Panther Commando

Chapter 1820: Abandon his work

The old man in white roared at his junior brother, then turned his face abruptly, waiting for the two eyes with anger to stare at Wan Lin in front of him, strode in front of Wan Lin, his mouth full of blood The spit Xingzi angrily scolded: "Little bastard, today is your death anniversary! If you have anything to explain, please tell me!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the old man on the side saw that he had repeatedly made rude remarks, and a cold light suddenly appeared in his eyes, and said coldly to Wan Lin: "Lin Er, since he is disrespectful and has no martial arts, he is not worthy of it. Possessing kung fu, this kind of person who has kung fu is a scourge, give me abolished his kung fu!"

The old man's voice was not high, but he had already brought his inner strength, which made the ears of the people around him "buzz". That sentence "If you are disrespectful to the old man and have no martial virtue, he does not deserve to have kung fu!" It sounded like a sunny day. A thunderbolt resounded in the ears of everyone in the street, making the hearts of every martial arts practitioner jump wildly!

The Fuhu disciples with tiger patterns and the old men in training uniforms fought a cold war all over their bodies, and their faces turned pale in an instant. The voice of the old man on the sidelines, with his inner strength, was like a heavy hammer hitting their hearts.

Until this time, the surrounding martial arts practitioners discovered that there was still a peerless master of the inner family standing outside the field, and everyone's eyes turned to the old man who was already full of anger.

The sound that made the surrounding bamboo buildings tremble showed that this old man possessed extremely deep internal skills. No wonder the young man and woman on the field had such great courage to fight against two powerful internal masters. The people are obviously under the door of the old man.

Following his grandfather's voice, Wan Lin's palms suddenly exuded a faint pink air current, and his body suddenly swayed from side to side, and the speed of the shaking became faster and faster, giving people a dazzling feeling, completely incomprehensible. What part of his opponent's body is he going to attack?

At this moment, the old face of the old man in white on the field has changed color, and the voice with peerless skill that suddenly came out outside the field has made him feel a little terrified for a while, and the movement of the young man in front of him made his heart skip a beat. , he felt that his whole body was exposed to the fierce offensive against the opposition, and that fierce force with murderous aura was like a sharp knife, which was thrusting into his body from all directions!

His heart sank! The voice with strong inner strength made him understand at once that his self-confident inner strength was arrogant, and he had angered the most unprovoked inner sect, and his face turned pale.

At this moment, what was pouring out of the young man on the opposite side was a murderous aura he had never seen before! Those fierce infuriating qi with a chilling aura were attacking him from all directions in front of him, causing him to suddenly have a feeling that he could not be protected at all.

His hands were full of inner strength, and he nervously turned back and forth with his opponent's swaying body, and his feet had unconsciously stepped back.

Just when Wan Lin was about to launch an attack, a black figure suddenly emerged from a nearby shop, and appeared on the field in a flash, followed by a gloomy voice: "Hold on!" An old man in black suddenly appeared in Wan Lin. Lin and the old man in white were beside him.

"Okay, Sect Master Xie is out! This group of people is too arrogant. Sect Master Xie, take care of these **** who rely on martial arts to bully others. They are so mad, they are bullying us in Lingxiu Mountain. There is no one! Dare to go down to our Lingxiu Mountain. Let's go!" A shout with a strong local accent sounded from the nearby store. At the door of the shops on both sides of the street, there was an applause with a local accent.

Obviously, the old man who suddenly appeared on the field is a well-known local person, otherwise it would not resonate with so many local people.

Following the gloomy voice on the field, Wan Lin took a step back abruptly, with his hands still in front of him, half facing the black-clothed old man who suddenly appeared and the white-clothed old man in front of him. Gently fluttering with the movement of infuriating energy in his body, his face was still expressionless, only a faint gleam of light flowed in his eyes.

The man was extremely short, in his sixties, with white hair, wearing a set of black clothes that the locals often wear, and a hat made of gray cloth that is unique to local men. There are deep wrinkles on his face, a cold light burst from his eyes, and a cold breath is emitting from his body, giving a gloomy and icy feeling all over his body.

At this moment, the old man in black stood two meters away from Wan Lin's side, his icy gaze swept over Wan Lin and the long-bearded old man with a look of horror in his eyes.

At this moment, he completely ignored Wan Lin and the old man who were facing each other on the field, but suddenly turned around, clasped his fists in front of Grandpa Wan Lin's position, and said coldly, "Under Lingxiu Mountain, there is no room for these pretentious people. I’m so stubborn, I don’t dare to work under my elder brother! The purity of the Lingxiu Mountain area is cleaned and maintained by our local people!”

Obviously, he had been here for a while, and saw that Wan Lin was the servant of the old man behind the skill outside the field.

As he said that, he turned his head to Wan Lin and said coldly, "Young man, step back!" When the grandfather outside the field heard the words of the black-clothed old man, his eyes flashed, and he already understood that the local master had appeared, and now it was really not his turn. These outsiders are out. He clasped his fists and returned the salute to the old man in black, followed by a deep voice and shouted to Wan Lin, "Lin Come back!"

When Wan Lin heard the words, he immediately clasped his fists with both hands: "I've seen the seniors." Then he glared at the opponent on the opposite side, turned around and exited the field and returned to his grandfather.

Standing beside Xiaoya, he turned his face and looked at the middle-aged man in gray, who was still standing sideways, staring viciously at Xiaoya and grandfather, and said coldly, "Why, you still want to come?" A fierce murderous aura suddenly flashed out, and he shouted loudly: "Go away!"

Following Wan Lin's icy voice, the middle-aged man on the field who was kicked out by Xiaoya's face suddenly turned as dark as a pig's liver, his eyes showed a vicious look, and the sportswear on his body was all dark red. With the movement of infuriating within the body, it quickly fluttered.

He raised his hands suddenly, and when he raised his right foot, he was about to step forward, but then he saw the murderous aura in the young man's eyes, his heart contracted violently, and he unconsciously stopped his right foot. After getting down, he took it back and stomped on the hard bluestone slab, smashed a large slab of bluestone under his feet with a "click", and turned around and walked towards his side.

At this moment, it suddenly occurred to him that the young man in front of him dared to take action against his skilled brother, how could he dare to provoke him? The murderous aura emerging from the opponent's eyes now made him suddenly feel a fear he had never felt before!

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