Panther Commando

Chapter 1972: conspiracy in the cave

Takahashi Moriki raised his hand and grabbed his arm lightly, felt it along the arm bone, then nodded and said, "It's not a big problem. I'll give you a massage first, and then eat what I brought. The blood-activating medicine will recover quickly." He said, raising his infuriating energy and gently massaging it on his arm.

At this time, Takahashi Moriki had already relaxed a lot. From the cold air he felt on the top of the mountain on the opposite side, he had already determined in his heart that there must be a treasure that his Takahashi family dreamed of. And my nephew is the only person on my side who knows the path to the mountain and has approached the treasure. The next action will be centered on him. If he is inconvenient, the task of this trip will become even more arduous. . Therefore, seeing that his injury was not serious at this time, his heart immediately calmed down.

While massaging Takahashi Jiro's injured arm, he inquired in detail about the terrain in the opposite mountain and the specific path up the mountain. Takahashi Jiro immediately explained it in detail.

After listening to his nephew's narration, Takahashi Moriki pondered for a while without speaking. Takahashi Jiro saw the third uncle pondering, and asked in surprise, "What are you worried about?"

Takahashi Moriki raised his eyes and replied in a low voice: "Your trip has already aroused the other party's vigilance, and the other party is likely to change the signs on the secret path in the forest. In addition, you blew up the entrance of the cave when you exited the cave. You found that This path has been abolished, we can no longer go up the mountain from this path, and even if we go up, we cannot enter the hall in the cave."

Takahashi Jiro was stunned when he heard the third uncle's analysis, and then nodded quickly. For the past two days, he has been busy resisting the cold in his body, looking forward to the arrival of reinforcements, and has no time to think about his next move. Now that he heard the third uncle's analysis, he suddenly remembered that the three of them made such a big noise on the top of the mountain and in the forest. The other party must have made arrangements in the past two days to prevent him from invading again.

He looked at his third uncle in a daze, and asked in a low voice, "Then what should we do?" Takahashi Moriki pondered for a while before saying, "According to the conditions of the cave you just described, the air in the cave is extremely cold, but You did not feel suffocated in the low cave, which means that this cave has more than one entrance, and there must be another exit on the opposite side of the mountain, otherwise you would have felt the air in the cave long ago.”

When Xiao Gaoqiao heard the third uncle's analysis, he immediately nodded and replied: "Yes, there must be another exit in the cave! The air in the cave was really fresh at that time, and there seemed to be a breeze flowing."

Takahashi Jiro recalled the scene at that time, and then continued: "At that time, when we entered the cave, we felt extremely cold in the cave, especially when we approached the hall in the cave, the coldness could make people's blood freeze. If we ate a few fire dragon pills quickly, let alone want to get into the hole, it would be difficult to move."

He couldn't help shivering when he said this, as if he was in that icy cave again, and he followed up and said, "Now that I think about it, it is impossible for a person with deep internal skills to stay in such a cold cave for a long time. We stopped. But when we approached the hall, we heard the voices of several people inside. The other party must have entered from another cave. It’s just that we didn’t walk through the secret path in the opposite forest. I don’t know if it was according to the forest those reflective spots in the middle?"

When Takahashi Moriki heard this, he stared at the bright cave outside the cave, and after a while, he said: "The other party will definitely do tricks on all the roads up the mountain. Fortunately, we have all undergone wild survival training, and now we know that It’s easy to get lost in a dense forest, and you can definitely find your way up the mountain, so don’t worry about that.”

Xiao Gaoqiao nodded. At that time, the three of them lost their way in the forest, mainly because they were not mentally prepared. If they knew in advance, they could use some primitive positioning methods to go to the top of the mountain. For those of them who have been special forces, It's really not difficult.

He immediately raised his eyes to look at his third uncle, and saw that the third uncle frowned and wondered what he was thinking? He was silent for a while and asked, "What are you thinking about?"

Takahashi Moriki hesitated and said, "I was thinking about the situation in the cave opposite you just said, and the situation of being injured in the dense forest. Why do I feel that something is wrong? It stands to reason that you and the two mountain pass security guards Everyone is a professionally trained special operator, how could they be found when they approached the hall in the cave? And in the forest, you attacked each other, but they were cleaned up by the opponent. Some martial arts practitioners should not have such strength. !"

He said, looking up at his nephew. When Takahashi Jiro heard his question, his heart jumped violently. He carefully recalled the scene at that time, and hesitantly said: "Yes, I also feel a little strange when you say it."

He looked at his injured arm, and then said: "We were very careful in the cave at the time, and there was no sound at all, but how did the other party find that someone was approaching the hall in the cave?"

He said that when he arrived here, he suddenly raised his hand and patted his head: "Damn, I remembered that after we approached the hall in the cave, we all gently pulled the gun bolt, it must be this kind of slight noise. Alarmed the people in the hall!"

As he said that, his face immediately turned looked at his third uncle and said, "There must be some people who have been soldiers in the other party, otherwise they would never have judged the enemy and me at that time, and immediately faced us. The cave where he was in launched an attack. Only a soldier who had been a soldier could tell from this slight sound that it was the sound of pulling the bolt, and quickly determine that the person in the cave was not their own.”

He suddenly shuddered when he said this, and he really felt a kind of fear in his heart. When his third uncle heard his analysis, he immediately nodded and said, "Yes, the people in the cave at that time must have been kung fu masters, and these people must have more sensitive hearing than ordinary people, and some of them must have received special military training. Otherwise, we would never have determined the enemy so quickly."

Takahashi Moriki looked at Jiro's injured arm and continued, "No wonder you were beaten by your opponents while holding pistols in the dense forest. There must be police or military people among the opponents, otherwise it would be impossible for a few kung fu masters. You were beaten like this in an instant! Those two Yamaguchi security guards, who were also specially trained, how could they not even have a chance to escape."

Xiao Gaoqiao shrank his stubby neck when he heard this, and said with some fear: "Now that I think about it, it's really like this. When we attacked each other in the forest, my gun was pointed at the figure that suddenly appeared later. He fired a few shots, but the opponent's dodging movements were extremely fast, obviously a professionally trained person, a pure martial arts person would not have such a sensitive action to dodge bullets."

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