Panther Commando

Chapter 1358: disappeared

As Xiaoya sutured the wound, the leopard suddenly grinned and trembled, his mouth let out a heavy panting sound, and his two front claws clasped the hare in front of him.

Xiaohua and Xiaobai saw that the big leopard was in severe pain. They had to struggle to stand up several times, and they quickly let out a low roar, ordering it to lie on the ground and not move!

Xiaoya quickly sutured the wound on the leopard's back, and then wrapped it with a bandage. Then she let out a long breath, raised her hand to touch the head of the leopard, and said, "Yes, you're really obedient!" , took off the rubber gloves on his hands, wiped the sweat from his forehead, smiled and said to Lingling who was holding the leopard: "Okay, I won't be unemployed after I retire, at least I can be a good veterinarian."

"Giggle giggle" Lingling, Wu Xueying, and Wen Meng all laughed, and they all let go of the leopard's hand, soothed and touched the leopard's back fur and straightened up.

Lingling straightened up and walked to the big leopard's head, bent over and patted the big leopard's head, and said, "Okay, it's all right now." The leopard seemed to know that they were healing it, and grinned and wagged its tail. a few times.

Lingling turned to Xiaoya with a smile and said, "It's a good job, you see, our big leopard has a lot of human nature. When you become a veterinarian, we will all be your assistants, and then lead a group of us to attack. The monkey cubs and rabbit cubs born by the team members will follow you.”

"Hahaha, you only gave birth to rabbit cubs and monkey cubs." Several girls laughed loudly, beating each other and walking towards Wanlin and the others, their crisp laughter echoed in the Tiankeng.

A few girls walked to the edge of the stream to wash their hands, and strolled back to Wanlin and the others. At this time, Wan Lin and Xiao Wanmiao had already set up a pile of dry branches on the grass. The two were sitting on the grass beside the branches, chatting while cutting a tree branch with a saber. It seemed that they were preparing to make several BBQ grill.

Xiao Wanmiao's face was flushed, and her eyes were full of excitement. Xiaoya and the others walked over and took out a windproof lighter to light the firewood, and then they all sat around the fire. The eyes of several people looked at Xiao Wanmiao with interest, and each person's face showed a look of love. Seeing this little boy who seemed to have forgotten his grief, everyone was happy for him from the bottom of their hearts.

At this time, Zhang Wa came from a distance with an automatic rifle and two leopards. She was carrying several automatic rifles and several ammunition boxes in her hands. Wu Xueying and Wen Meng quickly stood up and ran over to take the captured war profits from him.

Zhang Wa walked to the fire and sat down, and said to Wan Lin, "I asked Xiaohua and Xiaobai to take them in the valley. In the Tiankeng, not counting the buried Black Hawk sniper Henry, there are also corpses. You have concluded from the analysis of the footprints earlier that someone should have escaped on a bamboo raft from the hidden river in the cave."

Wan Lin nodded and asked, "Can you tell the identity of the corpse? Judging from the attire on their bodies, the two are soldiers of Aomo's subordinates, and the other is a Black Hawk mercenary," Zhang Wa replied immediately.

Wan Lin nodded and said to himself, "The Black Hawk mercenaries are still experienced in combat. When they saw that the momentum was not right, they immediately got into the cave." He raised his head and asked, "Has the body been disposed of?"

Zhang Wa laughed: "What are you dealing with? When I brought Xiaohua and the others over, a group of beasts were tearing and biting the corpse. The weapons were brought back, and the rest were returned to the beasts. There are so many beasts in this place. In addition, there are a few boxes of ammunition near the cave.

Wan Lin smiled, knowing that this place is suitable for all kinds of creatures to survive, and the beasts must be indispensable. Since the beasts have already found these corpses, they can only hand over these corpses to them, which can be regarded as a way to disturb these animals. Make up for it.

He immediately lowered his head and thought for a while, handed the saber in his hand to Xiaoya, stood up, turned his head and said, "Come with me, let's report the situation to Deputy Director Wang".

Lingling immediately walked aside with Wan Lin carrying the electric countermeasure box, and then opened the communication facility to get in touch with Wang Molin.

Wan Lin took the earphones and microphone that Lingling handed over, and reported the battle situation to Wang Molin in detail. Wang Molin said excitedly: "Okay! Congratulations. We have notified the geological department to analyze the flow of the dark river and confirmed that The approximate direction of the underground river flowing out of the underground.”

He suddenly laughed when he said this, and then said: "Now the armed police force has been dispatched, and a large-scale deployment has been launched at the exit of the dark river. According to the movement you made just now, you should only be able to find the body, hehehe. You have worked hard, take a rest and then look for the whereabouts of those arms. According to the terrain of the Tiankeng you described, I guess they will not carry all the arms down, maybe they are hiding the arms in a secret place not far away.”

After listening to Wang Molin's words, Wan Lin immediately replied: "Yes. I also think so. It is estimated that the opponent has renegotiated the delivery location with the buyer and has hidden the general fire nearby. After we go up, we will look for it in the forest. You Also pay attention to the movements of those terrorists, since the other party hides the fire in the mountains, they should send personnel to hand over."

At this moment, Wang Molin was standing in the office of the Provincial National Security Bureau holding the phone, talking to Wan Lin while staring at the huge map on the Director of the Provincial National Security Bureau, Ye Feng with a red pen, also standing aside looking at the map on the wall

After Wang Molin and Wan Lin finished talking, he put down the phone, took the red pen from Ye Feng and walked to the map, carefully looked at the latitude and longitude on the map, then raised his hand and drew a red circle in the forest area, saying: "Wan Lin and the others It was here that the mercenaries who were transporting arms in the mountains were cleaned up, and the rest was to find the arms they escorted."

He turned around to look at Ye Feng, and then asked: "Have you found the group of people who transported the arms?"

Ye Feng shook his head and said, "It's a wicked sect, and we haven't found any trace of the other party until now. We checked all the car repair points near the man where they disappeared, and they all said that we didn't find any vehicles similar to the suspect vehicle that were modified. We have ramped up inspections on all routes to Province X and so far haven't found any lines."

Wang Molin's brows furrowed. The other party transported the arms from the public. It was impossible to walk on foot with the arms on his back. He must use means of transportation, but now it seems that he has evaporated from the world and has disappeared.

It turned out that the opponent might have modified the **** vehicle, but the police conducted a large-scale visit to the place where the opponent's vehicle disappeared, and found no trace of the opponent, which is indeed a bit strange.

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