Panther Commando

Chapter 1385: 1 drum

Wan Lin smiled and waved to Wan Miao. Then he took him to Wang Tiecheng and said, "We found this child when we were tracking the enemy in the forest. His mother died not long ago. His father was killed by his opponent. Now he is the only one left at home. When you go back Give him to my grandfather."

He hesitated a moment when he said this. He looked down at Xiao Wanmiao. Then he pulled Wang Tiecheng aside and said in a low voice, "Tell my grandfather a word. Let him slowly ask about the child's background. I feel that this child has some connection with our Wan family." In the first update, I told Wang Tiecheng about the abnormal phenomenon I discovered.

Wang Tiecheng listened to his story. He also opened his eyes wide and looked at the seven- or eight-year-old boy in surprise. Suddenly there was a look of surprise in his eyes. This child must really be the descendant of the Wan family. This magical family of Wanjia is prosperous again. Wanjia's stunt has another successor.

After Wan Lin told Wang Tiecheng, he called Xiao Wanmiao over. He touched his head and said, "You follow this uncle back in a while. More chapters are coming soon. He will send you to an old grandfather. There are two little sisters there. Can you play together? "

Xiao Wanmiao shook his head. Insert the two short arrows in his hand into his waist. Whispered, "No. I'll follow you." Eye circles suddenly turned red. It was as if Wanlin and the others didn't want him.

Wan Lin twitched in his heart. The child is alone now. They have already regarded themselves as family members. Now I heard that let him leave with a stranger. There is a natural feeling of being abandoned in my heart.

He quickly turned his head and glanced at Xiaoya not far away. He really doesn't know how to coax children. Xiaoya smiled and pulled Wu Xueying and Wen Meng who were beside her. The three pulled Xiao Wanmiao aside. Grumbling not knowing what to say.

after awhile. The three took Xiao Wanmiao and walked over... Wu Xueying said with a smile: "Okay. Our little Wanmiao is obedient. Wang Brigade. Our little brother will be handed over to you. Please help us take care of it."

Wang Tiecheng also laughed. Facing Wan Lin with a smile, he said, "I'm convinced. Or we beauties have a way." Lifting his right hand, he removed the automatic rifle's magazine from his shoulder and stuffed it into his tactical vest. Then, with a flick of his right shoulder, he took off the automatic rifle without bullets and handed it to Xiao Wanmiao. Said: "Take it. Boy. This is like a man with a gun fighting..."

Wan Miao excitedly took the automatic rifle. Raising the gun with both hands. Facing the corpses of several terrorists on the ground in the distance. In the mouth "bang bang bang" simulated a few shots.

Several people laughed. Wan Lin turned around and gave Xiaoya a thumbs up. I really admire their efforts to coax their children.

at this time. Several armed police fighters have dug a big hole in the grass next to it. They walked over to the bodies to look at the high explosives strapped to them. He turned his head to look at Wang Tiecheng. Please advise how to deal with it. This thing is in their armed police force. They are all handled by specialized EOD personnel.

Wan Lin saw several armed police officers nearby. He quickly shouted beside him: "Zhang Wa. All the enemy's explosives are left behind. We take it with us." "Come on." Zhang Wa walked over with a smile. The armed police soldiers next to him all laughed when they saw this. Get up and walk aside to see how he handles...

Zhang Wa walked to the corpse and squatted down and glanced at the explosives on the other side. Then he smiled and said to the armed police next to him: "I want to learn. Hee hee hee. This thing is not learned casually. This is military high explosives. Everyone should leave 100 meters away." Then he took out a pair of needle-nose pliers from his body and started to operate slowly.

after awhile. He walked up to Wan Lin and Wang Tiecheng with a few packs of explosives in his hand and said, "Good guy. These terrorists actually bought military C4 explosives... If this stuff falls into the hands of terrorists, it will be troublesome."

Wang Tiecheng and Wan Lin changed their expressions when they saw the explosives in Zhang Wa's hands. There is some fear in my heart. If this falls into the hands of these desperados, it will be destroyed. How many civilian casualties would it cause? Fortunately, the ammunition was intercepted in time.

Wan Lin immediately looked at the equipment on the armed police. Said to Wang Tiecheng: "Replenish us with your ammunition. We may need it later." Wang Tiecheng was stunned for a moment...and asked, "Where are you going next?"

Wan Lin said in a low voice, "All in one go. Completely block the opponent's arms passage." Wang Tiecheng nodded. He knew the other party's smuggling channels. He quickly turned around and ordered: "Take out the ammunition and let the leopard team replenish it."

Cheng Ru and several people quickly checked their equipment. Then he went to the front of the armed police to replenish the consumed ammunition. Then they each took a few grenades and put them in their equipment bags.

Zhang Wa then walked to the pony carrying the arms. Check out the contents of a few boxes. Several pieces of high-explosive charge and detonators were taken out of it. Packed into his backpack. Explosives he was carrying. Basically, stormy waves are created in the caves of Tiankeng.

more than an hour later. Three military helicopters suddenly appeared in the air. The pilot's voice also sounded in Wan Lin's earphones. Request to indicate where to land.

Wan Lin looked up into the air. I saw three grass-green helicopters coming. It is understood that Wang Molin requested the transport helicopter sent by the military. He quickly let Lingling guide the helicopter to land on the relatively flat grass around him.

The helicopter descended slowly. Wan Lin turned to look at his teammates. I saw Wang Dali pulling the horse and standing beside The head of the horse was twisting back and forth. The terrified two big eyes looked at the "rumbling" helicopter for a while. For a while, I looked at the two leopards lying not far away. Four hooves kept tapping on the grass. He put on a posture of running away at any time. If it weren't for the strong hold on the reins. It is estimated that it has long since disappeared.

Wan Lin smiled and walked over to pat the horse's butt. Raising his hand, he unloaded the ammunition from the horse's back. He said to Wang Tiecheng, who came over, "I'll leave this to you." To Dali said: "Let go of this horse. The old horse knows the way. It will find its way home by itself."

Vigorously laughed and let go of the reins. The horses neighed immediately. Raise your hooves and turn around and run. Two leopards basking on the rocks in the distance. He was looking at the helicopters in front of him. At this time, I was startled when I heard the neighing of the horse.

They turned their heads nervously. Immediately, he looked at the shadow of the horse who was walking away in the mountains. He immediately raised his head and let out a roar. The horse suddenly heard a roar from behind. "His yoyo" let out an exclamation. Follow the four hooves to fly. In the blink of an eye, he disappeared into the rolling hills.

Xiaohua and Xiaobai looked at the frightened look of the horse. He opened his mouth wide, "quack" and laughed strangely. The big tail behind him swayed vigorously. A bad look of schadenfreude.

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