Panther Commando

Chapter 1497: proud capital

Maotou knew in his heart that Wan Lin's actions were very bold, and his analysis was indeed reasonable. Dusk time is indeed the most chaotic time period. As a security guard, your attention must be on the people and vehicles walking in and out of the hospital.

But at dusk, it is the peak time for get off work, and there are many people. The leopard head sneaks in at this time. If you are not careful, it may be exposed. The risk of action is extremely high. Once discovered, the consequences will be unimaginable.

Wan Lin didn't say anything after watching Maotou for a long time, knowing that he was worried about his own safety, he smiled and said, "Don't worry, it's alright. Time is running out, tell your subordinates to prepare for me."

Maotou turned his head to look at Wan Lin with a worried look in his eyes, and then glanced at the time on the dashboard in the car. After an hour, he hurriedly issued an order to the microphone in his ear.

Several people returned to the station and walked into the small building, and Maotou immediately informed Wang Molin of Wanlin's decision. After listening, Wang Molin looked at Wan Lin with a serious face, and asked in a deep voice, "Have you considered it?"

Wan Lin smiled lightly and said, "Time is running out now. The two experts are in the hands of the enemy. We have no time to deal with the enemy. Let's fight it quickly. I will try to learn some of the hostage situation from the opponent's mouth."

Wang Molin nodded. It has been more than a month since the two experts were kidnapped. The safety of the two experts really worried him.

Although these two experts are the bait for the mercenary group to lure the Panther Commandos, they will not be life-threatening for the time being. But they have a lot of anti-terrorism intelligence. Although they have all undergone special training, no one can guarantee how long they will last. Once they leak the secrets in their belly, it will definitely cause heavy losses to the work.

At that time, I am afraid that a group of anti-terrorist personnel who are fighting on the front line of the enemy's heart will be withdrawn, and they may face danger to their lives, which will inevitably bring great losses to the national security work.

Wang Molin looked up at Wanlin for a while, then turned his head and ordered the cat head: "Follow the instructions of the leopard head, mobilize all your people around, be prepared for accidents, and be sure to protect the safety of the leopard head! Yes!" Cat head He stood up abruptly and replied.

After a short time, one of Maotou's subordinates walked in with Lingling carrying a large bag, followed by handing a white backpack to Maotou, exchanged a few words in a low voice, and then stood at attention and replied in a low voice: "Yes !" He walked out again with a serious face.

Xiaoya said hello to Lingling, reached out to take the backpack in her hand and put it beside the sofa, took a look at the white backpack handed over by Cattou, and saw that it was a leather women's backpack, not a commonly used travel backpack. .

She knew that this kind of women's white backpack could only be found on the market. Travel backpacks were required to be sturdy and resistant to dirt, and there was no white one at all.

She turned her head and glanced at Wan Lin, then took out a thin set of white sportswear and socks from inside. Wan Lin raised his hand to look at his watch, then walked into the next room with his clothes in his arms.

Maotou quietly watched Wan Lin walk into the room, turned his head and asked Xiaoya, "It's a severe cold climate here, can you bear wearing it like this?"

Xiaoya smiled bitterly and said, "It shouldn't be a big problem to use your skills." As she said that, she carried her small bag and walked into the next room.

With a look of surprise in the cat's eyes, he turned his head and asked Wang Molin: "Wang Tou, which school is Leopard Tou from? What a profound internal strength!" Wang Molin smiled and replied: "Their school has always lived in seclusion in the mountains, and there are very few in the rivers and lakes. Someone knows them."

"It's really a master who doesn't show his face. In the deep mountains and jungles of China, there are still many such masters hidden!" Maotou murmured, a melancholy look on his face unconsciously.

He had always thought that he was already a rare master in the world. Except for the captain Jin Ying and the vice-captain Goshawk of the Falcon Squad, he really didn't know that there were such masters as Wan Lin in the world. When I saw it today, Fang Zhi was indeed someone outside the world, and there was a heaven outside the world. He felt a blow to his self-confidence, and the arrogant arrogance on his face suddenly subsided.

Wang Molin's sharp eyes had already seen the changes on Maotou's face, and he already knew the changes in his heart at this time. He knew that the team members under his command were all elites in various fields.

But in the turbulent espionage battlefield, this kind of arrogance may affect their judgment of the enemy's capabilities at any time. In a critical moment, it is very likely to bring immeasurable losses to the work, and it is very likely to bring great danger to themselves. .

In the past, Wang Molin reminded them of the truth of others, but he knew that deep in the hearts of these unruly team members, there was still a sense of arrogance. This is not something that words or orders can dispel, because they do have arrogance. ability. Only when they meet a real strong player will they gradually restrain their arrogance and gradually mature.

Soon, Wan Lin and Xiaoya walked out of the house. Wan Lin had put on a thin white sports suit and a gray winter jacket. Wang Molin stood up and looked at him and asked, "Are the weapons ready?"

Xiaoya nodded beside Wan Lin and said, "I brought a pistol and a hidden weapon." Wang Molin nodded, in the target compound guarded by heavy soldiers, it was indeed difficult to carry more weapons.

Wan Lin turned his head to Maotou and said, "You send the bank receipt record and the information on his computer in the name of the target child to my mobile phone."

Maotou was stunned for a moment when he heard the and immediately understood that this was a powerful means to combat the opponent's psychology. He immediately called and ordered his subordinates to pass the relevant information.

Everything was ready, Wan Lin looked at the sky outside the window and said to Wang Molin, "Should I go now?" Wang Molin nodded and stood up with a serious face. Wan Lin raised his hand to salute, then turned around and walked out of the house. Maotou and Xiaoya also saluted Wang Molin and walked out together.

At this time, the sky has become dim, and only the western sky is still showing a golden color. The white snow on the roof of the building reflects a touch of golden yellow under the reflection of the setting sun, and the tiny hexagonal snow grains shimmer with crystal luster.

Maotou drove the car slowly down the street, looking at the sky for a while, then glanced at the mirror inside the car, observing Wan Lin's movements.

Wan Lin and Xiaoya leaned against the back of the back seat side by side. Both of them closed their eyes slightly and breathed slowly. They seemed to have fallen asleep. Lingling sat in the front passenger seat.

Gradually, Maotou, who was driving, suddenly felt hot and dry, as if the temperature in the car had suddenly risen several degrees. He raised his hand to turn off the heater in the car, but instead of falling, the temperature in the car continued to rise.

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