Panther Commando

Chapter 1759: Refuse 0 miles

At this moment, Master Hongquan stood next to several of his disciples, and everyone looked anxious. The injured disciple was also sitting on the grass, holding his injured arm and looking anxious. The two young girls squatted beside the big man one by one, their faces were full of tears, and a layer of crystal tears flashed in their eyes, looking pitiful.

Seeing the expressions of these disciples, the elders knew in their hearts that their skills were far inferior to that of their masters. There was nothing they could do about this kind of internal injury.

Several Hongquan disciples saw the elder walking towards them, and immediately straightened their waists and saluted the elder. Master Hongquan, who was sitting cross-legged on the ground, also grabbed the arms of the two girls beside him and struggled to stand up, bowing his hands in thanks, with a pale face. With a grateful look. Obviously, just now his disciple had completely told him the situation of the elder's rescue just now.

The elder walked up to him and glanced at him, and asked in a low voice, "How are you Zhou Sect Master?" Master Hong Quan was shocked, knowing that it was an old acquaintance of his Sect Master, and quickly said respectfully, "My Master is in good health, you are?"

The elder smiled slightly and replied: "You don't need to ask who I am, you can just say my surname Wan and he will know when you go back." Is it from the Wan family? No wonder you have such a high level of skill, thank you for your life-saving grace!" As he said, he bent his knees and knelt down as a junior to give a big gift.

The Wan clan had a very high status in the rivers and lakes at that time. When their leaders saw them, they would consider themselves juniors. He was the disciple of the leader, so he naturally wanted to give great gifts.

The elder quickly reached out to stop him, turned his face and glanced at the two shocked girls beside him, and asked with a smile, "This is your apprentice?"

"These are two little girls," the big man said quickly, turning his head to the two daughters and saying, "Come and meet the seniors!" The elder stopped the two girls with a smile, looked at them carefully, and then asked, "What happened just now? How come you are fighting for your life?"

The big man quickly whispered what happened. It turned out that he also took a few disciples and two daughters out to travel around the arena, wanting them to gain insight and gain some experience in the arena. Their sect belonged to a branch of Hongquan, and had a high status in the rivers and lakes at that time, and their martial arts were not weak.

When they were passing by, the two girls saw the beautiful scenery here, so they happily ran over to enjoy the beautiful scenery. But just now, the two young disciples of the martial arts person suddenly appeared. The other party saw the two girls being pretty and immediately came over to chat up. Immediately, there was a quarrel between the two sides, and several disciples rushed to move their hands.

After he arrived, he immediately stopped his disciple and two daughters, and then reasoned with the other party for a few words. He didn't expect the other party's words to be extremely unpleasant, so he and the other party's teacher started to fight. He came up and saw that the opponent's skill was average, and he just wanted to show his kung fu so that the other party could retreat in spite of the difficulties, and he didn't mention the whole body's skill.

Unexpectedly, the opponent's skill is extremely peculiar, and he suddenly emits a cold aura from his body at a disadvantage. In shock, he forcibly raised all his skills and prepared to give it a shot.

After he finished speaking, his pale face was a little red, and then he said: "Actually, it's not a big deal. The other disciple didn't do anything too much, but his words were cold and harsh. I don't know what the ending will be?" I said with regret.

The elder smiled after hearing this, knowing that this was a common problem among the martial arts people at that time, and they would fight each other if they disagreed.

He waved his hand and called the two disciples standing beside him to introduce him: "These are the two disciples in my sect, and they came out with me to gain knowledge. Let's talk about it." He turned around and walked towards the opposite side. go.

At this moment, the middle-aged man sitting cross-legged on the ground had already opened his eyes. He glanced dimly at the approaching elder, raised his hand and asked the disciple beside him to help him up, followed by pushing aside the disciple and clasping his fists in salute, then looked up and down. Glancing at the elder, he said, "Thank you, senior, for your help, Xie Changgeng of Lingxiu Sect is very grateful!"

The elder raised his hand and clasped his fist, and only now did he know that these people were under a door called Lingxiu Gate, which happened to be the same as the place name of this Lingxiu Mountain. He was about to open his mouth to further inquire about the origin of the other party's sect, but the other party then said in a cold tone: "Can you take the liberty to ask the senior's sect?"

The elder looked at the other party's refusal appearance, and knew that the opponent was unwilling to reveal the situation of Lingxiu Sect, so he said with a faint smile: "Hehe, I am a country man, and I have no sect." Next to a few disciples of the sect. The other party was stunned for a moment, and with the help of several disciples, he turned around and walked into the surrounding mountains.

A few people next to him looked at Lingxiu's disciple who turned away in amazement, and there was a look of disdain in their eyes. A girl standing beside the tall man whispered, "Why are these people like this, the senior saved them, why did they leave so rudely?"

The two disciples of the Wan family also stared at each other's back in and shook their heads gently. The elder walked over and saw the expressions of the crowd, smiled and said, "Hehehe, this is nothing new. Different schools and sects practice different martial arts, so the centrality of their practice will also change. Their martial arts are extremely cold, so The centrality of cultivation will also be affected, and his speech is a little cold and unpleasant, but there is no malicious intent."

The elder then took a closer look at the middle-aged man beside him and said, "You just increased your skills, but the meridians in your body have been damaged and need to be repaired and restored as soon as possible. Where are you going next?"

The other party hesitated and replied: "I came out with a few disciples and little girls, and I had no purpose at all, I just wanted them to gain more knowledge, especially to make friends with the disciples of famous sects and increase their skills. Now I am fortunate enough. It's our luck for three lifetimes to meet your seniors from the Wan family! If the seniors don't dislike us, we might as well walk together and let a few children learn more, do you think?"

The elder turned his head and looked at some of his disciples. Seeing them all had eager expressions in their eyes, knowing that they had been convinced by the skills displayed by him and his two disciples. And his two disciples were also secretly looking at the two girls.

With a smile on his lips, he nodded and replied, "Alright, the mountains and rivers here are beautiful and the scenery is beautiful. Let's stay here for a few days, and everyone can communicate."

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