Panther Commando

Chapter 1390: Jianghu hero

Wan Lin and his party walked. He turned his head to look at the cave that was still bubbling out of dust. I'm glad in my heart: thanks to the two leopards who responded very quickly. Everyone's legs are neat again. Otherwise, he might have been trapped in a cave.

Unexpectedly, the boulder on the top of the cave has already weathered. A burst of laughter shook the weathered boulder off. It seems that everyone's laughter and the vibration between the rocks on the top of the mountain have produced a resonance phenomenon. The laughter that led to the destruction of the last straw supporting the cave.

The crowd climbed to the top of the mountain next to him... Wan Lin climbed to the top of a rock on the top of the mountain. Look at the rolling hills around you. The sunset after seeing the distant mountains has dimmed. A block of originally green mountains and mountains. It was already in the dark night. It became a shadow of different shades of ink.

He walked down is the rock. Take the map out of the lee and lay it on the rocks. To the surrounding players. Pointing to the location of the two arsenals marked on the map, he said: "Chengru. We will go in two groups in a while. We will attack here and the tunnel... You will attack the one near the forest. We are a little closer to the target. We should first Go to the target location. Let me know when you get here and get ready for battle. Let's attack together.

Cheng Ru replied in a low voice, "Yes." Wan Lin looked up at the players around him. Then he continued: "I didn't finish what I said in the cave just now. I meant to strike while the iron was hot. Cross the border and completely take out the location of the enemy's arms company. However, there is a problem here. That is, we did not get the order from the superior"... …

He paused here. Everyone fell silent. If the opponent is in the country. They easily took over the enemy's company. No problem. The location of the rival company is overseas. If follow the procedure. They have to go through layers of approval when they go abroad to fight.

This time is different from the last time when the big drug lord Ao Kun was assassinated. That was through the three systems of the military, police and national security. Jointly study and approve the combat plan. And this time, time is running out. If you want to ask your superior. Then I don't know when to get the order. Cross-border warfare. To be approved by many departments. The procedure can be complicated.

At this time, he vigorously raised the machine gun in his hand. The urn said angrily: "Why do you care so much. Take it first and then talk about it. It will be outside. Your life is not subject to you."

"Yes. It will be with the outsider. Life will be affected. Let's blow up this group of black sheep first. If it's a big deal, I will take off this military uniform when I come back," Zhang Wa said angrily beside him.

The eyes of several people around lit up. Cheng Ru smiled and looked at Wan Lin and said, "That's right. Before leaving the country, keep your ID proof. Black people leave the country. Whoever it is. Are you chasing down that sniper 'Viper'?"

Wan Lin raised his hand embarrassedly and gave Cheng Ru a slap... He said with a smile, "We have to turn our backs on old accounts." Wu Xueying and Wen Meng looked at everyone in confusion. Wen Meng asked Xiaoya next to her in a low voice: "When will Leopard Head still have this wonderful story. Tell us about it quickly."

Xiaoya smiled and revealed a warm dream. Whispered: "I will have time to tell you later. I was no longer in the team at that time."

Wen Meng looked at Wan Lin longingly. She begged Xiaoya in a low voice, "Don't forget it." Wu Xueying also stared at Xiaoya curiously and said, "Tell us when you go back. More chapters will come sooner. Our junior brother's glorious record. Even our junior sisters don't know about it. Saying it out won't make people laugh."

Wan Lin raised his hand and pressed it down. Stop their whispering. Said: "Okay. Stop what they are talking about first. If everyone has no opinion. Take out all the things that prove your identity. Let Xiaohua find a secret place to hide. Take it out when you come back." He said. He ripped off the epaulettes and cap badges on his body. Then he took out his military ID card and put it on the stone.

The surrounding team members also immediately took down all the things that could prove their identity. Xiaoya took out the rain cloth from the bag, tore off a piece and spread it on the ground. Wrap everything up and tie it tightly. Then hand it over to Xiaobai. Then he squatted on the ground and gestured a few times to the two leopards.

Xiaobai also wagged his tail. Follow Xiaohua and run back. Everyone smiled and looked at the two leopards...knowing what the two mountain kings were hiding. It's not just animals that can't be found. is to find. As soon as he smelled the mountain king's scent, he didn't dare to approach. I am afraid it is Wan Lin. It's not likely that you can find the things that these two little easters got up.

They all know. Xiaobai has always loved shiny stones. But I've never seen it with these things on it. Where is it stored. No one ever knew. I don't know what good things are in the treasure chest of this little thing.

Wan Lin glanced at his comrades with glittering eyes. In a firm tone, he said: "This exit is an unauthorized operation. Any of you must pay attention to safety. Be careful. Once there is an exchange of fire with the enemy. We will have no support. There will be no supplies. Once the base camp of the enemy arms company is destroyed. Immediately retreat. Never reluctant to fight. This operation is voluntary. It is too late to quit now. Has anyone quit."

Wan Lin said here. The eyes swept over the eyes of each team member here. From the eyes of several teammates, from the eyes of these ten thousand disciples. I saw a bunch of firm eyes.

He nodded. Said: "Okay. The children of our Wan family did not flinch. Brothers and sisters. As soon as the domestic battle is over. From the moment we stepped out of the border. We are not active duty soldiers. We are not Huabao team members and Guoan soldiers. We are a group of brothers and sisters who see injustice in every way."

" We are just a group of brothers and sisters who have seen things wrong." Several people around shouted in a low voice. There was excitement in everyone's eyes.

Wu Xueying even more excitedly held the hands of Wen Meng and Xiaoya tightly. Staring at Wan Lin with two big eyes: "Then...then we. Are we the bandits who used to rob houses."

"Bang. Fuck you. You are the bandit." Zhang Wa next to Wu Xueying knocked on Wu Xueying's helmet angrily. Everyone laughed softly. Cheng Ru looked at Wu Xueying and said with a smile: "Stinky girl. How did we become bandits? No matter what, we are still a group of heroes."

Wan Lin smiled. Bend over and point to a red dot marked on the map. Said: "Last time I was with Cheng Ru. With Yingying and their Guoan people going abroad. Comprehensive analysis of the information from the Scimitar tribe and Guoan reconnaissance. I judge that the other side's arms company is built in this forest." His fingers focused heavily on the location of the red dot.

Look at the red dot. Then they all took out their map and marked the location. Wan Lin immediately said: "Once we get close to here, Zhang Wa and I approach the enemy's company location alone. The rest of the staff are responsible for receiving the outside. After cleaning up the arms company, immediately retreat. Baby. Take your time when you bomb the enemy's arsenal. Stay a little bit more. Your loud thing."

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