Panther Commando

Chapter 1469: Health Qigong

Having said this, he put his left arm around the slender and thin Xiao Li, turned his head and looked into her eyes, with deep self-blame in his eyes, and his tone suddenly became low: "I'm sorry, I didn't make you live well. Days, it's my fault."

At this time, two big tears suddenly flowed from the corner of Xiaolong's eyes lying on the bed. He grabbed the armrest by the bed with both hands and tried to straighten up, and quickly released Xiaoli and held him down.

Xiaolong looked at Dali and said in a low voice, "Thank you, brother-in-law!" Then he shifted his gaze to his elder sister's pale face, and said in a low voice, "Sister, don't worry, I will study hard when I get better, and I will graduate in one year. We'll be fine then."

There was an apology in his low tone, a firmness. "Okay, this is a good boy! I'm not afraid of being poor, but I'm afraid of lack of ambition." A loud voice suddenly came from the door. Dali and Xiaoli quickly turned their heads to look and saw Qi Zhijun and Wan Lin walked in with the old man.

Qi Zhijun hurriedly walked in and held Xiaolong, and said kindly: "Don't move, I heard that the operation was successful, congratulations, rest well!" After speaking, he straightened up and looked at Xiaoli and said, "I just went to the dean's room, The dean has already said that, in view of the special circumstances of you and Dali, the hospital has decided to reduce or waive half of your brother's surgery and medical expenses, and the hospital care expenses are completely exempt!"

Xiao Li and the two were stunned for a moment, then quickly raised their hands to salute again: "Thank you, Chief!". At this moment, the old man came over and pulled the arms of the two of them down, and said with a smile, "You don't need to thank them. Our children have been born and died for the country. Shouldn't they help you solve some family difficulties?"

"Yes, yes, of course it should!" Qi Zhijun said with a smile. Xiao Li quickly grabbed her brother's hand and said, "This is grandpa." The old man didn't wait for Xiaolong to speak, and strode to the bedside and said, "Don't talk just after the operation! I'll take a look." She grabbed Xiaolong's hand. , resting his fingers on his left wrist.

Xiao Li hurriedly moved a chair for the old man to sit down, and Dali also turned around to move the chair and asked Minister Qi to sit down. Qi Zhijun waved his hand to Dali, turned his head to Xiaoli and said, "Let your brother take good care of his illness. If you have any difficulties, you can come to me. If I have something else to do, I'll take a step first." After saying goodbye to the old man, he strode out of the ward.

Wan Lin and the others sent Qi Zhijun back to the ward. They saw that the old man had lifted the quilt from the hospital bed, Xiaolong's bandaged chest was exposed to the air, and the old man's hands were slowly moving more than ten centimeters above his chest. The faint air flowed along the old man's palm in front of Xiaolong's chest. Xiaolong's eyes were slightly closed, and his originally pale face had turned rosy.

Seeing this scene, Xiao Li's eyes filled with tears, and her right hand held a strong hand tightly. She knew that the old man was over old, and his medical skills were regarded as the masters of traditional Chinese medicine in China, and his qigong wound healing technique was a stunt. She did not expect that the old man would come to treat his younger brother in person.

Several people stood aside quietly watching the old man's movements. After a while, the old man slowly removed his palm from Xiaolong's chest, raised his hand to give him a pulse, then turned his head with a smile, and said to Xiaoli, "No problem, just cover him with the quilt."

At this time, Xiaolong also opened his eyes in surprise, looked at the old man and said, "Grandpa, what did you do for me just now? It's really comfortable, and the wound doesn't hurt anymore."

Xiaoli pulled the quilt to cover him, and quickly said, "Silly brother, thank you grandpa soon. This is the most famous Chinese medicine expert in China. Just now, I used a unique technique to treat you." She quickly turned to grandpa thank.

The old man waved his hand, turned around and asked Wan Lin to bring his satchel, took out a small bamboo tube and poured out ten pills and handed them to Xiao Li, saying, "Give him one every day, and the wound from the surgery will heal quickly. I'll come back in a few days to unclog the blocked meridians for him."

Xiao Li nodded vigorously, and just as she was about to say her words of gratitude, the old man smiled and stood up and waved his hands, then poured out three pills from another bamboo tube and handed them to Dali, saying, "Xiao Li's complexion is not good, you can let these pills go. She takes one pill every day, and then uses her internal energy to help her bloom the medicinal power in her body."

Dali quickly stretched out his hands to take the pill, then put it on his nose and sniffed it hard, then asked with wide eyes, "Snake Treasure! You always take out such precious pills?"

The old man smiled and said, "No matter how good the medicine is, it will cure people. This girl's body is too bad, she needs to take care of it, or she will be troubled in the future." Wan Lin said, "Teach Xiao Li the Wan family's health-preserving kung fu."

Vigorously stunned for a moment, knowing that Wanjia Kungfu is not easily passed on to the outside world. When their children with foreign surnames were also learning internal skills, they were strictly restricted to pass on the inner skills to the outside world. Although grandpa asked Wan Lin to teach the internal skills of health preservation, it was also Wanjia's. Terrific!

She vigorously pulled Xiao Li, who hadn't reacted yet, and bent her knees to kneel for Grandpa. It was only at this moment that Xiao Li realized that she wanted to teach her the inner strength of Wanjia, but she had long known the magic of inner strength of Wanjia, and she would kneel when her knees bent.

Grandpa pulled up the two with a smile and said, "This one doesn't need to be a teacher, but Xiao Li's body is too bad, let her practice to improve her physique. Otherwise, hehe, you will be the best in the future."

The two of them were shocked when they heard it. They didn't expect that Xiao Li's physique was so weak that it would actually affect her future fertility.

The old man quickly grabbed her arm and lost a burst of anger, and then smiled and comforted: "It's okay, what are you worried about with Grandpa here? Hahaha".

Xiao Li smiled then looked at Wan Lin and said, "Thank you, Captain Wan!" Dali pulled Xiao Li with a smile and said, "You don't need to thank him, just thank Grandpa. This kid will help you. It should be, I am his brother, and you are sister-in-law!"

"Hahaha" Wan Lin raised his hand and gave Dali a punch with a smile, turned his face and said to Xiao Li, "Then you can spare two hours every night, and Dali, Zhang Wa and Cheng Ru will come over from the hospital in turn. Taking care of your brother, Xiaoya and the others are inconvenient."

Dali smiled and replied: "That's natural, Cheng Ru and Zhang Wa, the two stinky boys, should have come over long ago. I don't dare to bother them with those little aunts, or they might have to eat me at some point."

More than a month has passed in the blink of an eye. Several children have entered Ye Feng's school according to their level, and every day Shanshan's mother picks them up.

Professor Chang has already returned, and he tutors three children with their homework every day after school, and teaches them to learn foreign languages ​​according to his own syllabus. Grandpa also teaches the children to practice exercises every morning and evening.

Xiaoli's operation was very successful, and she recovered early and returned to school with the elderly's adjuvant treatment. Xiaoli and Wan Lin learned health qigong, and after sending off her younger brother, she also returned to the a military district hospital.

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