Panther Commando

Chapter 1380: emergency rescue

after awhile. The little flower emerged from the branch again. Shaking his head at Wan Lin. Indicates that the top of the mountain cannot be seen clearly from the tree. Then he quietly jumped off the tree. Run quickly up the mountain ahead.

Wan Lin hid behind a tree and looked towards the top of the mountain with a sniper rifle. There are huge trees growing on the mountains hundreds of meters away. Overgrown with weeds on the slopes. You can't see what's on the top of the mountain at all.

after awhile. Xiaohua ran back from the mountain. He immediately stood up and gestured towards Wan Lin a few times. The first update Wan Lin immediately understood. There are three men with guns on the top of the mountain. Lying on the opposite side of the mountain, watching the opposite.

Wan Lin nodded. Seeing Xiaobai also jumped down from the tree. He waved at the two leopards that were about to move. Order them not to attack. Immediately, he tapped the microphone a few times and ordered the team members behind him to hide. Then he gestured to Cheng Ru and Zhang Wa on both sides in tactical sign language. Announce that there are three enemies on the top of the mountain. With his hands slammed together, he made a closing gesture. More faster chapters to come.

at this time. Gunshots rang out in the distance. Intense gunshots echoed in the mountains. Wan Lin frowned. The gunshots were obviously Wang Tiecheng's SWAT team fighting the terrorists. And it's a few kilometers away. They must rush to support as soon as possible. Unexpectedly, an unknown person appeared on the top of the mountain in front of him.

He lifted his breath to restrain his energy. Body shaking. Quietly dodged behind the tree ahead. The figure quickly appeared and disappeared behind the trees on the hillside. Cheng Ru and Zhang Wa, who were on both sides of the update for the first time, followed his wings and moved upwards.

The three of them swayed ghostly on the hillside. Go straight to the top of the mountain. The two leopards had already run to the three of them. In his eyes, two rays of light, one red and one blue, crossed arcs on the hillside. Jumping to the top of the mountain. In a blink of an eye, it was close to the top of the mountain.

The players behind saw Wan Lin and the three of them suddenly rushing up. Immediately scattered on the edge of the forest, he raised his gun and aimed at the top of the mountain. Ready to provide fire cover for the Panther Head trio at any time.

The three of Wan Lin used the cover of the terrain to get close to the top of the mountain very quickly. Wan Lin stepped on the hillside. The body swayed and quickly jumped to the front of the two leopards. He raised his hand and ordered them to hide. He slowly stuck his head out from the hillside and looked towards the top of the mountain.

On the opposite side of the mountain, three black figures were lying on the back of the rock and raising their guns to observe the front. Wan Lin took a look at the other party's attire and the assault rifle in his hand. I immediately knew in my heart that the other party was a group of terrorists.

It is impossible for people in the mountains to possess military-standard weapons. Moreover, the opponent's posture of holding a gun on the back of the rock is extremely professional. It looks like it has undergone professional military training. The trouble is the few Black Hawk mercenaries who are escorting arms.

He turned around and made a covert gesture towards Cheng Ru and Zhang Wa on the wings. Then slowly crawled to the top of the mountain.

The movements of the three were extremely concealed. More faster chapters to come. Quietly approached to a place more than ten meters behind the three enemies. at this time. The person in front of Wan Lin suddenly stood up with a gun. Seeing this, Wan Lin immediately flicked the microphone and issued an order for action. He stomped on the ground with a "woo" and threw himself forward.

Cheng Ru and Zhang Wa on both sides rushed out at the same time. The three are shaped like electricity. between lightning. have appeared behind the opponent respectively.

Wan Lin wanted to sneak behind the opponent quietly and capture him alive... but he didn't expect the enemy to suddenly stand up at this moment. He had to attack early.

The sound of the wind and the fierce murderous aura they brought out. Immediately alerted the three enemies in front of him. The Black Hawk squad leader who stood up first swiftly saved to the side. While flying out, the body suddenly turned towards the face. It fires with a finger on the trigger.

The two Black Hawk players on the side also found anomalies at the same time. They were reluctant to stand up and fight back. Immediately roll to the side with the gun in both hands. More faster chapters to come. Fingers snapped to the trigger.

But before the three Blackhawks who reacted very quickly pulled the trigger. A gust of wind had already reached the waist of the three of them. "Crack", "Crack", "Crack". Wan Lin and the three all flew up. It kicked the enemy out from the top of the mountain in one fell swoop.

The three Black Hawk players screamed in the air and drew an arc. He fell heavily on the hillside. The three of them landed on the **** and quickly turned their guns while enduring severe pain. Before they could see the figure of the attacker on the mountain behind. More faster chapters to come. "Pfft", "Pfft", "Pfft". The muzzles of two sniper rifles and an automatic rifle on the top of the mountain each spewed out a fire. The three Blackhawks were headed to the hillside.

Wan Lin and the three each fired one shot to kill the enemy. Immediately lie behind the hidden stones of the three enemies just now. Raise the gun and look into the distance through the scope on the gun body.

Four or five kilometers away in the mountains. A group of armed police soldiers were under the cover of the fire of their companions behind. More faster chapters to come. It is going from left, middle and right in three directions. He quickly flanked a group of dark shadows lying in the mountains.

Wan Lin immediately ordered into the microphone: "Chengru, Wen Meng, come with me. The rest of the staff are on guard at the top of the mountain. Prevent any fish slipping through the net. Lingling informs Wang Brigade that we are here." He got up and jumped down the hillside.

Cheng Ru followed and followed from the side. Xiaoya and the others received an order from Leopard Head. Immediately, he climbed to the top of the mountain from behind. Wen Meng jumped to the top of the mountain without pausing. Instead, he took a breath and chased Leopard Tou and Cheng Ru in front of him. Xiaoya and the others immediately crouched on the side of the mountain and raised their guns to stare at the front.

Intense gunshots echoed through the mountains. Stray bullets flew over the heads of the running Wan Lin and the others. At this time, Wan Lin and the three were all running forward to face the muzzle of the armed police. While running fast, he tried his best to keep his body extremely low. Every forward leap is a leap towards the obstacle ahead. Avoid accidentally injuring yourself by bullets fired from the front.

The three of them ran hundreds of meters away in an The bullet that had been flying overhead suddenly disappeared. The gunfire in front was also noticeably sparser. Wan Lin and the three understood. Wang Tiecheng must have ordered his men to lower the muzzle. To prevent accidental injury to the commandos who came for reinforcements.

The three had no scruples in their hearts. Immediately emerged from behind the obstacle. Quickly speed up and run straight forward. Not much time. They have appeared in the mountains about a thousand meters away from the battlefield.

Xiaoya and the others were lying behind the gun on the mountain behind. Staring nervously at the scope on the gun. They were all worried that they were accidentally injured by the armed police's stray bullets.

Following Wan Lin's rapid running, the figure suddenly pounced on a rock in front of him. Cheng Ru and Wen Meng on his left and right flanks also swooped towards the pile of rocks in front of him. Immediately behind the rock where the three of them were, a sniper rifle was stretched forward. A burst of fire followed with a faint fire.

at this time. A dozen terrorists were lying behind rocks and trees in the mountains ahead. Suddenly, it was found that the suppressing firepower of the armed police in front was sparse. They all suddenly leaned out and shot a shuttle in front of them. He turned his head and fled to the mountains behind.

The seven or eight terrorists who stood up first were about to lift their feet and flee forward. But suddenly found a cloud of red mist rising beside him. Then I saw the three companions fall backwards on their backs.

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