Panther Commando

Chapter 1865: forest survey

Wan Lin saw that the enthusiastic Lingxiu disciple wanted to make torches for the two of them, and quickly said, "No, we have a flashlight, you can lead the way in front." Then he lifted his foot and stepped into the forest.

The disciple of Lingxiu Sect was really puzzled. When he came just now, it was pitch black in the forest. The two of them had been following far behind by the light of the torches in front. Unexpectedly, the two of them have flashlights on their bodies. I really don't know why the two have not used them in such a dark and dangerous forest?

Wan Lin and Xiaoya followed closely into the forest. The torches in front of them illuminated the dark forest, and the thick trunks were densely displayed in front of them. The thick branches and leaves above their heads collided violently in the strong wind. With the sound of "woo woo", pine needles and dead branches that were blown off from the canopy kept falling from the forest.

The torches held by the disciples of Lingxiu Sect walked in front, and the dry pine needles that fell from the air collided with the flames, and from time to time a burning sound of "smack, slap, slap" erupted.

Wan Lin and Xiaoya had some nervous expressions in their eyes. They all raised their skills and looked nervously at the dark jungle on both sides. Since the other party has appeared in this forest, there is a possibility of reappearing, so both of them are more vigilant.

It was pitch black in the forest. Wan Lin used the flashing light of the torches in front of him to quickly discover that there were indeed many structures made of branches, ropes and bamboo arrows in the dense forest on both sides of the secret passage on the forest floor.

Wan Lin carefully observed the setting method of these organs as he walked, and found that they were basically hunting techniques commonly used by hunters, and it was indeed very dangerous for people who were not familiar with the principles of these organs to enter. He has been hunting in the mountains with his grandfather since he was a child, and he naturally knows how to set up these organs.

He observed the settings of the organs for a while while traveling, and suddenly found that these organs were set up very cleverly. Some of them were like booby traps. Once they touched an organ, it might cause many organs around them to activate together, and it was difficult for people to escape. . And this place is extremely cold and cold, and animals are rarely seen here, so naturally they are not afraid that they will accidentally touch these hidden organs.

Wan Lin pulled Xiaoya to his side, and while walking, he pointed to the organs on both sides and explained in a low voice how to set up these organs, as well as the principle of killing. While listening to Wan Lin's introduction, Xiaoya carefully observed these difficult-to-find mechanisms, feeling quite shocking.

The disciple of Lingxiu Sect, who was holding a torch to lead the way, was shocked when he heard Wan Lin's introduction behind him. These organs were set up by the elders of their Lingxiu Sect. There were quite a few complex structures, and these young disciples didn't know how to set them up. They didn't expect this outsider who was similar to him behind him to be so proficient.

A few people walked hundreds of meters in the dense forest, and the disciple of Lingxiu Sect who led the way suddenly stopped with a torch, looked down at the woodland on the side without saying a word, there was a sad look in his eyes, and a strong smell of blood was just right. Came from the front.

Wan Lin dragged Xiaoya over and hurried over. Only then did he find two disciples of Lingxiu Sect lying on the side of the woods by the firelight in front. The blood stained a purple color. The arms of the two were drooping at their sides. From the state, they were both suddenly attacked and killed in one blow, and they did not even take the least protective action.

Wan Lin frowned, turned his head and made a warning gesture at Xiaoya, then whispered, "Give me your phone."

Xiaoya was stunned for a moment, then she understood that Wan Lin wanted to look up the pictures of the footprints she had taken around the town, check the footprints left on the woods, and see if there were any imprints of the same person.

She quickly took out her cell phone and handed it to Wan Lin, then carried the pistol and walked quickly into the forest in front of her, her eyes fixed on the blue light spots flashing on the forest floor, and she walked forty or fifty meters until she disappeared. Behind a thick tree trunk, he raised his pistol to the dark forest ahead.

At this time, Xiaoya already knew that there are many organs around this secret passage, so the key direction of vigilance is the secret passage in front, to prevent the enemy from suddenly jumping out of the dark jungle, threatening Wanlin who was exposed to the firelight two people.

When the disciples of Lingxiu Sect saw Xiaoya walking forward suddenly, they were shocked. They were about to stop this beautiful girl, but they found out that she was moving forward rapidly according to the blue light spot on the ground, and immediately understood these two things. Man already knew the secret passages in and out of the forest.

He looked at Xiaoya's figure with a pistol in both hands, moving forward as fast as a civet cat in surprise, a move in his heart, and whispered to Wan Lin, who had squatted down to check the body: "Are you the police?" In the running action, it can be seen that the two must have received professional shooting training, and ordinary people will never have such professional gun-holding movements, so they suspect that they are police officers.

"No," Wan Lin replied casually, still looking down at the knife on the neck of the deceased in front of him. He watched for a while, then pulled another corpse in front of him and took a closer look.

Both were slashed with sharp daggers through the throat and neck arteries. Judging from the scene, the perpetrators acted at the same time, and the killing was very professional. The throat, vocal cords and neck artery were cut at the same time with one knife. There will be a little noise.

Wan Lin frowned after examining the corpses, raised his hand to take out the flashlight from his backpack, and blocked the light with his hand to illuminate the woodland beside the two corpses. There are several footprints scattered in the woods, some of which have tire-like marks.

Wan Lin turned his flashlight to look at the feet of the disciple of Lingxiu Sect next to him, and saw that he and the two corpses were wearing leather boots made of animal skins. The soles were sewn with several layers of animal skins. , there is no tire-like tooth marks at all.

He re-lighted his flashlight on several footprints on the forest floor, and found that they were the footprints of two people, one slightly larger. From the footprint. Both murderers were wearing jungle boots, which belonged to the same brand as those on their feet.

He immediately retrieved the pictures of the footprints taken by Xiaoya on her mobile phone, put the mobile phone next to the marks and carefully checked them one by one, and then focused on one footprint.

The features of this person's footprints are exactly the same as those in Xiaoya's photo. The outline of the footprints shows that the outer layer of his feet has a deep focus point, indicating that he has slightly looped legs. He immediately raised his hand and measured the footprints. The length is the same as Xiaoya's description. In the same way, the traces of the entire footprint show that the person should be about 1.7 meters tall.

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