Panther Commando

Chapter 1706: possible hidden dangers

The two generals carried the air knife and walked quickly to the ambulance with the back door opened. The two medics hurriedly lined up on both sides of the stretcher and walked together. Xian's dull face flushed with excitement.

Wan Lin and the others had already descended under the gangway, and they were standing upright, quietly looking at the backs of the two generals carrying the wind knives, with excited expressions in their eyes. Home, really home! There was a sudden burst of warmth in everyone's heart.

Li Dongsheng and Yu Jing carefully put the air knife into the ambulance. Li Dongsheng turned to the medic next to him and ordered, "Send to the military hospital immediately!" "Yes!" The two medics quickly got into the car and closed the door. The ambulance immediately flashed blue warning lights and roared away from the airport.

Li Dongsheng and Yu Jing watched the ambulance go away, then turned around and walked towards Wan Lin and the others. "Line up... stand at attention... salute!" Wan Lin hurriedly shouted. The Hua Leopard team members behind him and the members of the Guoan civet cat team who returned on the same plane immediately lined up, standing upright and saluting the two generals who came.

Li Dongsheng and Yu Jing strode to the front of the queue and looked at each team member attentively. Only then did Li Dongsheng and Yu Jing suddenly touch their feet, raised their hands in return, and then put them down again.

"Complete," Wan Lin shouted in a low voice, then raised his hand to take out the dark battery from his arms, took a big step forward with both hands in his arms, and shouted loudly: "Report, please take back the item, please check and accept it. !"

Yu Jing stretched out a handful of both hands and took over the battery. She carefully inspected one side up and down, left and right, a bright smile suddenly appeared on her haggard face, and she raised her hand in a "slap" salute. He shouted hoarsely: "The battery is intact, not damaged, and the acceptance is passed! Thank you brothers and sisters, you have worked hard!"

For many days and nights, she, Li Dongsheng and Gao Li did not leave the battle hall, anxiously waiting for news from Wan Lin and the others. Now, she finally saw that the battery that made her cherished has returned to Zhao, the big stone in her heart has finally been removed, and the son in her heart has finally returned!

At this moment, "whoosh", "whoosh", the two leopards jumped up from the shoulders of Wan Lin and Xiaoya, jumped onto the shoulders of Li Dongsheng and Yu Jing, opened their mouths and went to the two. People's cheeks were pressed together, and since the two little things learned to kiss, they would come to people when they got excited.

"Hahaha", everyone around laughed, Li Dongsheng and Yu Jing also happily raised their hands to hug Xiaohua and Xiaobai in their arms, and gently stroked their soft long hair.

Li Dongsheng looked at each team member with a smile, then looked at Maotou and said, "Are you the leader of the civet cat team, Maotou?" Maotou took a step forward and shouted loudly, "Report to the two leaders, Maotou. Let the members of the civet cat team report to you!" Then he turned his head and glanced at the cat's eyes who stepped out with him, and shouted loudly: "Salute!"

Li Dongsheng and Yu Jing glanced at the few civet cats, and raised their hands in return. Li Dongsheng put down his arms and said loudly: "Okay, as expected of the elite combat team of Guoan, they are all powerful! We welcome you to come back victorious on behalf of Military Region A!"

He then glanced at Wan Lin and said with a smile: "Okay, don't stand here. Deputy Director Wang and Minister Gao are waiting for you in the dining room of the military region, and a celebration banquet has been set up for you, if you have anything to drink Let's talk about it later. Get in the car!" With a wave of his big hand, he hugged Xiaohua and Xiaobai together with Yu Jing, turned around and walked towards the jeep next to him.

Wan Lin smiled and waved to the surrounding comrades: "Disband, get in the car! Go for a drink." Everyone laughed and ran to the van next to him. Wan Lin followed Li Dongsheng and Yu Jing, who were holding two leopards. Jeep goes.

Wan Lin walked quickly to the side of the jeep and looked inside the car, seeing that there was no driver inside, knowing that Li Tou and Yu Jing drove by themselves. He quickly opened the door next to the cab to sit in the driving position. Li Dongsheng pulled him away and said, "Go, go behind, dare to grab Lao Tzu's seat!"

Yu Jing covered her mouth and smiled and sat in the co-pilot's seat. Wan Lin quickly opened the rear door and got in. Wan Lin got into the car and grinned. His heart was filled with emotion. The old chief was driving himself to pick him up.

On the way back, Wan Lin sat silent for a while in the back seat, then looked at Yu Jing in the co-pilot with an embarrassed expression, and murmured: "Mr. Yu, I'm so sorry, I gave you... the one that was given to us. The drone is ruined! I... I ask for punishment!"

Yu Jing held the battery tightly in both hands, turned around and looked at Wan Lin, who was embarrassed, and said, "Nonsense! How can you be punished? What is a man-machine? If it weren't for this battery, it would be easy to lose dozens of aircraft."

Li Dongsheng also said with a smile: "That's right, it's not normal to lose some equipment on the battlefield. If it weren't for the fact that Mr. Yu's battery was too expensive, I would have ordered you to return! On the battlefield, people are the most important thing. Tell me about the situation when you took back the battery."

Wan Lin quickly reported the situation. Li Dongsheng listened intently to Wan Lin's report while looking at the road ahead. Just after Wan Lin's report was finished, Li Dongsheng suddenly asked thoughtfully, "Can you be sure that the captured mercenary didn't reveal the special situation of the battery?"

Wan Lin was shocked, and after a while of silence, he replied, "I can't be sure! I was only analyzing the performance of the **** in the The mercenary hadn't disclosed the specific situation of the battery. At that time, I had already realized the seriousness of the problem, just in case, I and Fengdao immediately changed the battle plan and went deep into the **** camp to kill him on the spot to prevent him from leaking more information.”

Li Dongsheng nodded silently. Wan Lin's reaction was extremely fast at that time, and his response was also very appropriate. He immediately took a great risk and went deep into the tiger's den, and killed the captured Yamaguchi mercenary without hesitation. But how much information is revealed between the mercenaries from being captured to being killed? No one can predict this!

The air in the car suddenly became tense. All three of them knew in their hearts that once they knew the long-term battery life of the drone, they would definitely guess the secret in this battery, and they would most likely reveal the news. How could a group of gangsters have strict confidentiality measures.

And once the news about the battery is leaked, it will definitely attract the attention of those international spy agencies who are scheming. Whether it is a commercial espionage or those countries with bad intentions, they may covet this research result, and it is very likely that Yu Jing's research institute will be swept away. and herself, as a target for intelligence.

Therefore, although the battery is now fully returned to Zhao, there may still be some unsafe hidden dangers, and they cannot take it lightly.

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