Panther Commando

Chapter 2062: shadow in the woods

Wan Lin raised his hand to signal to the few people behind him to stop advancing. He quickly rushed behind a big tree in front of him, raised his gun and aimed at the dense forest in front of him. He quickly glanced at the forest in the distance, the dense trees had blocked his vision, and he couldn't see the battle in the distance at all. He hurriedly turned the gun again and carefully examined the thick tree trunks around him.

Just now, the mercenary suddenly touched the organ in this forest, causing the formation of the battle. This means that this place has entered the organ area set up by the Lingxiu Gate. This place is already in danger. If you are not careful, you may be hit by hidden weapons. Therefore, if they want to start operations in the forest, they must carefully check the marks on the trees in order to find a safe route to walk according to the formation.

The surrounding Zhang Wa and several others also raised their guns to look for the secret memory in the forest. Wan Lin observed for a while and suddenly put down the sniper rifle. He turned around and made a "follow me" gesture to Zhang Wa and the others. He strode in the dense forest in front, then stopped in front of a big tree a dozen meters in front, raised his hand and made a gesture to the few people behind him, asking them to gather beside him.

Zhang Wa quickly ran to him from all around, Wan Lin stretched out his left hand and pointed to the light blue light spot on a thick tree trunk in front, and said in a low voice, "This is the organ area set up by Lingxiu Gate. Start here. , everyone walks according to the gossip route I told you outside the forest, and always pay attention to the bright spot at the height of the tree in front of you. Once found, immediately follow the gossip pattern to turn and turn, and don’t go in the wrong direction. In addition, you must be at any time during the action. Pay attention to these inscriptions on the trunk, and there must be no deviation in the slightest."

Zhang Wa, Dali and Lingling nodded solemnly. Everyone knows that in this dark jungle, not only must we carefully identify the hidden weapons arranged by Lingxiumen, but we must also be alert to those mercenaries who may emerge from the jungle. The jungle is already a crisis step by step, and there must be no carelessness!

After Wan Lin told a few comrades in arms, he raised his eyes and glanced at the dark forest. At this time, the forest suddenly became quiet again, and Xiao Hua, who had already penetrated into the dense forest, did not move. Obviously, it was also very careful in this forest.

Wan Lin is not worried that Xiaohua will be injured by the organs of Lingxiumen. In the eyes of this very smart little friend, these organs are nothing at all. The place where Lingxiumen set up organs must have the smell of a large number of people gathering, Xiaohua The sensitive sense of smell can tell the location of the organs from a long distance, so those dangerous organs can't pose any threat to this spirit beast at all.

And there is no sound of Xiaohua's action for so long, which can only mean that the enemy must be in an area densely covered with organs, and Xiaohua does not dare to set foot in it easily. I still don't know what tricks this little baby hides in the dark to figure out **** the enemy?

Wan Lin thought of this, a sneer suddenly appeared on his face, turned to Zhang Wa and the three who were holding guns and aimed at the surrounding, and said in a low voice: "You follow me, if there is a battle, you will fight for yourselves, you must fight. Be careful! Go!" He said, bending over and rushing towards the brightly lit big tree in front of him.

In the endless virgin forest, the faint moonlight penetrated through the gap in the canopy, and the forest was very dark. The figures of Wan Lin and the others moved quickly around the thick tree trunks, their eyes fixed on the faint blue light flashing on the tree trunk in front of them.

Wan Lin ran at the front, raising his hands to Zhang Wa, Dali and Lingling behind him from time to time, pointing to the small pebbles inlaid on the tree trunks that shimmered faintly, reminding them to pay attention to the direction of action, while Zhang Wa and the others raised their guns to be alert. He followed behind him, ready to fight at any time.

Several people walked extremely fast with the night vision goggles on their faces, and in a blink of an eye, they had already walked hundreds of meters away. At this moment, the sound of rapid footsteps suddenly came from the forest in front of the side, followed by the sound of two bowstrings, "bang" and "bang", and the rapid sound of arrows flying through the air was heard in the forest. , the sound of two "poof" and "poof" long arrows shooting into the trunk came one after another.

With the sound, there was a sound of running in the forest in the distance. Wan Lin raised his hand and made a concealed gesture to Zhang Wa and the others, then dodged behind a tree beside him, knelt on one knee and raised his sniper rifle in the direction of the sound.

He has already judged from the sound that the sound of the bowstring just now must have been a disciple of Lingxiu Sect who discovered the enemy, and then pulled the bowstring and shot two long arrows. Judging from the sound of the bowstring, there are most likely only two people from Lingxiu Sect here. . But with the sound of footsteps coming from the forest, it is still impossible to tell whether it is the mercenaries from Lingxiu who are chasing the mercenaries, or the mercenaries chasing the hunters?

The sound of footsteps suddenly turned to the side of the forest in the forest in front, and Wan Lin and the others did not see the figures in front of them. Wan Lin frowned, stood up and made a "forward" gesture behind him. Holding the sniper rifle in his shoulder, he trotted forward.

A few people had just run for dozens of meters in the dark when they suddenly heard a scream of "ah", followed by a dazzling blue light flashing from the forest in front.

Wan Lin and the others were overjoyed, knowing that Xiao Hua suddenly launched an attack from a hidden place, and it could be heard from the cry that Xiao Hua must have suddenly rushed out from the dim forest and injured an enemy. Following the screams in front, two series of gunshots, "da da da" and "da da da", followed, and two rapid bursts of fire suddenly appeared in the jungle in front of the Follow me, speed up! Wan Lin's face immediately became tense when he heard the sound of the gunshots, and he commanded in a low voice, the speed under his feet had already been raised, and his body suddenly drilled into the forest in front of the left.

Zhang Wa and the three behind Wan Lin heard the Leopard Head's order. They were about to rush to the front of the gunshot, but when they looked up, they saw Leopard Head rushing out to the left front. The flickering spot of light on the tree trunk in front of him immediately realized that his right side was the arrangement of the Lingxiu Gate, and rushing in would be tantamount to seeking death! The three quickly turned around and followed behind the leopard head to the left side of the jungle.

A few people ran hundreds of meters towards the dense forest in front of the left, and Wan Lin in front turned around and drilled into the forest on the right. Wan Lin was holding a sniper rifle in front of him and just ran more than 200 meters into the forest on the right, when he suddenly raised his hand and made a "hidden" gesture, and slammed towards the back of the tree on the side.

Zhang Wa and the three behind him were startled, then spread out to the left and right to hide behind a tree trunk, sticking out half of their heads and holding their guns at the gap between the trees in front of them, with nervous expressions in their eyes.

After a short time, there was a slight sound of footsteps in the front, followed by a thick figure suddenly flashed in the forest in the distance, and several people invariably raised their guns and aimed at the figure in front.

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