Panther Commando

Chapter 1713: the warmth of the family

Xiaoya turned her head to look at Wan Lin, smiled and said, "Thank him for what, that's not right, thank me if you want to thank him." She said "giggling" and laughed.

Wan Lin took his hand away from his aunt's wrist and said with a smile, "It's much better. The stagnant and blocked meridians in the legs have been basically practiced. If you keep practicing, you will get better and better. Come on, I'll give it to you again. Clear the meridians."

Auntie stood up quickly and bent over to roll up her trouser legs. Wan Lin stood up and waved his hands and said, "No need." He took a deep breath and rubbed his hands vigorously. Then, he stretched out his palms and slowly moved them twenty centimeters in front of his aunt.

Auntie was stunned for a moment, then felt a warm air flow from in front of her, and then slowly moved along the meridians of her whole body. Xiaoya also stood up from the side, and said softly to her mother, "Follow the breath."

Gradually, a warm air flowed out of the room, and a pale pink aerosphere gradually appeared on Wan Lin's body, not only surrounding his aunt, but also Xiaoya.

At this time, the hall door was gently opened, and an old soldier in a lieutenant general's uniform appeared silently at the door, quietly looking at the three people wrapped in an air-bag indoors.

A smile suddenly appeared on the corner of his mouth, he raised his hand and took off the military cap on his head, his gray hair undulating slightly under the disturbance of the indoor air.

He stood quietly at the door, gratified, and Wan Lin, who was engrossed in giving his boss a good job, had a look of relief in his eyes. After a long time, the air circle was slowly shrinking, and then it seemed to be attracted by a suction, and a breeze disappeared from Wan Lin's lower abdomen.

Wan Lin took a deep breath, then hurriedly turned around and stood at attention, raised his hand to salute the general at the door, and shouted loudly, "Hello, President Wan!" Chang appeared at the door, but he couldn't turn around and salute when he was doing his work.

Xiaoya pulled down his salute arm from the side, raised her hand and slapped him, smiled and said, "This is home, what are you calling?"

At this moment, Xiaohua and Xiaobai got out of the stairs on the second floor, quickly ran to Dean Wan and turned around, raised their heads and tried to smell it, then turned around and ran away, obviously looking at Did Dean Wan bring anything delicious?

Dean Wan looked at the two leopards with a smile and said, "Isn't there a lot of delicious food for you in the guest room, why did you come to me to find it?" The two leopards wagged their tails and jumped up again quickly to the second floor.

Xiaoya smiled and ran to the door, and called out affectionately, "Dad, why did you come back so early?" She stretched out her hand to take the briefcase in her father's hand, took his arm and said as she walked, "Dad, I took this stupid The boy called you, hee hee."

"Uncle" Wan Lin still stood up straight, shouted respectfully, then quickly walked over to take the military cap from the old man's hand, strode to the hanger next to it and hung it on it.

Dean Wan glanced at Wan Lin with a smile, turned around and walked to his wife's side and asked, "Wan Lin gave you another treatment, how do you feel?"

"Hehehe, it's so comfortable, this kid's kung fu has improved again, right? Why didn't I touch me, I felt a warm air flow around me, it's amazing!" The old lady said, raising her legs He kicked hard, but his body swayed and almost fell to the ground.

Xiaoya next to her quickly stretched out her hand to support her mother, "giggling" and said with a smile: "You thought Wan Lin gave you luck treatment and you could fly." Dean Wan also laughed "hehe".

The old lady pushed Xiaoya away excitedly, and said happily, "I really feel like I'm going to fly."

Dean Wan sat on the sofa, turned his head and saw Wan Lin approaching, then pointed to the sofa opposite and said, "Wan Lin, sit down quickly. I saw you doing gong just now, it is obvious that your gong has improved a lot, and you have been doing it. Mission, why do you still have time to practice?”

As she spoke, she took a closer look at Xiaoya's face, and saw that her big eyes were also full of light, and she obviously improved a lot of skill.

Before Wan Lin could answer, Xiaoya said with a smile, "You don't know, right? Our old Wan family's kung fu can be practiced in normal times. We meditate between battles to recover our physical strength, and when we use our true qi to kill the enemy, we will be invisible. Improve our skills. Hehe, our Lao Wan family's skills are amazing."

"Stinky girl, we're already old before we get married!" Mother raised her hand and tapped Xiaoya on the head. Dean Wan also shook his head, looked at his beloved daughter lovingly and sighed softly: "Alas, it seems that the water splashed by the married daughter is true!"

Xiaoya hurriedly walked to her father's side, put her hand on his arm and said coquettishly: "Who said that, of course our old Wan family includes you, you, the general of Wan Lao, are not very powerful." "Hahahaha, including, Including." Dean Wan laughed comfortably, as if the pores of his body were smiling, and there was a loving look in his eyes.

Wan Lin looked at this happy family, and his heart suddenly filled with a warm feeling. Returning from the battlefield filled with gunpowder smoke, and suddenly entering such a warm family life, he really had a strong feeling of solidity, tranquility and happiness in his heart.

He thought silently in his heart: It is not the greatest happiness to live in such a peaceful, peaceful and happy life in one's whole life. Isn't it just to ensure that every ordinary person can live such a happy life? !

He sighed in his heart and then shook his head gently: This most ordinary happy life for ordinary people is simply an extravagant hope for these special forces members. It's no wonder that when it comes to vacation, everyone gives up the idea of ​​going to places of interest and rushes back to their hometown. Family love is what they most desire now.

He raised his head and looked at Xiaoya in deep thought, and said softly, "Xiaoya, stay with your uncle and aunt. I'll go back to see grandpa tomorrow." Xiaoya's head rested on her father's firm shoulders and turned her head to look at her. Zhan Wan Lin was stunned for a moment, and then he understood what he meant.

Just as Xiaoya was about to speak, Dean Wan waved his hand, looked at Xiaoya and said, "Let's go see the old man together, Grandpa raised Wan Lin alone, you can spend more time with the old man. Besides, you guys The military region is here, and there will be many opportunities for Xiaoya to go home."

Xiaoya turned her head and glanced at her somewhat lonely mother. At this time, her mother was sitting on the sofa silently sorting out a handful of leeks, her eyes were a little red, and she said nothing.

Dean Wan knew that his wife was reluctant to leave her daughter, he patted Xiaoya's hand lightly and stood up, and said with a smile: "Wife, let's go, let's prepare a table for my daughter and Wan Lin today, and let them see me today. Craftsmanship" said, then turned around and pointed at the apron around Xiaoya's waist and said, "Xiaoya, give the apron to Dad."

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