Panther Commando

Chapter 1442: Vulnerability on the battlefield

Wan Lin looked at everything in front of him. The heart seemed to stop beating suddenly. The blood-red eyes were full of despair. At this moment. He suddenly felt a powerlessness that he had never felt before. I felt a sense of despair I had never felt before.

He raised his eyes and glanced at Xiaoya, who was lying about thirty meters in front of him. The heart suddenly beat violently.

Xiaoya lay quietly at the bottom of the hill. The automatic rifle in his hand is facing the side. Tactical moves are that standard. So elegant again. More faster chapters to come. The slender body is wrapped in what looks like a bloated combat uniform. Still showing a graceful shape.

Wan Lin suddenly felt a severe pain in his heart. Are you and your loved ones really going to the end together today? He stared deeply at Xiaoya. I suddenly realized in my heart: I am strong in martial arts. But he is only a person. Not God. himself in a hail of bullets made of steel. Still so fragile.

He slowly retracted the chapter please. The first aid kit was removed from the body. He turned his head to look at Dali beside him. Leaning heavily on the slopes of the hills. The weeds around him have been dyed red with bright red blood.

Wan Lin quickly retracted from the side of the hill. Roll over to Dali to check his injury carefully. There are traces of bullets on the strong arms and legs. On the **** muscles. Bright red blood was bubbling out; blood was blurred on the left cheek. Muscles rolled over half of the cheek where the bullet had passed. Like another grinning mouth. Blood stained face. It looked shocking.

at this time. Dali was biting a bandage on his arm with his head down. The blood-stained right arm was also raised with difficulty. In self-bandaging the wound on the left arm.

Wan Lin shook his head vigorously. Quickly took out a bamboo tube and sprinkled the powder on several wounds with great force. Quickly wrap up with a bandage. The first update immediately patted Dali's shoulder apologetically and asked in a low voice, "Dali. Can you still hold on?"

"Hey hey. What's wrong." With his right hand, he suddenly pulled the heavy machine gun beside him to him. The violent movement caused a sharp pain in his wound. He grinned and continued: "I have this body. I can keep these **** here."

Wan Lin's body suddenly trembled. "And keep these **** here. More and faster chapters to come." These words were like a steel needle. slammed into his heart.

He looked at Dali. The eyes that had dimmed suddenly shot out a fine light. Suddenly, he pulled out a new magazine from his waist and inserted it into the powerful machine gun. Suddenly shouted: "Damn. How can we let a few **** leave us. Hold on here. Wait for me."

he shouted loudly. A strange gleam suddenly appeared in his eyes. He suddenly looked down at the little flower beside him. More faster chapters to come. Xiaohua's eyes are now spraying two blue beams of light. Liu Yuan came and even stared at him with big eyes.

Xiaohua suddenly saw the decisive light in Wan Lin's eyes. The long hair all over his body suddenly stood up. He seemed to sense Wan Lin's despair. I saw Wan Lin's decision to fight to the death. It stood up suddenly. Blue light burst from both eyes. The small **** swelled suddenly. He opened his mouth and raised his head to make a roar.

Wan Lin reached out and covered Xiao Hua's eyes. The first update followed by pressing its erect body on the grass. Shaking his head gently at it. he knows. Xiaohua has realized the crisis of the situation. It's going to make the roar of a mountain king. Summon your own men to come to the rescue.

But Wanlin knew: at this moment. The mountain king's army of thousands of horses is still scattered in the endless mountains. Far can not quench thirst near. It was the sporadic beasts nearby who heard the order and rushed there. Can't resist the many enemies armed with modern guns... The end can only be to let these lovely animals perish in the hills.

It is daytime. It's a positional battle in which the enemy is waiting. It was different from the night of fierce battles in the past. At this moment. His brothers and sisters are already scarred. He must not look at the little flowers and their brothers. And then fell in front of their own eyes.

He touched Xiao Hua's head moved. The bright eyes suddenly dimmed. for many years. Xiaohua and Xiaobai followed them to travel south and north, battling **** battlefields. More faster chapters to come. They have no regrets. There was never a single complaint.

Available today. He, the master, could not look at his two little brothers. He died with himself in this barren land.

They have no concept of the motherland. There is no human morality. They don't know who is the bad guy. Not knowing which things should be eliminated. They simply rely on their loyalty to their masters. In following himself without hesitation to charge into battle. How many times... these two alien beasts helped him and his brothers escape from danger. It was they who helped themselves avoid danger time and time again.

His hands stroked the soft fur of the leopard. A heat flow suddenly rose from the bottom of my heart. This strong man of steel. His eyes suddenly became wet. His eyes suddenly looked at the rolling hills in the distance: the endless mountains in front of him. It was originally the domain of the King of the Leopard Mountain. This is their home too.

Wan Lin gently hugged Xiao Hua to his chest. Both eyes looked at Xiaohua's blue eyes softly. Suddenly he whispered into the microphone: "Xiaoya. Bring Xiaobai over here."

The sound of gunshots like fried beans was still resounding. The rain of bullets was still whistling over the hills. A wisp of gunpowder smoke dissipated toward the blue sky.

Cheng Ru, Dali, Zhang Wa, Lingling... Every member of the team could clearly hear the cries of the leopard head. Everyone's heart suddenly jumped up at this time of the battle. These battle-hardened special forces have already seen clearly. They have also been through this predicament countless times. But they had never heard such a dull tone from a leopard head.

The faint voice of the leopard head seemed very calm. But Cheng Ru heard it. Zhang Wa heard it. Xiaoya and Lingling heard it even more. All the comrades-in-arms who shared life and death with Wan Lin heard it. The voice of the panther head is deep. With a kind of despair that has never been before. With a kind of sadness that has never been seen before.

They don't know at such a critical moment. What did Leopard Head call Xiaoya over alone? But they know in their hearts. The leopard head must have been at such a critical moment. What important decision has been made.

Xiaoya heard Wan Lin's voice. My heart also jumped wildly. She agreed. He patted the little white beside him lightly. Crawling back quickly from the bottom of the hill. She moves like a writhing long snake. Quickly twisting and rolling between the rolling rocks and grass. He quickly crawled towards Wan Lin's side.

She came to Wan Lin. At a glance, he found that Dali, who was covered in bandages, was lying on the edge of the hill with a machine gun. Her face turned pale. The body rolled and rolled towards Dali. She thought Leopard Head called herself. It is a serious injury that needs self-medication urgently.

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