Panther Commando

Chapter 1774: embarrassed soldier

The old man glanced at Xiaoya, and then said: "There is a "Supplement to the Compendium of Materia Medica" at home, which records that 'ginseng is the first to nourish qi, and Panax notoginseng is the first to nourish blood. Seven, it is the most precious thing in traditional Chinese medicine. You have time to take a look. These are the treasures left by our ancestors. Hehehe, we are so lucky, we didn’t expect to see such good wild animals here. Thirty-seven".

The three of them seemed to be striding forward unhurriedly in front, chatting happily while walking. The high-ranking soldier who followed closely behind them had his mouth tightly closed, his breathing was rapid, his feet were already heavy, and a layer of sweat the size of a bean appeared on his forehead.

At this moment, his eyes were fixed on the backs of the three people in front of him, and his eyes were full of horror when he saw their stature on the sharp stone tip.

At this time, he has already mentioned all the skills, and he really dare not open his mouth to remove the breath. At this time, he saw that the three people in front had obviously mentioned the internal skills and moved forward, but they were chatting casually without caring. It really surprised him.

He knew that if he didn't have profound internal skills, he would never dare to open his mouth easily, and the young and beautiful female soldier in front of him was so light and casual, which really made him, who had been practicing martial arts since childhood, feel ashamed and amazed!

At this moment, Captain Zhang ran after him, and the first class soldier turned his head to look at Captain Zhang, and saw that he was carrying the same heavy equipment as himself, but his feet seemed calm and powerful. Still seemed very calm.

He couldn't help but admire a little in his heart. He looked up at Captain Zhang and nodded. Captain Zhang also glanced at him with admiration. He stopped and said in a low voice, "Yes, how many battalions are you from?"

The soldier quickly found a foothold in front of him, adjusted his breath, and then panted and replied, "Report, I'm He Shuai, a first-class soldier in the first battalion, one company, three platoons!" The remaining nine soldiers who were far behind shook their heads, turned to He Shuai and said, "Let's go, let's follow."

Wan Lin, Xiaoya and grandfather walked forward easily for more than two hours in the rubble in front of them, and at this time they had basically bypassed half the mountainside.

Wan Lin looked up at the top of the mountain, and saw a blue-gray cliff above, with stone cracks exposed on the cliff, and clusters of green grass drilled out of it, hanging obliquely on the cliff that was almost straight up and down, showing tenaciousness. vitality. The steep rock walls are full of traces of rock peeling off after weathering.

Obviously, the pieces of rock on the hillside collapsed from the cliffs during the change of the earth's crust. Judging from the traces, it should have been decades. Otherwise, there would not be sharp stone tips exposed on the stones, which would have been honed into smooth stones by the torrential rains and flash floods over the years.

He immediately looked at his grandfather and Xiaoya beside him, and saw the two of them walking forward with big strides, while watching the clusters of plants on the hillside, apparently looking for herbs in the mountains.

He looked at the terrain in front of him, turned his face to look at Xiaoya and said, "I have nothing to do today. You can accompany grandpa around in the mountains. I will pull the team back first." Xiaoya replied with a smile: "Alright, I I happened to learn from my grandfather how to identify herbal medicines, maybe I can find some good medicines in the mountains."

Wan Lin followed the two of them and took a few steps forward, and came to the edge of the pile of rocks. Grandpa and Xiaoya walked quickly behind the mountain.

Wan Lin stopped and turned his head to look back. Company Commander Zhang and the first-class soldier were already 100 meters behind him. Both of them were sweating profusely. The other team members were struggling to walk among the rocks thousands of meters away.

He looked at Company Commander Zhang and the first-class soldier and nodded, and said to himself: "Company Commander Zhang's face is flushed, and the hard skills on his body seem to be really good, and his skills in the next set are very stable. The first-class soldier has obviously practiced internal skills and has long breathing, both physical and psychological. ".

He was observing the group of candidate team members, and suddenly heard a few people complaining faintly from the pile of rocks: "Where is this place where people go?" "Where is the instructor, isn't this just looking for trouble? He is They didn't come from the long-distance running team, they used their own strengths to test us!" "That is, depending on the age, it is also a new recruit, how could it be possible to select us!" "If you have the ability, go to the shooting range and the fighting arena to practice, this is not bullying people"...

Wan Lin frowned and looked coldly at the soldiers who were walking hard behind him. At this time, Company Commander Zhang had also heard the discussion behind him, and his face was flushed red, but at this time he was gathering the power of his body, but he didn't dare to make a sound, lest if he made a sound at this time, his feet would become weak and he would fall on the stone again. in the heap.

He hurriedly ran a few steps, stepped over the rank of soldier beside him and rushed out of the pile of rocks, staggering under his feet and rushing towards Wan Lin.

Wan Lin hurriedly stretched out his hand to support him, and the senior soldier rushed out panting at this time, both of them opened their mouths and bent over, panting hard. Zhang Lianchang gasped for a while, then turned his face flushed and was about to scold the team behind him.

Wan Lin reached out and grabbed his arm and shook his head, staring at the team members who came one after another behind him. At this time, the training uniforms on a group of players have been torn apart by stones and thorns in the chaotic world, and there are scratched blood marks all over their legs and their faces are covered in sweat. Zhu, the training clothes on his body had already been soaked with sweat, and one by one, they walked out of the stone pile and fell on the grass, all panting violently.

Wan Lin waited for the last soldier to run out, glanced coldly at the group of embarrassed soldiers, turned his head and said to Company Commander Zhang, "Let's go, go back to the camp! Tell them, the last three will be eliminated!" With that, he strode down the mountain. go.

Captain Zhang stared at the group of fighters who were gasping for breath behind him, and said loudly, "If you hear me, the last three people will be eliminated directly! Those who are willing to stay here, just sit here." The senior soldier raised his assault rifle and trotted to chase after Wan Lin who was in front of him.

Wan Lin took the lead to walk back to the camp, and Colonel Qin and some lieutenant colonels and majors were already standing on the training ground and looking at the mountain. Wan Lin strode up to Head Qin, and the two raised their hands in salute at the same time. Head Qin put down his arms and stepped in front of Wan Lin. The hands he held said, "I'm so sorry, it's hard work!"

Wan Lin smiled and shook Head Qin's hand, and looked at the lieutenant colonels and majors behind him. Captain Qin released Wan Lin's hand and turned around to introduce: "These are the main cadres in our regiment, I have recruited them all, and let them come over to see for themselves how their soldiers were eliminated, and let them Knowing the gap between my unit and my brother's unit will save them from saying that my selection is unfair!"

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