Panther Commando

Chapter 1476: unmanned reconnaissance aircraft

They are ready to go, every team member is like a leopard about to go out! Gao Li nodded in satisfaction, turned his head to glance at Li Dongsheng and Wan Lin, and immediately said, "They are all old players, so pre-war mobilization is not necessary! Our players are ready, Wan Lin." ∧↗∧↗∧↗ small ∧↗ says, ≯£≡

"Here!" Wan Lin stood up and answered loudly. "Set up the task! Deputy Minister Li, let's go to the institute to see."

"Yes!" Wan Lin watched Gao Li and Li Dongsheng walk out of the conference room, knowing that they were facilitating his assignments. He immediately informed the team members of the situation, explained the rescue plan in detail, and then divided the tasks into each team member according to the overall plan.

Gao Li and Li Dongsheng left the conference room and walked directly out of the headquarters office building. The two jumped on the jeep next to them and went straight to the research institute where Yu Jing was.

The two entered the research institute and went directly to Yu Jing's laboratory door and rang the doorbell. Yu Jing's assistant opened the door from inside, and Gao Li and the two immediately saw Yu Jing sitting in front of the console, staring intently at a small airplane model.

Gao Li and Li Dongsheng waved their hands to their assistants, walked lightly behind Yu Jing, and quietly watched her adjusting the parts on the small plane.

After a long while, a smile suddenly appeared on Yu Jing's tense face. She raised the small plane with her left hand and quickly pressed a button on the engine with her right hand.

A very slight motor rotation sound came from the machine, followed by a clear picture on the opposite screen. Yu Jing grabbed the fuselage that was moving forward with her left hand, and slowly moved in the air, with clear images of the laboratory constantly changing on the screen.

"Xiao Zhang, simulate the dark night environment" Yu Jing instructed his assistant while moving the small plane. "Yes." With the assistant's answer, the laboratory was suddenly pitch black, with no fingers to be seen. The spacious laboratory department slowly revealed some very dim light blue stars.

Yu Jing concentrates on moving the plane, her eyes fixed on the screen in front of her. A light green laboratory night vision scene had already appeared on the screen. Just as Yu Jing moved the plane and turned backward, two pale red figures suddenly appeared on the screen.

"Ah!" Yu Jing shouted in astonishment, and she was startled when she realized that there were two big living people standing behind her.

"Hehehe, Scientist Yu, you don't even know that you are a guest, you are researching good things!" Li Dongsheng smiled and reached out and patted Yu Jing's shoulder in admiration. Yu Jing's assistant Xiao Zhang also smiled and removed the night in the laboratory, and the laboratory became bright again.

Yu Jing turned her head to look at Gao Li and Li Dongsheng, with a tinge of red on her face, and said with a smile, "You are here just in time, just finished debugging, and you can deliver."

Gao Li and Li Dongsheng looked at the small plane excitedly, and Li Dongsheng asked, "What new function has this developed for this little guy? What is the difference between it and other unmanned reconnaissance aircraft?"

Yu Jingjiao glanced at Li Dongsheng angrily, and replied with a small mouth, "You underestimate me too. Naturally, what I have researched is going to be extraordinary! This girl will introduce you to me."

As she said that, she held the small plane in front of the two and said: "The range of this small unmanned reconnaissance aircraft carried by a single soldier is only tens of kilometers, and the airborne time is very short, which is mainly limited by the power source."

Galli heads. Both of them are senior generals of the army, and naturally know these cutting-edge equipment. With the rapid development of science and technology, special operations forces at home and abroad have been equipped with such small unmanned reconnaissance aircraft. However, due to the inability to carry a large amount of fuel, this small reconnaissance aircraft has a very short stay in the air, and the scope of reconnaissance is greatly limited. Searching and monitoring remote targets has always been a difficult problem for scientists from all over the world.

Now listening to the meaning of Yu Jing's words, it seems that there has been a breakthrough in this area, and both of them have ecstatic expressions in their eyes. Once this small drone stays in the air for an extended period of time, it is tantamount to adding a pair of clairvoyance to the special operations force, which can reconnaissance the battlefield situation on a large scale and grasp the enemy's dynamics at any time.

Yu Jing raised her eyes and looked at the two of them, knowing that they understood what they meant. She continued with a smile: "Most of the small UAVs carried by individual soldiers are powered by diesel or gasoline. The advantages are easy to carry and fuel replenishment. The disadvantage is that small UAVs are limited in size and cannot be used. Carrying too much fuel in large quantities, so the range is very short, and the engine noise is relatively loud, which is not conducive to covert reconnaissance on the battlefield."

She said, pointing to the plane in her hand and said, "Look, my plane is running now, you basically can't hear any noise?" "Sound, you can't hear it if you don't pay attention.

Yu Jing smiled proudly: "This is the advantage of electric drive. The fuselage is already equipped with high-definition camera equipment, which can recognize the light and shade of light according to the software I developed, and automatically switch to day or night reconnaissance mode. , it can carry out 24-hour uninterrupted panoramic reconnaissance without blind spots. In addition, as long as the altitude is set, it can automatically fly with the terrain under any terrain conditions, and send back reconnaissance images in real time. In theory, it can be used in any weather , under the terrain conditions, carry out long-term large-scale reconnaissance."

Gao Li and Li Dongsheng were Li Dongsheng reached out to get the drone in Yu Jing's hand, but Yu Jing flashed dexterously, and suddenly released her fingers holding the drone, "woo" Xiao Xiao The drone suddenly jumped forward in the air and flew in automatic circles around the spacious laboratory. On the large white screen on the laboratory wall, an image of the interior of the laboratory immediately appeared.

Gao Li and the two looked at the reconnaissance plane flying in the air in a daze, as if they saw a ghost that suddenly appeared in the air, soaring silently over the laboratory. The small plane automatically recognizes the obstacles ahead, changes the angle and direction of flight at any time, and gradually reveals every little bit of the interior of the laboratory on the screen in front of you.

Yu Jing watched Gao Li and Li Dongsheng staring at the soaring plane in a daze, turned around and pointed to the assistant, who immediately pressed a button on the console behind him. The light in the room gradually dimmed, the starlight gradually revealed in the room, and the real-time scene captured by the infrared camera appeared on the screen.

"Okay, the image is too clear!" Goley murmured. The light in the room gradually brightened with his voice. Yu Jing held a small remote control and turned it a few times, and the plane in the air flew towards her silently, the speed getting slower and slower.

Li Dongsheng happily grabbed the reconnaissance plane in the air, and said again and again: "Okay!" Then he turned around and asked, "How long can this baby stay in the air?"

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