Panther Commando

Chapter 1717: pour down

Wan Lin had just passed the overloaded truck when he saw the toll gate of the expressway several kilometers away. Several police cars were parked sideways in the opposite lane, blocking half of the road. The red police lights on the roof were flashing. A police officer is standing in the road holding a traffic sign with a red light in his hand, and is directing vehicles from the highway to the roadside for inspection.

Beside the police car on the side of the road, a group of police officers in plainclothes were bending over to check the vehicle that had just stopped, and a group of special police officers with miniature submachine guns stood beside them.

Wan Lin turned his face and glanced at Xiaoya and said, "Look across the street, don't know what information the police have obtained? Why did they set up a roadblock here so early?"

Xiaoya looked up, nodded and said, "It is estimated that, looking at the postures of the SWAT officers with guns around, they are either preparing to deal with drug dealers or a vicious criminal case has occurred."

The two were talking when they saw a black car slowly drive out of the toll booth on the opposite side, and drove towards the policeman holding a sign on the road ahead. The two policemen on the road immediately waved the sign to signal the vehicle to pull over for inspection.

The car immediately lowered its speed and slowly approached the two policemen. When it was about ten meters away from the two policemen standing in the road, the car suddenly made a roar of the engine, and the car jumped forward suddenly, whistling to the front. The police rushed.

Wan Lin in the opposite driveway frowned when he saw this scene, stepped on the accelerator to accelerate and rushed forward, his eyes fixed on the driveway opposite the isolation belt.

The sudden change took everyone by surprise! In a burst of exclamations, the black car was like a runaway horse, and it rushed in front of the two policemen on the road in an instant.

The two policemen were startled, and they stood up as if rushing from both sides. The traffic signs in their hands fell to the ground in panic and avoidance.

Just as the two policemen dodged, the black car whizzed past the two policemen. The policeman near Wanlin's side of the lane dodged a little slower, and his body suddenly rose into the air with the passing car. It flew diagonally towards the driveway on Wanlin's side, and the side reflector of the black car also flew in the air with the policeman's body. Obviously, the policeman was hit by the reflector of the speeding car and flew up.

Wan Lin was shocked. At a glance, he saw that the flying policeman was flying towards him. He stepped on the brake with his feet. With the violent braking sound, he pushed open the cab door and jumped out. The metal isolation belt on the upper side, and a metal column on the isolation belt was vigorously kicked under the foot, and jumped out in the direction of the flying policeman.

At the same time, there were bursts of shouts of "stop" and "stop!" and the sound of pulling the bolt, followed by the sound of "da-da-da" warning shots!

A group of SWAT officers standing on the side of the road turned their guns and aimed at the black sedan that had been speeding by, while a group of plainclothes police officers who were standing by the roadside waiting to check the vehicle also suddenly pulled out their pistols and chased the speeding black sedan. , but the black car in front of them has rushed past them whistling.

A group of special police officers and plainclothes behind saw this scene, and immediately ran to their police car, quickly got into the car, started a few police cars, and chased after them with a roar.

In the blink of an eye, on the road that was still quiet in the early morning, the roar of the engines of the cars immediately came out. Several police cars roared and chased after the black cars in front, and several plainclothes policemen also stopped at this time. Footsteps, his face turned red, and he ran towards the opposite lane.

At this time, Wan Lin had already kicked his feet on the isolation belt in the air, catching up with the black shadow flying from the air like lightning, and he rolled violently in the middle of the road when he landed. Xiaoya also opened the door and jumped out at the same time as Wan Lin saved. She dashed towards the truck full of cargo behind her, and shouted sharply to the driver of the truck, "Stop! Hurry up! parking!"

The driver of the big truck suddenly saw the sudden braking sound of the jeep in the side lane ahead, and was also shocked! Then I saw a dark figure rushing out of the jeep and rushing towards my truck, shaking his arms as he ran.

He immediately understood that there was an emergency in front of him, and stepped on the brake with one foot. The large truck full of cardboard boxes trembled immediately, and all the wheels stopped flying immediately, but the huge inertia had already carried the fully loaded truck forward. slide.

Amid the screeching brakes, the huge truck was like a black hill, rolling over towards the two Wan Lin who were falling on the road in front of them and rolled tightly with the police in their arms.

The driver of the large truck was stunned by the sudden scene in front of him, his right foot was firmly on the brake, and his hands quickly turned the steering wheel toward the right side of the road.

The carriage full of cartons swayed violently during the violent braking and steering, followed by a "bang" sound, the thin ropes that bound the cartons suddenly collapsed with the huge inertia brought by the braking, and the carts full of folded cartons " "Hula," leaned down to the road, and the body was also in the huge inertia, leaning the body and rushing towards the roadside guardrail, slammed into the guardrail and stopped with a "bang".

At this time, Wan Lin was rolling on the road with the police in his arms, and just rolled to the side of the truck that had just stopped, and the cardboard boxes poured down from the truck like a huge wave that overturned the river and slammed into the two people beside the car!

Xiaoya and a few plainclothes policemen who had just crossed the guardrail in the road were shouting "Be careful!" while rushing towards Wan Lin and the two of them, Xiaoya had already turned around and followed the truck From the back, they chased after Wan Lin and the two who were in front.

Just as the whistling cardboard box was about to hit Wan Lin and the two of them, Xiaoya suddenly saw a red light emerge from Wan Lin's body, followed by the cardboard box that was poured down by the two of them. Covered under.

Xiaoya, who flew over, was shocked when she saw this scene, and shouted "Wan Lin!" She stepped on the road with her feet, jumped up on the high cardboard box, and picked up the beside her with both hands. The cardboard box was thrown to the side, shouting Wan Lin's name with a flushed face, and pieces of folded cardboard boxes fluttered toward both sides like snowflakes.

Just now, she had seen Wan Lin suddenly lift up his True Qi to resist the roaring cardboard box, but under this kind of hill-like cardboard box, it was the same as when he was buried under the avalanche last time. As long as the time was delayed, the oxygen inside would definitely be If they were to be exhausted, Wan Lin and the policeman would not be able to hold on for long. So now we must remove the cardboard box as soon as possible to rescue the two of Wan Lin as soon as possible!

Just when Xiaoya was anxious, two small black shadows on the side suddenly flashed through the air, and the two leopards had already jumped out of the car like lightning, and jumped to the top of the cardboard box. He was digging through the stacks of cardboard boxes under him.

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