Panther Commando

Chapter 1377: Escape in the mountains

Wan Lin informed the team about the battle. Immediately said: "This group of terrorists fought with the SWAT squadron. More than 20 bodies were left at the scene. There are three Black Hawk mercenaries and more than a dozen terrorists. They are escaping into the mountain where we are located. Two squads of special police are chasing from behind. Cheng Ru and Zhang Wa. Each brings a leopard to reconnaissance. The rest of the personnel are ready for battle.

"Yes." Cheng Ru and Zhang Wa replied at the same time. Then he called out "Xiao Hua" and "Xiao Bai" respectively... He lifted his feet and burrowed into the jungle in front of him. The players behind immediately separated from left to right. Two arrow formations are formed. Speed ​​up and run forward.

at this time. Bassoon, the captain of the Black Hawk Squad who is in charge of escorting arms with the vehicle. He was running wild in the mountains with two subordinates and a dozen terrorists.

Ba Song did not expect that the newly built road would be targeted by the police. This road is when he rests on the road. Watching the news on TV in a roadside hotel. More faster chapters to come. At this time. He was thinking about how to do it without attracting the attention of outsiders. Find a small garage to change the look of your vehicle. Avoid drawing the attention of the police.

And this time. He happened to receive an order from Blackhawk sniper Henry. Says temporary change of delivery location. Let him quickly **** the arms to the mountains. He was overjoyed. The mountain road mentioned in this news on TV immediately came to mind. If you can secretly drive to this newly built mountain road. You can quickly avoid the police tracking. The other party would never have thought that he had already turned to the mountains.

He immediately ordered his subordinates to check the situation of the road in detail on the Internet. And a detailed reconnaissance of the nearby road conditions was carried out. Immediately ordered to go quietly in the middle of the night. Use the surrounding trails to avoid the road monitoring equipment on the highway. And continue to use the way of day and night. Quietly disappeared from the police's sight. Secretly entered this newly built mountain road.

When Bassong happily took two cars into the mountain road. Contact Henry today. But Henry suddenly lost his voice. This made him feel tense again after he had just relaxed.

He quickly got in touch with the Asian branch of his Blackhawk mercenary group. The branch then informed him that Henry had lost contact. Let him get in touch directly with the terrorists who received the goods... quickly hand over the firearms back to the branch.

Bassoon hears that Henry has also lost contact with the branch. An ominous premonition came to mind immediately. Something must have happened to Henry, the famous sniper. Otherwise you won't lose contact. This shows that his group has been eaten by the opponent.

With a nervous expression, he made direct contact with the terrorist organization. The other party informed him that he had dispatched personnel to receive the arms. Currently joining them along the mountain road.

when he heard the news. I just relaxed a little bit. He secretly said in his heart: Just hand over the arms to the terrorists. His mission is complete. This dangerous journey is almost coming to an end. The rest is to quickly leave the country with two subordinates.

He thought of this. There was a smile on his face. Just put the fire in the hands of terrorist groups and get out of them quickly. More faster chapters to come. It doesn't matter if the three of them fall into the hands of the police. The other side has no evidence to convict them of arms trafficking.

Just when Bassong was looking forward to throwing away the hot yam in his hand as soon as possible. Suddenly there was a loud explosion in front of me, followed by gunshots. This really surprised him. Then I saw a few armed police soldiers on the road ahead. He was running towards him along the road.

He could see it at a glance in the car... The one running ahead was an armed policeman in full set of special equipment. And on the hillsides on both sides in front. Immediately, black shadows appeared one by one, moving quickly towards this side.

He immediately realized that his group had been exposed. It can be seen from the equipment of the previous few people. The police dispatched were no ordinary road check police. But the heavily armed SWAT.

His heart sank. Stop immediately. Immediately jumped out of the car and took out the ammunition with his men and ran up the hillside. The ensuing battle surprised him even more. In the first update, he wanted to take people to the top of the mountain to occupy the commanding heights several times. Covering the comrades with arms on their backs to retreat from the mountains. But the opponent's sniper immediately blocked his attempt.

Fortunately, the terrorists who received the goods arrived in time. All of a sudden the lack of firepower was reversed. He immediately took cover under fire. He rushed to the top of the mountain with his two men. Unexpectedly, I happened to meet ten special police officers who came up from the back of the mountain.

Basson was at a critical moment when he was suppressed by the opponent's firepower on the hillside. The first update saw that the terrorists who received the goods arrived in time. I really felt a burst of ecstasy in my heart.

He had thought that dozens of terrorists should be able to hold off the opponent's attack. Unexpectedly, these rabble have no fighting power. Just with a courage that is not afraid of death to shoot randomly. The line of defense was overwhelmed by a charge of the SWAT organization at once. He didn't bother to fight with a few SWAT officers on the top of the mountain. With two of his men, he quickly rushed down the mountain.

At this moment. Bassong and his men quickly left the battlefield and fled to the mountains in a hurry. When he ran a dozen kilometers with a group of people behind him. Just stopped in the mountains and turned to look behind. Seeing that there were only two Blackhawks and twelve or three terrorists behind him.

Bassoon's heart sank. Unexpectedly, there were only 30 or 40 terrorists who arrived in time to pick up the in a blink of an eye, there were only a dozen or so people left. He quickly analyzed the situation. Judging from the current combat quality of these people. Can't handle those SWAT police anymore. These terrorists have only received simple military training. Just a bunch of rabble. Don't know how to fight at all.

He reluctantly raised his foot and ran towards the mountain. There must be a special police chasing after him. To survive, you must get rid of the pursuers behind. Depend on them. There is simply no way to deal with a group of well-trained SWAT.

As he ran, he took out the satellite phone and continued to contact Henry. Looking forward to contacting this Black Hawk sniper with rich combat experience. Cope with the current situation together. But he called several times in a row and still didn't answer. At this moment, his heart sank completely.

He hurriedly called the regional headquarters of his Black Hawk Mercenary Group again. Report the situation directly to your superiors. and ask for next steps. The superior immediately ordered him to stop worrying about Henry. Since the ammunition was handed over to the person sent by the terrorists to pick up the goods. Mission has been completed. Order them to leave the country quickly and return.

Bassoon put down the phone. Quickly took a few people and ran to the top of a mountain more than 300 meters ahead. A group of people climbed to the top of the mountain. He ordered concealment. While lying on the back of a rock, he took out a telescope and looked behind him. Immediately found that a group of black spots were rapidly moving towards him in the mountains in the distance.

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