Panther Commando

Chapter 1421: jungle hell

in a brief battle. The soldiers of the Arms Dealer Patrol have understood that the other side has strong jungle combat experience. Very well equipped. Not only the marksmanship is godlike. And definitely equipped with night vision combat equipment.

The opponent's movements are extremely secretive. Suddenly, a bullet would fly out of the dark forest. Guns and guns all fell to the ground with their companions. not long time. Their team of more than 20 people only had less than ten people left. The rest of the people were already trembling with fear. He was running wild in the forest at this time. I hope to get closer to my base camp as soon as possible to get the support of reinforcements...

at this time. They had already spotted the flashlight beam swaying in the jungle ahead. Knowing that it must be his reinforcements. They ecstatically ran in the direction of the flashing flashlight. But right now. The chasing soldiers behind him suddenly changed their strategy of sniping. Strings of bullets swept sharply from the dark woods behind them. One by one, the whistling bullets flew past them through the dense cracks in the trees.

The group did not care to escape. Immediately dodge behind the tree next to him... while loudly urging the reinforcements in front to approach quickly. While hiding behind a tree, he turned his gun and shot desperately behind him.

In the dark and dense forest. There were hoarse shouts and gunshots. The distance between the two groups of enemies is getting closer. at this time. A patrol of enemies swept a shuttle of bullets behind a tree. Suddenly flashed from behind the tree. Quickly ran towards the reinforcements who were shaking the flashlight dozens of meters ahead.

Zhang Wa watched Lingling in the distance as the shadow ran out. I thought to myself: It looks like this is the commander of the enemy patrol. More faster chapters to come. I want to get in touch with the reinforcement commander as soon as possible. Study together how to deal with the pursuers behind you.

Just when the shadow ran more than ten meters to the edge of a big tree. "Boom." A huge flame suddenly burst from his fast-moving figure. A strong wind carried countless steel balls. Suddenly, he rushed towards the enemy reinforcements holding a torch.

The line of anti-infantry directional mines laid by Zhang Wa. Was waded by this kid in a hurry. More faster chapters to come. It detonated this powerful directional mine at once. Countless steel **** in Lei's body exploded violently. Fanning towards the enemy's reinforcements, he swooped fiercely.

Countless screams immediately rang out in the flames of the explosion. A group of enemies who escaped this round of explosions were in a panic. Holding the gun, he went to the side of the forest. But then it detonated the booby traps set up by Zhang Wa in the surrounding forest. The grenades exploded one after another. "Boom boom boom" explosions sounded one after another.

Accompanied by bursts of flames rising. The first update screamed in the forest. Clouds of black smoke rose from the woodland. In an instant, smashed limbs, broken arms, and splintered branches and leaves were scattered all over the forest.

In an instant. The dark forest was full of dark red fires. Plumes of black smoke rose from the grass in the forest. A mournful howl echoed in the dark forest.

The enemies who survived the catastrophe in the surrounding forests saw the tragic scene in front of them... they were reluctant to shoot back. Turn around and run on the way. The originally dark forest suddenly appeared at this moment. It turned into a **** Shura field. No enemy dared to stay in this hellish forest.

at this time. The gunshots of Zhang Wa and Cheng Ru also sounded at the same time. The whistling bullets flew behind the fleeing enemies.

Zhang Wa quickly approached Cheng Ru and the others while shooting. at this time. A beam of red light suddenly appeared above his head... and a white shadow dashed down from the tree trunk. Zhang Wa is overjoyed. Knowing that Xiaobai led the way. He followed Xiao Bai and ran towards Cheng Ru and the others.

at this time. The heavy machine guns outside the forest were still reverberating. Zhang Wa ran to Cheng Ru. Several people did not bother to say hello. All stopped shooting. While raising his gun, he aimed at the figure of the enemy fleeing ahead. While listening intently to the gunshots outside the forest.

at this time. The sound of heavy machine guns was suddenly heard from all directions. More faster chapters to come. Several people were shocked at the same time. Xiaoya said hurriedly: "It's broken. Lingling and Wen Meng have already been exposed. It will be even more dangerous for Leopard Head to lose the cover of the top of the mountain. Xiaobai. Go and support Xiaohua."

Following Xiaoya's hasty voice. A white shadow had rushed out from Xiaoya's side. In the blink of an eye, he disappeared into the dark forest in front of him. I haven't waited for Cheng Ru to react. I heard a few screams coming from the front. Apparently, Xiaobai swept past a group of enemies fleeing in front of him in an instant. The first update successfully eliminated several enemies.

"Climb the tree. Get out of the woods. Be sure to keep Lingling's commanding heights. Reinforce quickly." Cheng Ru shouted. Stamping the woodland under his feet, his body jumped up suddenly. Grab the branch at the top of the head and drill to the top of the canopy.

Zhang Wa and the others jumped up at the same time as they lifted their breath. In the blink of an eye, it disappeared into the dense foliage. Several people understand. The commanding heights where Lin Wailingling and Wen Meng are located. It is a strategic location to cover the leopard's head. Update for the first time Now Lingling and Wen Meng must be covering the leopard head. He didn't hesitate to expose himself to shoot to provide support for the leopard head.

Now they have been exposed. The enemy's attack must be focused on this strategic point. Now not only Lingling and Wen Meng are in danger. Even the leopard heads lost their fire cover. He raided the enemy base alone with Xiaohua. There must be greater danger.

Cheng Ru and several people jumped up the canopy and rose and fell on the dense tree top. Under the cold moonlight. One by one, the figures undulating rapidly in the treetops. Like a cloud of black smoke. Rubbing the undulating canopy one by one and dashing forward.

at this time. Lingling and the others are on the ridge and foot of the mountain on both sides of the highest point of the mountain. Directly facing their mountaintop position, fires were sprayed one after another. The luminous bullets fired by the heavy machine guns were in the dark night sky. Pulled out a dazzling streamer whistling towards the top of the mountain.

Under the faint starlight. On the top of the mountain where Lingling and Wen Meng were, there were pieces of sparks shot out by bullets. The entire mountain top was shrouded in smoke and dust.

Cheng Ru and several people quickly ran forward on the top of the tree. From the top of the tree, several people saw sparks from the dense rain of bullets on the top of the mountain in the distance. And the fire on the top of the mountain has been intermittent. Obviously. Lingling and Lingling have been tightly suppressed in the bunker by the powerful firepower of the enemy in multiple directions.

Cheng Ru and several people saw the scene on the top of the mountain. Both immediately realized that Lingling and Lingling were under the fierce attack of the enemy. Already at stake.

at this time. The sound of mortars sounded again at the edge of the forest. Two groups of black shadows flew towards the top of the mountain in front of them in the firelight.

"Lingling and Wen Meng are dangerous." Everyone's heart suddenly sank. at this time. Zhang Wa's roar suddenly came from the headphones of all the surrounding players: "Stop moving forward."

Cheng Ru and several people were shocked. I don't know when Lingling and Lingling are in urgent need of support. Why did Zhang Wa suddenly shout "Stop moving forward"? But they all understood in their hearts. Zhang Wa will never be in such a critical moment for no reason. order to stop.

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