Panther Commando

Chapter 1753: History in the door

After the three of them listened, Jingyi and Wan Miao nodded vigorously. Shanshan pouted and whispered, "Why didn't you take us there? We haven't been to Lingxiu Mountain." In the eyes of Jingyi and Wan Miao Also showing a longing look.

Xiaoya explained with a smile, "Aren't you going to school now? So I won't take you this time. We'll take you to play when you're on vacation."

Grandpa patted Shanshan's head, looked at the three little disciples with a smile, and said, "Study hard, when you practice kung fu well and grow up, you can take us to play with your brother and sister, okay?"

"Okay!" The three little guys raised their heads and said. At this time, Wan Miao turned to look at the **** at the door, then turned to look at Wan Lin and asked hesitantly, "Brother, can you mix Qiuqiu with Xiaohua and Xiaobai? stay with us?"

Wan Lin was stunned for a moment, then realized that Wan Miao liked the three leopards very much, and was reluctant to let them go too. He looked at his grandfather and said, "Okay, then let them all accompany you."

The slightly depressed faces of the three children immediately became cheerful, and several of them turned to the three leopards at the door and screamed crisply.

Wan Lin smiled and said to Jingyi: "Jingyi, then you can take your junior and junior sisters to play, Xiaohua and they are waiting for you." "Hey" Jingyi agreed crisply, pulling Wan Miao and Shanshan to run out.

Grandpa looked kindly at the backs of several children, turned his head to look at Shanshan's mother who was smiling, and said, "Then you and Professor Chang have worked hard during this time." Shanshan's mother said cheerfully, "Look at you. Say, what's so hard about this, you teach your children so well, I should thank you."

Wan Lin and Xiaoya looked at Shanshan's mother's happy face and knew that she was thanking the two old people for not only giving their mother and daughter a place to live, but also giving their own daughter Shanshan such a good education.

Early the next morning, Wan Lin and Xiaoya drove away from the courtyard with their grandfather. The old man sat in the co-pilot position in the car, looking excitedly at the scenery outside the car.

Xiaoya lay on the backrest behind Wan Lin, looked at Grandpa's excited look and asked with a smile, "Why is Grandpa so happy?"

Grandpa turned his face to look at Wan Lin who was driving, and then turned to Xiaoya: "Hehehe, when I was young, I followed your grandfather to the outside world a few times, mainly in the rivers and lakes. Experience and go to famous mountains and rivers to collect medicine. Later, when Lin Er's father practiced kung fu, he also took him to go outside a few times. Since then, he has rarely come out, and he has been here with you. The provincial capital has never been out of the mountains again.”

The old man said with a long sigh: "Oh, it's alright now, I can finally take advantage of my grandson, and come out to see the famous mountains and rivers in China. Hehehe, good."

There was sadness and joy in the old man's words, Xiaoya and Wan Lin both turned their heads to look at their grandfather's vicissitudes-filled face, feeling a burst of sadness and guilt in their hearts.

The old man put all his energy into the next generation. Not only did he cultivate the Wan Lin father and son with unique skills, but now he has reached the age of old age, and he should have been enjoying his life well, and he is still cultivating three younger disciples. He Wanlin just took the old man out for a walk, and made the old man happy like this. Speaking of which, he and Wanlin are indeed ashamed.

She patted Wan Lin's shoulder lightly and said, "Did you hear me? As long as we have time in the future, let's take grandpa and juniors and juniors out for a walk!"

"Okay! Sure." Wan Lin glanced at his grandfather with a smile, and suddenly asked, "Grandpa, you didn't say anything about the Lingxiu faction last night. What happened?"

He saw that his grandfather briefly mentioned the Lingxiu faction last night, and did not say anything about their kung fu. At that time, he estimated that his grandfather was worried about the presence of Professor Chang, so he did not directly mention the situation of other people's kung fu. Xiaoya listened to Wan Lin's mention at this time, and stared at her grandfather with wide eyes.

The grandfather smiled and looked at Wan Lin and said, "You kid is very careful. I didn't elaborate yesterday, because it was impolite to judge other martial arts in front of outsiders in front of Professor Chang. Although Professor Chang is not an outsider, he is not. We are people in our door, so I didn't elaborate on the situation at that time."

The old man said, looking at the road ahead, he pondered for a while before saying: "You are all grown up, and you should know some of the history of some sects. Originally, the history of these clans will not be available until Lin'er gets married. I will teach you in detail. Hehe, I don’t pay attention to these now, you are not by my side, and it is rare to come back, I will tell you when I have time.”

When the old man said this, he turned his head to look at Wan Lin and Xiaoya, and said earnestly, "Hehe, Lin'er is the eldest grandson of my Wan family, and I'm getting older, some things in the door, Lin'er, you We need more dim sum. Like Kung Fu, the history of Wan's family is the foundation of our Wan's family, and it will depend on you to pass it on from generation to generation in the future."

Wan Lin looked at his grandfather and nodded solemnly. He knew that his grandfather was gradually handing over the entire Wan family to himself, and he immediately felt a heavy feeling in his heart. Perhaps in the near future, the burden of inheritance of the Wan will fall completely on his shoulders, which is a daunting task.

Grandpa looked at Wan Lin and said, "A lot of history in our door is based on our ancestors traveling around the world, passing down the things we experienced as little stories, and relying on these stories to show our Wan Lin. The development and inheritance of the sect shows the status of our sect in martial arts. So when I have time, I will tell you about it slowly."

The old man laughed and looked at the passing roadside scenery and said, "Hehe, it's okay to be idle on the road today, I will simply tell you the story of the ancestors and this Lingxiu school." The old man said, raising his eyes Looking at the straight road ahead, he spoke with great interest.

Hundreds of years ago, the two disciples of the Wan family had reached the age of weakness, and their kung fu was also successful. According to the rules of Wanjia, when they become adults, their elders will take them out of the mountains to travel around the rivers and lakes. One is to let them experience the martial arts of various schools and to increase their knowledge of the rivers and lakes; the other is to let them go outside the mountains to find their favorite girls. , once the two sides are in love, they will bring them back to the mountains to marry, so as to continue the incense of Wanjia.

One day, the three of them walked to the foot of a mountain. The elder looked at the rolling hills and saw a hunter walking out of the mountain with a bow in his hand and his prey on his back. He walked over and saluted and asked aloud: "Excuse me, this is What is the name of the mountain?"

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