Panther Commando

Chapter 1445: boundless murderous

Xiaohua and Xiaobai are at the juncture of life and death, but they still can't forget their life-and-death brothers who fought side by side! Instead of abandoning their brothers to escape alone, they rushed to the front line and fought to the death in the face of the enemy's hail of bullets!

There was a dazzling light in the eyes of Wan Lin and the others at the same time, and a stream of true energy rushed out of their bodies! The weeds on the hills around them suddenly moved without wind. Pieces of soil and stones seemed to be blown by the strong wind, and rolled away with a "woo woo".

With the roar of the leopard, "Kill!" Wan Lin's mouth suddenly sounded a loud shout, and three short arrows had already drilled into the air behind him like lightning.

"Kill!" On the hills with a radius of 20 or 30 square meters where several team members were located, an earth-shattering roar suddenly sounded, and a fierce wind whistled towards the surroundings, and strong arms slammed from the hills. , each grenade drilled into the air on both sides with the screeching sound of piercing the space.

"Boom", "Boom", "Boom"..., bursts of explosions rang out from the hills on both sides and behind. The whole hill suddenly burst into flames, and silhouettes suddenly stood up with the firelight, one after another. The flames swept towards the back and the wings like a storm.

At this moment, the gunshots that had stopped abruptly on the hillside in front of them suddenly exploded like fried beans, and black shadows suddenly appeared on the flaming hillside in front of them.

Immediately afterwards, a burst of strange shouts suddenly came from the front mountain pass, and a line of vigorous black shadows rushed out from the front hillside and the wedge-shaped gap between the mountains, rushing fiercely towards both sides of the hill!

Scimitar Brothers, Scimitar Brothers are here! The sound shot up into the sky through the shouts of gunfire one after another. Wan Lin and the others have heard clearly. This is the voice of the Scimitar Brothers calling the "Leopard" god, and it is their unique sound of shouting "Leopard God"!

With the deafening roar of the leopard, the situation on the battlefield changed dramatically! A stream of warm currents instantly flowed through the hearts of every leopard team member who had sunk their boats and vowed to fight to the death. The muzzles of the gunmen held by the leopard team members sprayed with fire, and the feet of the team members flew past them. Rolling hills.

This is, Zhang Wa's figure leaped over Dali's side like a fly, just in time to see him striding forward with difficulty, the heavy machine gun in his hand trembled and shot forward with fire.

Zhang Wa's eyes were like electricity, and her hands quickly replaced her automatic rifle with new magazines while flying. When she passed Dali, she suddenly reached out and grabbed the heavy machine gun in Dali's hand, and the automatic rifle in his hand was immediately stuffed into the In his hand, holding the machine gun, he jumped over the side of Dali, and pulled the trigger as he ran. The sound of the machine gun in the middle of "bang bang bang" carried a rain of bullets that swept across the hills on the side. go.

Dali immediately raised Zhang Wa's automatic rifle with one hand, and together with Lingling and Wen Meng, who limped from the side, chased after Zhang Wa and the others in front.

The three of them were all wrapped in bandages, staggeringly moving forward, and the muzzles in their hands were shooting fire.

The deafening gunshots and explosions resounded over the hills; the sound of killing, the cry of the Leopard God, shocked every person running in the hills. The two wings and the hills behind were blazing with fire, and the thick black smoke column, accompanied by a deafening sound, plunged straight into the blue sky!

Each of the ten thousand brothers and sisters had blood in their eyes, and a murderous aura followed their moving footsteps, rushing towards the enemy in the distance. On the edge of life and death, in the roar of the leopard, nothing can stop them from charging!

At this time, all the enemies were stunned by the sudden change on the hillside in front and the murderous aura that protruded from the center of the hill! The deafening roar of the leopard had made their hearts tremble, and the red light that flashed one after another instantly swept across the body of the companion on the hillside.

At this moment, two dazzling beams of light, one red and one blue, have risen into the sky. Everything in front of them made all the enemies suddenly feel a kind of spiritual impact that they had never seen before. It was a god! The bright red and blue beam of light carried boundless murderous aura. They were no longer fighting the attack. Each of them suddenly felt in their hearts that they had violated the dignity of the gods!

With this momentary change, a blazing murderous aura suddenly erupted from the center of the besieged hills, an explosive shock wave, and a rain of bullets like a weave, rushing towards them with a fierce murderous aura!

Everything in front of them made them feel an unprecedented trembling! Aomo stood behind his subordinates, staring at everything that happened suddenly in front of him, the surprise of being surrounded by enemies just now disappeared without a trace in an instant!

At this moment, the adjutant and guard beside him immediately threw him to the ground, and the surrounding guards also hurriedly lay on the grass.

Violent shock waves roared over their hills with shrapnel and debris and dirt. Ao Mo raised his head and looked through the thick gunpowder, and suddenly found that on the opposite hillside were dancing figures flying down one by one. To the flanks of the hills.

A look of despair flashed in Ao Mo's eyes. He struggled to get up, but the adjutant beside him pressed his arms tightly. The adjutant has also discovered the sudden change, and he whispered: "Boss, let's go! Their reinforcements are here!"

His voice was filled with regret for failure, a kind of fear and doubt that he had never seen ashes.

Fall short! Seeing that the opponents who attacked the base were about to be wiped out, it was too late.

He really didn't understand why the small cat-like animal could make such a shocking roar? Why is the red and blue light column that suddenly cut through the space, so that the precarious opponent can burst out with such a strong murderous aura? Why did a deafening leopard roar call out reinforcements like the sky at a time of crisis? ! This really made him, an adjutant full of military knowledge, feel a kind of surprise that he had never experienced before.

The adjutant clearly felt the murderous aura in the shouting. This lingering murderous aura made him feel the chills he had never felt before, and the fear he had never felt before. Suddenly, he also felt a kind of war with the gods in his heart. feel.

After he shouted at Ao Mo, he immediately shouted to several guards around him: "Retreat, quickly retreat, protect the boss!" Pulling Ao Mo to his feet, he ran back, and several guards quickly got up from the grass, surrounded by As he boiled, he ran to the rolling hills behind.

At this moment, two beams of light, one red and one blue, suddenly flashed out of the dust mist of the explosion, followed by a black shadow with a boundless murderous aura, rushing out of the smoke like lightning!

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