. The sound of a huge torrent was echoing in the dark cave. Wan Lin listened to the huge sound with some surprise, and secretly said in his heart: Judging from this huge sound, the upstream should be billowing with rolling waves and extremely fast currents, but the river in front of him was as calm as a mirror, and there was no way to see it on the water. A fast-flowing river, if the flow of the river is fast, it means that the underwater must be surging.

At this moment, Zhang Wa dragged a thick tree branch nearly two meters in length from outside the cave and walked in. Wan Lin quickly went up and lifted the other end of the tree branch, and together with Zhang Wa, threw the tree branch into the middle of the river.

The long branch of the tree fell into the seemingly calm river water, and immediately splashed a white splash, and then suddenly rushed forward, disappeared from Wanlin's strong flashlight in a blink of an eye, and merged into the dark cave. .

Wan Lin looked at the tree branch that was swiftly flowing away in astonishment and said, "What a fast flow rate!" Zhang Wa stared blankly at the disappearing tree branch without saying a word. At this time, Xiaoya and Wu Xueying also got into the cave, and they all turned on the flashlight to illuminate the cave, enjoying the scenery in the cave.

Wu Xueying opened her eyes wide and curiously looked at the jagged rocks on the cave wall, then ran to the river and reached out to touch the water, then she retracted her hand and exclaimed, "My mother, why is this water so cold? ?"

She turned her head in amazement and saw Zhang Wa staring blankly at the dark cave in the distance, wondering what she was thinking? She stood up and walked over to Zhang Wa with a smile, raised her hand, afraid to pat him on the shoulder and asked, "Instructor doll, what are you thinking about? Do you still want us to go to the river for training? Throw a few grenades and show it. The true nature of your devil instructor?"

Wan Lin and the others all laughed, UU Reading Zhang Wa's eyes suddenly lit up, she turned her face with a smile and said to Wu Xueying, "You are so beautiful, how can you use such a precious grenade casually?" The tactical backpack on the lower back squatted on the ground, and he took out a pile of grenades, mines and explosives.

Wu Xueying looked at the explosives on the ground in surprise, and exclaimed: "My mother, why did you bring so many of these things! I have to stay away from you in the future, you are just a powder keg!"

The people around laughed, and Wan Lin's eyes suddenly lit up, and he said with a smile, "Good idea, the flow of the river is already fast enough, so let's speed it up again." Then he took out Two bow bombs.

At this time, Cheng Ru came in and said, "I searched outside. There are many pairs of thick pillars that were cut down by humans. It seems that the other party used bamboo rafts tied with bamboo to escape."

After he finished speaking, he looked down and saw that Zhang Wa was tying up a pile of explosives on the ground and tying them together with strong tape. He immediately understood what he meant, and said with a smile, "Do you want to make a big noise again, kid?"

Wan Lin said with a smile: "Everyone, go out and hide away, my doll and I will send these bastards!"

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