Panther Commando

Chapter 1903: familiar hillside

Wan Lin circled around twice, and suddenly aimed the electric light in his hand on the footprints left on the mud ground in front of him. Clear prints on the soles of the shoes were revealed on the mud ground. Wan Lin pointed to the footprints and gestured to the two leopards. After a while, Xiaohua and Xiaobai immediately ran to the imprint, stretched their heads to smell it carefully, then circled around and slowly ran towards the forest with their heads lowered.

Wan Lin's eyes flashed, knowing that the two leopards were chasing after each other's scent, he turned off the flashlight, turned his head to Xiaoya and Xie Chao and said, "Be vigilant, let's follow the past." He took out his pistol and strode into the jungle in front of him.

Seeing this, Xiaoya raised her heels and pulled out the pistol from her waist as she walked. When Xie Chao saw Wan Lin and the two pulling out their pistols and chasing them, he quickly stretched out his hand and pulled out the scimitar from his waist with a "dang bang", and walked quickly towards the forest.

At this time, Wan Lin and Xiaoya had already raised their vigilance, and Xiaohua and Xiaobai had already started to follow and chase, so the enemy could appear in any terrain and at any time at any time, so they must be vigilant at all times.

Wan Lin and the others followed the two leopards and wandered in the dark forest for seven or eight hours before they emerged from the dense forest.

A few people got out of the jungle, Wan Lin and Xiaoya looked around, and suddenly found that the scenery here was very familiar. There was a blue lake with rippling blue water at the side of the mountain, and a huge rock raised on the hillside in front of them. The two looked at the boulder in front of them and felt very familiar, and quickly turned their heads to look around. Only then did they suddenly understand that it was the mountainside where Xie Chao and Xiao Jiu took them to watch the Wulin Conference site across the lake yesterday.

Xiaoya looked at the two leopards who had already run to the boulder in front of them, shaking their heads and looking around, and said to Wan Lin with a smile, "We have been wandering in the forest for so long, so it turned out that we were walking around this mountainside. After a long trip, I actually came here to revisit the old place."

Wan Lin also looked around and smiled: "It seems that Gaoqiao also lost his sense of direction in the forest. I don't know how long it took this kid? He got out of the forest."

Wan Lin looked around vigilantly with his pistol as he spoke, then glanced at the two leopards who were watching the lake below. Seeing that they were very relaxed, knowing that the surroundings were safe, he turned his head and said to Xie Chao, who was holding a machete. : "Take a rest, eat something and then go." He put away his pistol, raised his foot and walked towards the boulder in front of him.

Xiaoya inserted the pistol into her waist, and followed Wan Lin towards the rock. Xie Chao looked around nervously with the machete in his hand, and then looked at the relaxed Wan family, still holding the machete nervously towards the rock.

As he walked, he thought to himself: just now, the Wan family seemed very nervous, why did they relax their vigilance when they walked out of the forest?

He walked up to the boulder, and at a glance, he saw two leopards lying on the rock, turning their heads and looking around, their eyes were bright, and their expressions seemed to be much relaxed. He immediately understood in his heart that the Wan family must have relaxed based on the expressions of the two kittens, knowing that the opponent was not nearby.

In the dark jungle just now, large trees stood up, and the forest was filled with the smell of rotting branches and leaves. The strong smell would definitely affect the sense of smell of the two kittens. It was difficult to determine the opponent's location, so they Just heightened vigilance.

Thinking of this, Xie Chao also raised his hand and inserted the long machete into the sheath, then stood under the rock and looked up at the rock.

The eldest brother and sister of Wanjia, who had just climbed the rock, were standing side by side and looking at the lake below the mountain. Two beautiful kittens were lying on the top of the rock next to them, and the rolling green mountains were in the distance.

The sight in front of him made Xie Chao's eyes suddenly glow with envy, and he secretly praised in his heart: This is a pair of fairy-like partners! The men are talented and handsome; the women are gentle and pretty, and also have excellent skills. This is really a perfect match in the world! I really don't know if I can find a fairy-like partner like Sister Wan in the future?

He is now 18 or 9 years old, and it is just the beginning of his youth, and this is the first time he sees a beautiful girl like Xiaoya, who has received an excellent education. Naturally, his heart is full of envy and reverie.

Wan Lin took Xiaoya to climb the boulder, turned her head to look around for a while, and suddenly found that Xie Chao hadn't followed. He turned his head and looked down at the rock, seeing Xie Chao standing by the forest and staring blankly at his side, he smiled and shouted, "Xiao Chao, come up, what are you doing standing there?"

An embarrassed look appeared on Xie Chao's slightly black face, and he hurriedly walked up to the rock in front of him. At this time, Wan Lin had already taken out the binoculars to observe the surroundings carefully. Xiaoya sat on the rock and took out the water bottle containing deer milk and jerky from her bag.

Xie Chao ran on the rock and put down his rucksack, then ran to the edge of the forest to pick up a bunch of pine branches, and then found a low-lying place on the rock to set up the pine branches, and took out the matches from his body to light the firewood. Xiaoya on the side hurriedly reached out to stop him, looking up at Wan Lin who was standing beside him holding a telescope.

Wan Lin felt that Xiaoya was looking at him, looked down at the branch erected by Xie Chao, and said with a smile, "It's alright, let's order it. Even if the opponent is nearby, he doesn't dare to come out and make trouble for no reason. Now he thinks first. , must be hiding himself to save his life, and never dare to come out to provoke anyone Xie Chao heard the conversation between the two and knew that Sister Wan was afraid that the smoke column rising from the burning firewood would be discovered by the opponent , he said with a smile: "It's okay, the pine branches in our place are very easy to burn and will not produce black smoke." Then, he struck the match with a "cha" and lit a few thin dead branches in his hand first. The flaming branches were then tucked under the raised firewood.

When Xiaoya saw Xie Chao ignited, she quickly picked up the kettle beside her, imitated Xiaojiu's way of hot deer's milk yesterday, put the kettle next to the firewood, and then took a closer look at the blazing fire, and found the fire I really didn't see black smoke rising from the pile. Knowing that they hunted in the mountains all the year round and knew how to avoid exposing themselves, they smiled and gave Xie Chao a thumbs up.

Wan Lin saw that the fire was lit, so he put down his telescope and sat down. He whispered to Xiao Hua who was beside him, "Which direction did the other party go?" He raised his hand and gestured twice, and the two of them were already lying on the rock. Hearing Wan Lin's question, the leopard stood up at the same time, and invariably raised its right paw and pointed to the hillside below.

Wan Lin nodded, raised his hand and patted the heads of the two leopards to let them rest. He turned his head to look at the matchbox in Xie Chao's hand, reached out and took out a windproof lighter from his backpack and handed it to him. With a smile, he said, "I'll give this to you. When hunting in the mountains, this one can prevent wind and moisture."

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