Panther Commando

Chapter 1362: Jedi in the woods

The dense forest that was originally lush and leafy suddenly appeared in front of a desolate scene. There were some blackened trees lying on the ground; a few bare dead trees stretched black and yellow dead branches, and they were scattered in scorched black patches. on the scorched earth; clusters of emaciated weeds stand tenaciously on the charred ground.

The scene in front of him suddenly appeared chilling and lonely, with a message of decay and horror, in stark contrast to the dense and lush woods around him.

Wan Lin looked at the sudden change in front of him, and a horrifying feeling suddenly appeared in his heart. It was late at night when they passed by here last night. At that time, they could not see five fingers in the forest. They relied on the flashlight beam in their hands to quickly pass through this place. They only knew that there was a large bush here, and they did not have time to carefully observe the terrain here. Unexpectedly, there is such a Jedi in the dense forest.

Wan Lin shook his head, raised his feet and walked to the front of the dead tree lying on the ground. He stared at the twigs of dead wood and branches on the ground, and found that the trees were all charred and rotten. It was obvious that the fire burned a long time ago. The traces left behind, the surrounding ground exposed pieces of blackened and hardened ground.

At this time, Xiaoya and a few people behind them also rushed over. Everyone stopped their steps in astonishment and carefully looked at the somewhat terrifying scene in front of them. A piece of low bushes inhabited by large worms.

Wan Lin raised his feet and walked forward, thinking to himself: This is really like what Xiao Wanmiao's father said, there was a big fire in the sky. It is estimated that thunder and lightning caused the fire in this forest, and then it was doused by the torrential rain that followed. If the rainstorm hadn't come in time, how many trees would have been destroyed by this ruthless fire?

Wan Lin raised his feet and walked forward for dozens of meters. Not far away was the low bushes. The bushes grew closely together, and the lush branches and leaves almost fell to the ground.

He raised his sniper rifle and looked forward through the scope. The bushes were densely extending forward. From his position, he could not observe the whole bush at all. area?

He looked around and saw a dead tree with a thickness of more than one meter standing not far away on the side. The trunk of the tree was charred black. With a dead tree branch tied together.

Wan Lin turned around and walked towards the dead tree, wanting to climb up the tall dead tree and look down at the bushes in front of him. When they came last night, Xiaohua had made it clear that the other party entered the bush. But at that time, Xiao Wanmiao said that there were long insects everywhere, so they did not enter this dangerous bush in order to speed up the movement and avoid danger.

Wan Lin came under the tree, looked up at the thick dead branches on the tree, bent his legs and was about to get up and jumped up, a short roar of "Ow" protruded, and two gusts of wind swept across Wan Lin's side like lightning. He Xiaobai suddenly leaped out from the side and shot straight at a dead branch three or four meters above Wan Lin's head.

Wan Lin was startled, he leaned back, raised his right foot and kicked the tree trunk, his body shot backwards like lightning, he touched the bolt with his left hand in the air, and then raised the sniper rifle upwards.

Before he could land on the ground, he saw a withered-yellow tree branch with the thickness of a thigh above his head, and suddenly a branch about the thickness of a wrist stood up, and a triangular head protruded from the top of the branch, facing Feifei. The two leopards that rushed over opened their big mouths, and a bright red slender tongue stretched and shrank, making a "hissing" sound.

"Pit viper!" Wan Lin was taken aback, but he didn't expect such a highly venomous snake hidden in the tree. When the surrounding team members heard Xiao Hua's roar, they immediately knelt on one knee and pulled the gun bolt. The muzzle of the gun was immediately aimed at the surrounding area. Everyone thought that there was an enemy situation.

When they raised their guns and found that there was no enemy around, they immediately turned their guns to the big tree in front of Wan Lin, only to find that Xiaohua and Xiaobai were shooting at the tree branches like lightning, before they found the big snake. , the sharp nails on the claws of the two leopards have emerged, and they are quickly waving towards the dead branch in front.

"Pfft", before the leopard flew to the dead branches, the muzzle of Wan Linfei's raised gun suddenly burst into flames, and a bright red color immediately filled the air.

At this time, only a few people around Xiaoya could see clearly that the dead branch that stood up was actually a large yellow-brown snake that was integrated with the dead branch.

Wan Lin immediately stood up with his back on his back, aiming his gun at the dead tree. Only then did he realize that there were a few equally yellow-brown pit vipers swaying on the dead branches of the tree, and they were following Xiao Hua and the others, and they were crawling up the tree branches above in panic.

The dead branches on the dead tree seemed to suddenly come alive, twisting and drilling upwards, and the sound of "rustling" suddenly sounded in the silent wilderness.

Wan Lin hurriedly whistled and called the two leopards down. The cold-blooded animals like poisonous snakes are different from the beasts of the beasts. Although they are also afraid of the mountain king, once they are in a hurry, their six relatives will not recognize them. No matter who they are, they will dare to bite with their sharp fangs.

So he quickly pulled the trigger just now and shot the snake's head that was biting towards Xiaohua with its mouth open. Although the two leopards are extremely agile, it is no problem to deal with such poisonous snakes, and there are substances in their blood that can restrain the poison, so they are not afraid of accidents, but if they are accidentally bitten by a poisonous snake, it will be annoying. matter.

Besides, there are so many poisonous snakes on the He was worried that the two leopards would have an accident, so he hurriedly whistled and called Xiaohua down. Now there is no need to compete with these poisonous snakes.

At this time, the surrounding teammates also gathered around. Everyone looked up at the dead branches on the top of their heads, and then looked down at the more than one meter long snake body that fell on the ground. They all gasped. Wu Xueying and Wen Meng It even pulled Lingling and Xiaoya back.

Although they have been trained by Wan Lin and the others, they still have a natural disgust for such long mollusks in their hearts. Xiao Wanmiao was quite daring, he ran over from Xiaoya, bent down and lifted the tail of the big snake on the ground, turned around and ran towards Xiaoya and the others, his face full of excitement.

Wu Xueying saw this little guy running towards her carrying the big snake, she was so frightened that she jumped out from behind Xiaoya and ran behind Zhang Wa, her pretty face that was originally red turned white.

The people around laughed. Although Xiaoya and the others weren't afraid, they didn't like it, so they all turned around to hide from Xiao Wanmiao. Seeing their appearance, Xiao Wanmiao quickly stopped and said with a smile, "Snake meat is delicious, it's even more delicious when roasted."

Zhang Wa looked at Xiao Wanmiao with a smile, and said, "You're a boy who doesn't know how to feel sad, put the snake down quickly, didn't you see that Sister Yingying was scared and shivered?"

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