Panther Commando

Chapter 1374: turn the tide of the war

Now, this sudden bus suddenly accelerates and rushes forward, which can only mean that there are terrorists in the car, but no one can know whether the car was hijacked by gangsters or whether it is a terrorist itself. Therefore, when Wang Tiecheng could not determine the current situation inside the bus, he could only order to stop shooting to avoid accidentally injuring innocent civilians in the bus.

The engine of the passenger car made an ear-piercing roar, like a wild horse running wild, madly rushing towards the two cars parked by the terrorists in front of the road, until it rushed in front of the two cars in front, only with a sharp braking sound. stopped abruptly.

With the harsh braking sound of the bus, a group of people waving daggers and machetes in their hands, jumped out of the door and the windows on both sides, and ran to the few people who were escorting arms on the hillside, there were as many as three. , Forty people.

Wang Tiecheng and the soldiers of the armed police saw this scene, and only then did they understand that the bus was actually full of accomplices of the other party. These people must be terrorists who came to receive arms. But none of them thought that there were so many terrorists hidden in this medium-sized van that could take more than 20 people.

"Shoot!" Wang Tiecheng ordered decisively, and then pulled the trigger at the dense crowd on the hillside in front of him. A string of bullets rang out suddenly, followed by a series of bullets on both sides of the hillside. gunshots.

In a blink of an eye, pieces of flying gravel and dust appeared on the opposite hillside, and the passenger cars parked on the road were also covered with black and white pieces with a storm-like rain of bullets. bullet hole.

With the intensive rain of bullets from the armed police soldiers, the terrorists who were rushing to the hillside immediately gave out bursts of exclamations, and then saw six or seven black shadows rolling down the hillside.

A group of flying terrorists were stunned by the sudden bullets, and immediately fell down on the hillside, and the escorts of the arms above the hillside immediately increased their firepower, and a string of bullets shot towards the armed police. The two sides of the hillside where he was located were swept away, covering the newly arrived companions to find a shelter.

Bullets from both sides flew over the mountain road. Suddenly, the gunshots of the enemy's counterattack suddenly became violent, and the bullets flying in the air drilled into the hillside where the two sides were located with waves of heat, and the trees on the hillside had begun to emit wisps of green smoke.

"Papapa" A string of bullets swept across Wang Tiecheng's hidden stones. He hurriedly lowered his head. He was a little surprised when he heard the gunshots from the other side suddenly become violent. Look forward.

On the hillside where the enemy is located, several people near the top of the mountain are frantically shooting towards themselves, while throwing assault rifles and magazines below. The terrorists under the hillside got their guns and started to shoot them frantically.

Wang Tiecheng raised his brows. These people were terrorists who came to pick up arms. No wonder they rushed up in a hurry. Now it seems that the three terrorists in the previous jeep came here in advance and escorted the arms. The Blackhawks teamed up.

He watched the sudden increase in the enemy's firepower from the cracks in the stone, and quickly analyzed the battle situation in his heart. Now, the firepower advantage occupied by my side has disappeared. Both sides have a scale of about ten people, and my two teams are approaching each other behind the mountains on both sides of the road. At present, the firepower of the enemy on the hillside is already at a disadvantage. The armed police soldiers on the hillside have been suppressed by the dense rain of bullets from the enemy and dare not show their faces. At this time, if the enemy took the opportunity to retreat to the top of the mountain, their existing firepower really couldn't stop the opponent's actions.

He anxiously shouted into the microphone: "Team One and Two, report your location? The first team has reached the top of the east side", "The second team is approaching the top of the west side!" Two team leaders immediately came from his earphones panting voice.

"Accelerate to occupy the high points on both sides, fast! The rest of the team increase their firepower to suppress the enemy's actions to cover the top team members," Wang Tiecheng shouted anxiously.

As soon as he finished speaking, another string of bullets swept across the rock in front of him, followed by loud gunfire, and a string of bullets swept toward the hillsides on both sides of the SWAT police from the front.

At this time, the opponent had already finished splitting the guns, and the firepower had greatly increased. The SWAT police on the hillsides on both sides were immediately suppressed by the opponent's suddenly increased firepower behind the cover. The hillside where these terrorists are located is covered with large and small stones, which is very convenient for them to shoot covertly.

A layer of sweat appeared on Wang Tiecheng's forehead. Now the battle situation has been reversed due to the appearance of these terrorists. The SWAT police who originally had the advantage of firepower were immediately pressed by the enemy's dense bullets and did not dare to show their heads. At the meter, the bullets continuously fired by two SWAT snipers controlled the situation, and the other party had already rushed to the top of the mountain with the advantage of firepower.

Wang Tiecheng anxiously stretched out half of his head from the side of the stone and looked forward. His eyes widened, and the thing he was most worried about finally happened. Several figures were quickly rushing up to the top of the mountain by the moment when the armed police were suppressed.

Never let your opponent occupy the commanding heights of the mountain! Otherwise, your team members will be immediately exposed to the opponent's muzzle. Wang Tiecheng suddenly raised the automatic rifle, pulled the trigger heavily with his fingers, and a string of bullets spewed out of the muzzle, roaring towards the top of the mountain in front.

"Increase the firepower and suppress the enemy!" Wang Tiecheng shouted into the microphone and ordered his The automatic rifles in his hands were continuously blazing.

"Da da da" The armed police members on the hillsides on both sides heard the stern shouts of the captain, and they all risked their heads to stick out from behind the stones and trees in front of them, and a string of flames immediately appeared from the muzzle , swept across the hillside where the terrorists were.

At this time, the armed police members have realized the seriousness of the situation. Once the opponent rushes to the top of the mountain, they will immediately cover their own side with condescending fire, and quickly cover all terrorists rushing into the mountain.

Once these many terrorists rush into the mountains, their side will not have the advantage in terms of firepower or number of people, it will be even more difficult to keep the opponent at that time, and it may also cause serious damage to one's own side. casualties.

Wang Tiecheng frowned, while strafing, looking up at the top of the mountain on both sides. Now the soldiers of the two teams are moving quickly from the back of the mountain to the opponent's position. To quickly reverse the battle and control the opponent, they can only rely on The two soldiers behind the mountain are gone.

Intense gunshots echoed in the valley, and Wang Tiecheng's heart became more and more anxious. At this moment, he suddenly found the opponent's position, and suddenly three figures jumped up, followed by the figures above and rushed towards the top of the mountain, with extremely fast movements.

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