Panther Commando

Chapter 1495: lock down the suspect

Seeing Wang Molin stand up, Wanlin quickly put a piece of bread in his mouth, and asked Xiaoya in a low voice, "Have you eaten yet?" Xiaoya nodded, and the two immediately stood up and walked to the sofa. ○

Wan Lin and the others sat down on the sofa, Maotou stood beside Wang Molin with no expression on his face, and then reported: "We divided into several teams to track several suspects through the relevant information provided by the local anti-terrorism department. A deputy in the local police department was found to be acting cryptically and suspiciously."

When he said this, he immediately picked up a laptop on the table next to it and opened it, took out a small memory from his pocket and inserted it into the computer's port, followed by calling up a photo of a person.

He took the computer to the sofa and sat down, pointed to a photo on the computer screen and continued: "This is the photo of the suspect. This person is the deputy of the local police chief and the liaison with our embassy. He will say He is fluent in Chinese and has access to all information about the attack. He is also responsible for collecting daily relevant information about terrorists and providing them to decision-makers, and has control of all personnel entering and leaving this area and the dynamics of the police."

Having said this, he raised his head and glanced at the leopard in Wan Lin's arms, and then said: "And this person's recent economic situation is very abnormal. My team member Mao Xin secretly obtained the bank information of this person and his family through the Internet. It was discovered that someone had secretly sent a large sum of money to his child's bank account recently."

"At the same time, we also found from his private computer the deployment of a large number of police forces and plans to encircle and suppress the mountains, as well as the list of Chinese personnel who have recently entered and exited the border. These things are classified and should never appear in his private computer. Judging by all the signs, the other party must be the traitor, this is certain!"

Maotou's voice was shrill, and there was an icy aura in his tone, without a hint of emotion. After listening, Wan Lin nodded, glanced at Wang Molin, and said, "Leave this person to me."

A look of astonishment flashed in Maotou's eyes on the side, he hesitated and said: "This person lives in the dormitory area of ​​the security department, and the guards are extremely strict. And since the hijacking incident, the police have dispatched a large number of police around the compound. The security measures are even stricter, and we tried to enter his home secretly several times to search, but all came back without success after approaching the compound."

Wang Molin thought for a moment, looked up at Wan Lin and Xiaohua, turned to Maotou and said, "Let's leave it to Leopard Head, be sure to pay attention to safety. Let Maotou introduce you the detailed address of the target and the surrounding security situation. Remember, if you fail to sneak in, you should retreat immediately and never hurt the other party's public servants."

After Wang Molin finished speaking, he glanced at the cat head with a surprised look on his face, and said with a smile, "Don't worry, this is the leopard head of a leopard, and he has rich experience in fighting enemies." He knew that the cat head was very confident in his own light skills. I always thought that Qinggong was unrivaled in China, but now I am definitely not convinced.

At this moment, Wan Lin turned around and nodded politely at the gloomy cat's head. Maotou hesitated for a moment, then got up and picked up a piece of letter paper from the table next to him, and quickly drew an outline of the yard on it. Then, with a few strokes, he drew the target's residence and the positions of guards around the yard.

He walked over with the schematic diagram and sat next to Wan Lin, pointed at the schematic diagram in a cold tone and said, "The compound is heavily guarded, and the patrol team has police dogs. Our people simply cannot enter without disturbing each other. The situation is what we know from the security plan of the police computer, and it should be very accurate." He said, and introduced the target person's residence location and movement rules in detail.

Wan Lin listened attentively, and couldn't help but sighed inwardly for the professionalism of these national security personnel. Not only did Maotou scout out the guard positions around the opponent's residence in great detail, but he also clearly understood the target's commuting and daily behavior patterns.

The introduction of the cat head is concise and clear, without a single redundant word. After listening, Wan Lin nodded, picked up the lighter from the table and lit it with a "click", then lifted the schematic diagram to the flame and threw it into the ashtray next to it.

Maotou looked at the letter paper slowly burning to ashes in the ashtray in astonishment, knowing in his heart that the other party had already kept all the information in his heart when he introduced himself just now, otherwise he would never have burned the schematic diagram. Without leaving any clues, this is the necessary knowledge for their spy agents. I didn't expect that the military's special operations force is so familiar with these processes.

But he knew that it was his veteran agents who had been trained in special agent skills. After listening to these introductions, he had to pick up the schematic diagram and read it several times before he could record all the locations in detail in his mind. Record all the positions in your heart after one visit, this leopard head must have an unforgettable ability.

He couldn't help but sigh in admiration, then turned his head to look at Wang Molin and nodded lightly, an expression of admiration seemed to cross his expressionless face.

Seeing Maotou's expression, Wang Molin knew that Maotou, a veteran agent with stunts, already recognized this young leopard in his heart.

He knows these players very well, and knows that these excellent Guoan players are talented people. They are usually very conceited and only buy into people who are really capable. It is difficult for ordinary people to control them unless they are convinced. Of course, these people did not compromise in the execution of orders.

Wang Molin smiled and glanced at Wan and asked, "When are you going to act? Just tonight. Who is the target's family?" After Wan Lin answered Wang Molin, he turned to look at the cat again. head asked.

"There are five people in the target family. One of the three children is in middle school and two are in elementary school. Usually, the wife is at home," Maotou replied quickly. Wan Lin nodded and said, "In that moment, please take me to the compound where the target is located, and I will investigate on the spot."

Maotou nodded and stood up, looked at Wang Molin and said, "If you don't have any instructions, I'll take Leopard's head for a spin?" Wang Molin replied, "Go, Xiaoya will follow, the two will not easily attract attention. "The three of them immediately got up and walked out the door.

Since the peak tourist season has passed and it is working time, this small ice and snow city looks very clean. There are only a few young people wearing colorful winter clothes on the roadside, chatting happily while looking left and right to appreciate the quaint streets on both sides of the street. architecture.

Wan Lin and Xiaoya were sitting in the car, Maotou drove the car silently, with no expression on his black and thin face. While looking out the window, Wan Lin pondered in his heart: This unsmiling cat head beside him must be a master with good internal skills, and his feet are extremely agile, so he should be a rare master of light power.

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