Panther Commando

Chapter 1447: 1 anger 1 joy

Dozens of machete warriors were already standing on the hills on the two wings, holding guns coldly facing the dark shadows fleeing in the distance, providing warnings for the others around them. |}

In the distance, three people in animal skin coats strode forward with guns in hand. Cheng Ru and the others immediately took their eyes back and glanced back, and at a glance they saw the trembling Dali three people. They followed up and put down the weapons they were holding, turned around and rushed towards the place where the Dali and the others were.

Wan Lin rushed to Dali's side first, hugged his burly body, and his eyes quickly swept across his body.

Dali's broad cheeks were tied with the gauze that he had bandaged. The white gauze had completely turned red, and the gauze on his arms and legs had also been stained with blood seeping red. On the fingertips of his two large hands, the Drops of bright red blood dripped down.

The gauze on the arms and legs of Lingling and Wen Meng next to them had also been stained with bright red blood. Both of them had painful expressions on their originally pretty faces, and their hands were tightly clasped together.

Wan Lin's heart was trembling. This was the tearing of the wound caused by the violent running just now. The three wounded must be in pain.

He raised his face to look at Dali, and saw that he was grinning and gasping for air, but there was an obvious smile on his face.

Wan Lin grabbed his hand and lost a burst of indignation, then raised his eyes to the surrounding Xiaoya. At this moment, Cheng Ru and Xiaoya quickly ran to Lingling and Wen Meng's side, they supported their swaying bodies, then picked them up and put them on the grass below the hill.

Xiaoya quickly crawled over to take a look at Lingling and Wen Meng, and immediately judged that the injury on Wen Meng's arm was more serious. She immediately knelt down beside her on one knee, untied the bandage on her arm and glanced at it, then took out a needle and quickly plunged it into the muscle next to the wound to inject some anesthetic.

Xiaoya moved quickly, and quickly cleaned her wound again, then took out the suture needle and quickly sutured the split muscle of the wound. Next to her, Wu Xueying knelt on one knee on the grass to be Xiaoya's assistant. Her pretty face, which was black and white by the smoke of gunpowder, was full of nervousness.

At this moment, the two leopards also jumped off Wan Lin's shoulders and ran to Lingling and Wen Meng's side affectionately. Tears welled up in his eyes.

Several people knew that at the critical moment, the two leopards who were inseparable from life and death rescued them, and it was the scimitar brothers who arrived in time to rescue them.

Xiaoya quickly finished suturing Wen Meng's wound, and just took out the medicinal powder to sprinkle it on, Xiao Bai suddenly stretched her little head over the side, stuck out her bright red tongue, and licked the wound on Wen Meng's shoulder. stand up.

When Xiaoya saw this leopard who was obsessed with cleanliness, she actually stretched out her head to lick Wen Meng's blood-stained wound. Her smoky face immediately showed a smile, and her two rows of tiny white teeth sparkled in the sun. She smiled at Wen Meng in a low voice: "Smelly girl, you are so lucky, Xiaobai doesn't easily heal people. That stinky force was injured last time, but Xiaobai turned his head and ran away."

She immediately treated the wound on Wen Meng's leg again, and then handed the powder and bandage to Wu Xueying, who said, "Sprinkle the powder on the bandage later, and I'll go see Lingling." She turned to treat Lingling's wound.

Wen Meng looked at Xiao Bai and smiled, with crystal tears flashing in her eyes, she raised her other hand and gently stroked Xiao Bai's dirty body.

Xiaoya carried the first aid kit and turned to Lingling. Lingling sat on the grass, leaning her upper body against Cheng Ru's arms, grinning and gasping for air, scolding the clumsy Cheng Ru from time to time.

Cheng Ru knelt on one knee on the ground and was unraveling the blood-stained bandages on Lingling's arms. The sniper's rock-solid hands were trembling slightly at this moment, his face flushed with tension, and his hands were red with blood. Her movements seemed unusually flustered, causing Lingling to complain in a low voice while frowning in pain.

Xiaohua is standing beside Xiaoya's thigh at this time, the sharp nails of her right paw are exposed, she has cut the blood-stained bandage with her sharp nails, and is sticking out her tongue to lick a wound on Lingling's thigh.

Lingling's two big eyes were watery. She looked at Cheng Ru in a hurry and scolds a few words, and then looked at Xiao Hua and grinned softly. Her pretty face full of black smoke quickly changed her expression.

Xiaoya laughed when she saw Lingling's anger and joy, she quickly put the first aid kit beside her, pushed Chengru's hand away and said, "Look at your stupid appearance, you're not as good as our little flower!"

When Xiaohua heard Xiaoya's voice, she immediately raised her head to look at Xiaoya, then glanced at Chengru with a grin, then stretched out her head and licked Lingling's wound vigorously, her big tail swaying proudly. .

"That's right, it's so stupid! It hurts me to death, this stinky door **** can't do anything well!" Lingling said with a frown. Cheng Ru’s forehead was covered with sweat, and his sniper’s big, steady hands were extremely stiff when dealing with the wounds of his beloved. Disobey.

At this moment, Cheng Ru saw Xiaoya coming, and quickly retracted his hand in embarrassment, and stammered: "Aunt... Aunt, you... you are here! Tight...tight...I'm so nervous, hurry up, You come!" His hands quickly rubbed the sweat from the palms of his body, and gently wrapped his arms around Lingling's shoulders.

Xiaoya smiled but her eyes had swept across Lingling's body quickly, seeing that there were no new injuries on her body, and her heart calmed down. Knowing that she is the same as Wen Meng, but the severe exercise caused the wound to be torn, and there is no danger to her life.

She quickly turned her head and glanced at Dali, worried that he was too seriously injured. If Dali was dangerous, she would have to deal with Dali's injury first.

At this time, Wan Lin came over with Dali in his arms, and his right hand was holding Dali's hand tightly. Xiaoya knew that he was giving Dali gas to heal his injuries, and she immediately noticed the gauze wrapped around Dali's left thigh. He was stained red by blood, and there was no symptoms of heavy bleeding, so he calmed down and hurriedly lowered his head to deal with Lingling's injury.

Wan Lin walked to Xiaoya with Dali in his arms, bent down and gently placed Dali on the grass beside Xiaoya. Zhang Wa hurriedly ran over from the side and squatted down, quickly opened his blood-stained bandage, and then let Xiaoya take a look, and then called Xiaohua and Xiaobai over to Dali also lick it.

Xiaohua ran from Lingling's side, jumped on Dali's shoulder without hesitation, stretched her head down and licked the wound on his forearm, but Xiaobai looked at the shrapnel wound on Dali's right leg, squinting. With his eyes open, he stood with his front paws raised, looking at the blood-soaked wound, his two hind legs kept moving backwards, and his round little body swayed back and forth quietly.

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