Panther Commando

Chapter 1785: waves in the mountains

At this time, the sun is setting, and the light in the mountains has dimmed. It is very dangerous to drive at night on this steep and rugged mountain road, so everyone thought of finding a place to rest ahead.

Seeing everyone disperse, Xiaoya got up and walked to the back. Thinking of going down the **** and taking back the parking sign she just placed, Wan Lin grabbed her and said, "You take a break, I'll go get it." He trotted to the hillside road more than 100 meters away, picked up the sign and returned to the car.

Wan Lin got into the car and started the car and drove slowly forward. When passing by the scene of the accident, he raised his hand and honked the horn lightly. The speed went down the hill in front, and the vehicles behind also followed one after another.

The light in the mountains gradually dimmed. Wan Lin turned on the driving lights, and then looked up from the rearview mirror. A long string of lampposts were already lit up on the rugged mountain road behind, and the undulations that had turned jet black were lit up. The mountains are very striking.

Xiaoya glanced at her grandfather from behind. Just as she was about to open her mouth to speak, she saw that the old man's eyes were slightly closed and he was breathing slowly, as if he was exercising energy and breathing, and she quickly closed her mouth again.

The old man already felt Xiaoya looking at him, opened his eyes and asked, "Xiaoya, what do you want to say?" Xiaoya replied with a smile: "It's nothing, I see that you are silent, I want to ask what you are thinking. ?"

With a kind smile on the corner of the old man's mouth, he turned his head to look at the dim mountains in the distance and said, "I was thinking about the long sword and black eagle on the top of the mountain that I saw just now. Haha, I felt that this trip would not be very smooth at the time. As expected, As soon as I had this idea, I saw that there was a car accident in front of me, and it almost caused a major accident of car crash and death. It seems that my hunch is still very effective."

When the old man said this, his eyes suddenly became solemn again, and he looked up at the dark mountain top in the distance, and said thoughtfully, "Although my hunch has been fulfilled just now, why is there still an uneasy feeling in my heart? On the long sword that arrived, there seems to be a strong killing aura!"

Wan Lin, the driver of the car, heard his grandfather's words, and his expression became a little dignified. While watching the steep mountain road ahead, he said: "It was too dangerous just now, these Yonghe Taiji disciples were driving too hard, they were just them. He whistled and rushed past the car for us. Before leaving just now, I deliberately glanced at the wonders of the top of the mountain in the distance, and I had a feeling of irritability in my heart.”

When Xiaoya heard the discussion between the two, her face suddenly became tense. She looked at the front and reminded: "The mountains here are high and the road is steep, so you can't drive too fast. Wan Lin, pay attention when driving!" The dark sky suddenly lit up, and a zigzag golden fire snake slashed across the dark sky!

How many people were shocked! Eyes immediately looked into the distance. In a flash, the dazzling fire snake immediately illuminated the mountains. The white sword and the black giant eagle that had been hidden in the dark night suddenly appeared in the dark night, and the silver-white sword was in the darkness. The pitch-black night sky seemed to be exuding a blazing murderous aura, and the black eagle that directly pierced the head of the sword plunged into the pitch-black sky!

The golden fiery snake in the sky flashed away in the dark sky! The suddenly bright world fell into boundless darkness in an instant, and the thick ink-like air was followed by a loud noise of "Kara!"! The earth trembled violently with a loud noise.

Wan Lin's face immediately turned pale, and he hit the brakes with one foot, which instantly reduced the speed of the car.

With the deafening sound of thunder, a pea-sized raindrop slammed on the roof of the car. The rainstorm that had no warning just poured down suddenly, and the huge raindrops smashed the roof of the car. , the windshield in front of the car is immediately covered with white flowers, and the road ahead cannot be seen at all!

Wan Lin hurriedly lowered the speed and turned on the wipers. The wipers swayed desperately on the window glass, and the mountain road ahead flickered.

"Wan Lin, hurry up and find a place to stop, right? You can't drive with this kind of sight," Xiaoya shouted nervously from behind.

"Okay, I'll go to the road ahead to find a place to park. On the downhill road, the road is too narrow and the line of sight is extremely poor. If you park on the side of the road, you will most likely be hit by a car coming from behind!" Wan Lin also shouted. replied.

At this time, the heavy rain hit the car with a "crack" sound, and the sound of running water echoed everywhere in the mountains.

Wan Lin put the car in first gear and slowly drove down the steep downhill, staring at the road ahead with wide eyes.

At the moment when the wiper wipes the glass, you can see that the steep road is full of water rushing down, and the surrounding mountains are full of white water. In an instant, it turned into a turbulent white ocean.

Silver snakes dashed across the pitch-black sky from time to time, and the "rumble" thunder sounded one after another, as if it exploded above people's heads, causing the ears of several people in Wanlin to "buzz".

"Hurry up and find a high ground to park! It is estimated that there will be a torrent coming down." Grandpa frowned and looked ahead, his weather-beaten face became very nervous. The old man has always lived in the mountains and knows the danger of this sudden rainstorm. In the face of this ferocious power of nature, no human power can stop it.

At this time the steep mountain road seems to have turned into a turbulent river, and the heavy jeep seems to have floated on the road for you in the rapids. Shaking to the right, the speed of the car is getting faster and faster in the turbulent water, and it is accelerating down the steep hillside!

Wan Lin stared nervously at the road ahead with wide eyes. He clenched the steering wheel tightly with both hands and tried his best to control the car body.

Xiaoya was sitting in the middle of the back seat, also staring nervously at both sides of the road ahead, trying to find a place to park, the grandfather in the passenger seat leaned forward at this time, staring at the bright eyes. On the dark side of the road in front of the right, I seem to feel something?

At this moment, Grandpa raised his finger sharply and pointed to the dark road in front of him and shouted: "There, hurry up! Rush up!" Following the old man's voice, a dazzling lightning flashed across the dark night sky, and the day before him The ground suddenly lit up, and Wan Lin and Xiaoya also shouted at the same time, "There is a brake buffer on the side!"

At the same time, Wan Lin and his grandfather suddenly felt a shudder in their hearts, and the grandfather shouted: "Quickly accelerate!!!"

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