Panther Commando

Chapter 1779: Courage after knowing shame

A group of officers behind Colonel Qin also raised their chests abruptly, raised their arms to their foreheads in the face of groups of soldiers, each with strong anticipation in their eyes.

"Swipe", as Colonel Qin and Officer Meng stood straight with their raised arms, the officers and soldiers at the scene suddenly raised their chests and raised their right arms, and the palms waving with the sound of the wind instantly swept to their foreheads , with a pair of blazing rays of light in his eyes, staring closely at his head.

Captain Qin raised his arms, stared at blood-red eyes, and stared at the solemn officers and soldiers. His chest pains heaved violently, his lips trembled, and he didn't say a word for a long time.

Every officer and soldier present quietly stared at their regiment commander. Although they did not hear the voice of the regiment commander, they had already read the regiment commander's every intention from the blood-red eyes of the regiment commander: OK ? Are you really okay?

OK, we can all do it! ! ! All the officers and soldiers shouted this word that seemed to become extremely heavy in their hearts, and they answered the questions in the eyes of the regiment commander with firm eyes!

The air on the training ground froze as if it were unusually tense and solemn. At this moment, the training team member holding the zero-ring shooting target suddenly opened his eyes and shouted hoarsely: "Captain..." His voice was full of tears, and his voice was unusually sharp: "Captain, I am OK! I'll do it!"

His young face, covered with dirt and sweat, was already full of sweat and tears, and rows of hot tears flushed out two white tears on his dirty face.

He suddenly ran out of his queue holding his zero-ring target, holding the target symbolizing his own shame like crazy, and ran quickly in front of the dark queue, and then ran like a fly to In front of the old man next to him and Wan Lin and Xiaoya.

"Bang", he slammed the target in his hand to the ground, his left hand gripped the target hard, his right hand suddenly raised and swung to his forehead, his chest that heaved violently was raised high, and he shouted hoarsely: "Grandpa, chief! I'll do it, I'll do it!"

With his shouting, the other nine training team members holding the target suddenly ran to the queue of hundreds of comrades like crazy. Running over, it seems that he is showing everyone the achievements that symbolize his own shame, so that every comrade in arms can help him and firmly remember the shame in front of him!

They turned around and ran to Grandpa, Wanlin, and Xiaoya. They also slammed their targets on the ground, then raised their chests and raised their hands in salute, shouting in unison, "Grandpa, Chief, let's go. , for sure!"

"Crack!" Wan Lin and Xiaoya stared at the group of excited soldiers in front of them. They suddenly touched their feet and raised their hands to salute! His eyes swept across the faces of each training team member with piercing eyes, and a strong message was revealed in his gleaming eyes: OK, you can do it! We are waiting for your good results!

At this time, Grandpa had regained his composure, and a pair of glittering eyes swept the eyes of every soldier. At this moment, he has seen guilt in the eyes of every soldier, and saw a raging flame!

A smile suddenly appeared on the grim face of the old man, he nodded in relief, then suddenly took a step forward and clasped his fists, and said loudly to the team members in front of him, "Okay, this is like being a soldier, this is being a soldier. It looks like you are ashamed before you are brave, and you know what you lack before you advance. My old man is waiting for your good grades!"

The old man's words had already exerted his inner strength, and his vigorous and loud voice stirred in the mountains and echoed in the spacious training ground for a long time, causing the eardrums of every officer and soldier to "buzz".

After the old man finished speaking, he released the clasped fists, strode to the soldier holding the zero ring target, gently pulled down his raised arm, his eyes were full of love, and he said earnestly: "Child, OK, you must do it!" Then he looked up at the soldiers with targets around him, and said loudly, "You must do it!"

Wan Lin suddenly lowered his arm when he heard his grandfather's voice, took a big step forward, and shouted majestically, "Li Bi!" put it down.

At this moment, Colonel Qin suddenly turned around and shouted in a low voice to a group of regiment officers behind him: "Line up" and then shouted loudly: "Run for a walk." A group of officers with the rank of major, lieutenant colonel and colonel lined up to run In front of Grandpa and Wan Lin.

"Stand at attention!" Colonel Qin suddenly shouted loudly, "Salute!" A group of officers raised their arms, still blazing flames in their eyes, and stared closely at the old man, Wan Lin and Xiaoya in front of them.

Captain Qin raised his hand in salute and shouted to the old man: "Old man, please give us some time, I will definitely show you an invincible army like a wolf like a tiger! Please rest assured!"

"Please don't worry!" A group of officers behind Colonel Qin roared loudly, with a burst of passion and an invincible military aura in their voices! The huge roar hit the surrounding hillside and reflected back, echoing over the empty military camp.

The old man quietly looked at the group of salute officers in front of him, and a look of relief suddenly appeared in his eyes. He raised his hands and clasped his fists in return, solemnly nodding his gray head, turning his head to Wan Lin and Xiaoya and saying, "Did you see? These are the soldiers with anger and passion, and this is the soldier we ordinary people expect to see. !"

He turned to look at Head and replied loudly, "Okay, I am waiting for you!" Wan Lin took a step forward, raised his hands in salute, and then lowered his arms to face Head Qin. He whispered, "Disband!"

"Complete the ceremony," Captain Qin shouted in a low voice, put down his arms and hugged Wan Lin tightly, then turned around and shouted to a group of officers next to him, "Bring back all the people you have chosen from thousands of times to Lao Tzu! Three After a month, bring them all back to me! If it is still the virtue of throwing away the armor and removing the armor, how can we wear this green military uniform? I will personally take you off to take off this military uniform!"

"Yes!" The body of a group of officers trembled violently, with a firm look in their eyes, they raised their heads and shouted loudly, then took a step forward and grabbed their training team members, facing the old man and Wan Lin. , Xiaoya shouted loudly: "Salute!" and her soldiers raised their hands to salute.

Wan Lin and Xiaoya straightened up abruptly, and when their feet touched, their arms raised again with a gust of wind and waved to their foreheads, their eyes also flickering.

At this moment, they seem to have seen in their eyes that a few months later, a group of vigorous soldiers are taking steady and confident steps, striding back to the training ground that brought them shame, and standing in front of the shooting target again. , The arms holding the gun are as solid and stable as a rock.

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