Panther Commando

Chapter 2017: terrifying institution

At this time, Xiaohua's movements in the forest also seemed extremely cautious. Instead of letting go of her speed and running in the forest, she carefully turned around in the forest beside Wan Lin and the others, her nose constantly sniffing the surrounding woodland, Instead of raising his head and staring at the tree branches above his head, he obviously found a lot of hidden traps and traps around him.

Wan Lin and Cheng Ru were watching the dim forest while walking. Both of them found a lot of dense traps from some crooked tree trunks and inconspicuous tree vines around them.

The three Lingxiu disciples who were leading the way in front of them also stopped from time to time and turned around to remind the two Wan Lin behind to be careful, lest they touch the traps and traps set up around them. Obviously, this place has entered the organ area that their Lingxiu Sect has set up.

Wan Lin stared at the surrounding forest for a while, pointed to a vine that was slightly higher than the ground in front of him while walking, and whispered to Cheng Ru: "Look at the mechanism arranged by Lingxiu Gate, it is different from what we have seen before. In the same way, they made full use of the lush woods in this forest. The setting of the organs is all in the form of a single method. They are arranged in the form of organ groups. They avoided an organ, but there are still different kinds of organ".

Cheng Ru looked at Wan Lin's fingers intently, and saw that the taut tree vine on the forest floor was tightly pulling a thin trunk that was bent sideways. The lightning speed swept over, and its height was just enough to sweep the person's waist.

Look at the tight bow-shaped tree trunk, it must contain great kinetic energy. Once activated, it will be enough to break the spine of people in the future! There are also several small trees that are also curved in the surrounding forest. Once an organ is touched, these organs will definitely be activated at the same time in this forest.

He looked at the small trees that were curved like long scimitars and nodded in horror, and then followed Wan Lin's fingers to the canopy of the trees on the side of the vines. Only then did he see more than ten square meters around the office Above the big trees in Mine, there are rocks of different sizes placed on their dense branches. All are connected to the surrounding small trees by a thin, tough vine.

Once someone touches the mechanism, not only will the curved tree suddenly start, but the stones on the surrounding trees of more than ten square meters will also be pulled and thrown off by the tough vines. Immediately covered by a rushing rain of rocks, if there were people in the forest at this time, they would not have been smashed to the ground and their bones broken!

Cheng Ru's pupils shrank immediately, and exclaimed in his mouth: "My mother, this setting is too scary, once you touch the organ, it is not just those swept tree trunks, this is to be in this piece of woods. It formed a roaring rain of rocks. If you were hit by such a big rock, your bones and muscles would definitely be broken, and there would be no possibility of survival. This mechanism is too terrifying!"

Wan Lin nodded and said in a low voice, "That's why I said that this place is different from our common organs. The power of the organs here is far greater than what we have seen in the past. The organs in other places are arranged in a single manner, while the organs here are far more powerful than what we have seen in the past. It is arranged according to the formation, and its power is really amazing. Go back and tell the brothers, we must tell our own people to be careful." He looked up at the forest in front of him, and couldn't help but admire: "These Lingxiu people are too smart. , actually designed such a powerful hidden weapon in the jungle!"

Saying that, he raised his hand and pointed to the top of the tight vine again. Cheng Ru hurriedly followed the direction of his fingers and looked at the place where a tree trunk was close to the branch above, a small pebble with a faint cold light was firmly embedded in a piece of dark brown resin solidified on the trunk. It's very hard to find if you don't pay attention.

At this time, a Lingxiu disciple in front heard the whispers of the two, came over and glanced at the two in surprise, and said in a low voice, "You guys are really good, and you discovered such a hidden mechanism at once. By the way, you go back and ask. You people, pay attention, wherever we set up the organs, we have inlaid a small shiny stone on the resin trunk of the morning sun. These stones are all close to the branches above the trunk. Once found, stay away from this forest immediately. ".

He pointed to another piece of wood on the side, and said in a low voice, "Look at that forest, there is a trap dug in the forest, the trap is as deep as one person, and bamboo sticks are inserted under the trap and on the wall of the cave. The sharp bamboo sticks that have been cut into pieces will definitely become like a hedgehog once they fall in, and it will be difficult to come out alive!"

Wan Lin and the others followed his fingers. The thick trunks of the trees were covered with pine needles, and some dry branches blown by the wind were scattered among them. It was impossible to tell with the naked eye that there was a deadly trap below. And Xiaohua was in the forest at this time, curiously stretched out her small claws and scratched at the dead branches on the ground. Obviously, she had discovered the abnormality in that place.

The person from Lingxiu Sect then pointed to another dense forest and said: "There is a group of crossbow arrows, once the mechanism is touched, the crossbow arrows fixed on the branches and the roots of the big trees will be activated, and a rain of arrows will form in that forest. It's hard to escape, it's awesome!"

Wan Lin and Cheng Ru followed his fingers to look at it, and the dense forest in the distance could not see anything unusual at all, and Xiao Hua had already run over to look carefully under a big tree in that dense forest. At this time, they were about to stretch out their little claws to pick up something at the A few people were startled, and the three Lingxiu disciples quickly flashed behind the tree next to them, and they opened their mouths to exclaim, and Wan Lin was already violently He forced out a burst of infuriating energy to wrap himself and Cheng Ru, followed by a whistle from his mouth.

Xiaohua turned around when she heard the whistle and ran back. The Lingxiu disciple on the side raised his hand to wipe the cold sweat from his forehead, walked out from behind the tree and looked at the dense forest, and said fearfully, "My dear, it's too dangerous! If this happens, there will be a rain of arrows in the forest. Even us here will suffer."

He followed and looked at Wan Lin and Cheng Ru next to him in surprise. He had already felt a violent breath wrapping his surroundings, but he didn't understand what those things that suddenly enveloped him were? He then looked at Xiaohua who ran in front of Wan Lin, and said fondly: "You little guys are really powerful, and they discovered the mechanism we carefully arranged in one fell swoop."

Wan Lin smiled and patted his shoulder and said, "Hehehe, this guy is amazing, thank you for your reminder." He waved his hand to Xiaohua, told him not to move, and then pulled the Lingxiu people to walk forward together.

Wan Lin and Cheng Ru followed the three Lingxiu disciples out of the dense forest, and immediately walked along the edge of the forest to the bamboo forest where Lingling and the others were invisible, and raised their binoculars to look at the surrounding mountains.

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