Panther Commando

Chapter 1744: bad mood

Wu Xueying told the whole incident in detail, and then asked excitedly: "Wantou, why did you remember calling in the middle of the night? Where are you now?"

After Wan Lin heard this, he turned his head to look at Xiaoya, who was smiling while covering her mouth. With a wry smile, she picked up the phone on the coffee table and replied, "Where else can I be? Brothers and sisters, like you, are also at the police station!"

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a burst of laughter over the phone. Obviously, Zhang Wa and the others on the side laughed.

Wu Xueying "giggled" and said proudly: "Hee hee, I just saw you called and said that we will not be alone, you must be very lively there, Doll and Mengmeng still don't believe it. How about it, I said That's right!"

At this time, Zhang Wa's voice also came from the phone: "Wantou, what happened over there? Tell me now. We are waiting in the police station to be 'arraigned', and we are bored." Then came the laughter of several people.

Wan Lin also laughed, and said to Xiaoya: "Tell them about it, these people are all afraid that the world will not be chaotic."

Xiaoya took the phone from Wan Lin's hands with a smile, and told the situation she had encountered in a slow and soft voice. Wan Lin leaned on the sofa, put Xiaohua and Xiaobai on his lap, and gently stroked their soft long hair with both hands.

At this time, he was thinking about the martial arts that Lin Zisheng had inherited from his family. He had seen Lin Zisheng use that kind of strange movement technique on the battlefield in the past. His movements were extremely agile and weird. It was indeed a kind of kung fu he had never seen before. , he was really curious at the time.

But this is someone's family secret, if they don't say it themselves, it's really hard for others to ask. Unexpectedly, Zisheng went back with Wen Meng and several others this time, and he showed his kung fu without concealment. It seems that this kid is really tempted by Wen Meng.

Thinking of this, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he secretly said in his heart: "Wen Meng is a good girl, just like Xiaoya, quiet, beautiful, and considerate, while Lin Zisheng is elegant, handsome, and the voice of a martial arts family, and she has a good reputation. There is no need to say about the skill and character, if the two can come together, they are indeed a good match."

The next morning, Captain Zhang, who had been busy all night, personally sent Wan Lin and Xiaoya to the hospital. He reached out and held Wan Lin's hand and said, "You guys helped us solve a major human trafficking case this time! "

"After overnight interrogation, we have learned that their gang has a complete criminal chain, involving fraud, abduction, human trafficking, insulting women and other crimes. There are more than a dozen people involved, and we are organizing the arrest of these criminals. Haha, military police Family, I won't say thank you anymore, now I'm busy with this case, and I really don't have time to accompany you, so next time you pass by me again, you must come here as a guest!"

Wan Lin smiled and squeezed his hand tightly, turned around and was about to greet Xiaoya to get in the car, but saw Xiaoya talking to the girls who had just walked out.

Wan Lin and Captain Zhang walked over together. Captain Zhang looked at a few girls and explained to Wan Lin: "The relevant evidence collection work has ended. We have already purchased tickets for them to return to their hometowns and are preparing to send them to the long-distance bus. stand".

At this moment, several girls were holding Xiaoya's hand, tears of excitement in their eyes. Xiaoya turned her head and glanced at Wan Lin, turned around and took out her wallet from her backpack, took out a stack of banknotes and handed it to Captain Zhang, and said, "The girls have no money, you give them the money. Let them buy some food on the way." When a few girls heard Xiaoya's words, they hugged Xiaoya and burst into tears.

Xiaoya's eyes also became a little red, she turned around and handed the banknotes to Captain Zhang, followed by hugging a few girls, turned around and pulled Wan Lin and walked quickly to her jeep, her eyes sparkling with sparkles. of tears.

"Thank you sister!" "Thank you eldest brother, eldest sister", "Woo, woo"... A burst of crying followed by the kneeling sound of "putong" and "putong" from behind the two of them.

Xiaoya and Wan Lin didn't look back, they quickly got into the jeep with two leopards in their arms, and quickly drove out of the police compound. At this time, a string of crystal tears fell on Xiaoya's delicate face.

The encounter of several girls really made the mood of the two people extremely bad. They feel pity for these little girls like flowers and jade, and they are also angry for the brutality of those gangsters, but at the same time they feel their own powerlessness. Both of them were thinking at this time: they are only special forces, what else can they do other than rescue them from the fire pit by chance...

On the way, Wan Lin and Xiaoya didn't talk much. Their thoughts were caught in the encounters of several girls and they couldn't extricate themselves. The originally cheerful mood was affected. Even the two originally cheerful leopards seemed to sense this atmosphere, lying on the back seat and squinting and falling asleep without saying a word.

In the afternoon, the two finally drove into the provincial capital where grandfather lives now. The two saw that they were getting closer to grandpa's residence, and their mood calmed down a little. The two leopards also climbed out of the back seat. He got up, jumped onto the shoulders of Wan Lin and Xiaoya who were in front, and looked at the front with high spirits.

Wan Lin drove directly to the gate of the courtyard house that Chairman Liu Hongxin gave to his grandfather. He looked up to see Zhu Hong's two doors open, and there was no one person in the spacious courtyard.

Seeing that she had finally arrived home, Wan Lin glanced at Xiaoya next to her with and saw a look of joy on her face, knowing that her mood had recovered.

He slowly drove the car to the door, and suddenly two figures emerged from the concierge on the side of the door. Two flat-headed young men in casual clothes suddenly stood at the door and raised their hands to stop.

Wan Lin saw that it was Xiao Li and Xiao Wang who were sent by Ye Feng from the Provincial State Security Bureau to be in charge of security. Since the residence of Grandpa Yamanaka was known by the Yamaguchi mercenaries and sent someone to take revenge, Wang Molin personally instructed Ye Feng to strengthen the security of this courtyard, to prevent those wicked little devils from dying and hurting the people around Wanlin. .

Wan Lin hurriedly parked the car at the gate, pushed the car door open and jumped down with Xiaoya. The two leopards lying on the back seat quickly jumped out of the car door and slipped into the courtyard.

At the door, Xiao Li and Xiao Wang were looking at the two who jumped out of the car door when they suddenly found two black shadows jumping past their feet. between.

But the two of them immediately saw Wan Lin and Xiaoya who got out of the car, and immediately reacted that it was the two leopards who ran in. They quickly put down their arms holding the gun and greeted them. Xiao Li asked in surprise, "Captain Wan, why are you back? Don't let me know in advance."

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