Panther Commando

Chapter 2070: ruthless enemy

Wan Lin quickly dodged behind a tree in front of him, raised his hand and ordered a few companions behind him to hide, then raised his gun and aimed ahead.

It didn't take long, a dark shadow suddenly flashed out from among the green tree trunks in Wanlin's night vision goggles. The long machete shone with cold light from time to time in the moonlight that occasionally penetrated through the canopy.

Wan Lin raised his hand to hide behind the trees around him, raised his gun and gestured at Zhang Wa and a few people in front of him, and immediately saw Xiao Hua's eyes flashing with a faint blue light, and he flew over from the forest in front of him with one person. .

Apparently, Xiao Hua had already identified the person from Lingxiu Sect by the smell and the clothes of the other party, and immediately took him to the place where Wan Lin and the others were hiding. The people of Lingxiumen live by hunting, and their food and body smell are different from ordinary people, so they have a unique smell of hunters in the mountains.

With her extraordinary sense of smell, Xiaohua must have smelled this smell from afar, so as soon as she recognized the enemy and me, she ran up and took the opposite direction to Wanlin. When Xiaohua followed Wan Lin up the mountain, this strange beast had already behaved abnormally on the top of Lingxiu Mountain, so the disciples of Lingxiu Gate knew that Wan family was following this strange kitten, and now the Lingxiu gatekeeper in front saw Xiaohua When he ran out, he immediately understood that the Wan family must be nearby, so he was overjoyed and followed.

Wan Lin raised his gun and pointed his gun at the back of the figure running in front of him to prevent the opponent from chasing after him. It is estimated that the opponent had already found himself lost in the dark jungle, so he must be eager to find the direction to go up the mountain, and just now they rashly attacked The two hunters probably wanted to grab an opponent and ask for the path up the mountain, otherwise they wouldn't suddenly be exposed during the covert march.

When the other party ran dozens of meters in front of him, Wan Lin suddenly whispered the contact code he had agreed with the Lingxiu people, and then flashed out from behind the tree.

The other party ran towards Wan Lin with joy. Just now, he saw the cat that had been following Wan's family suddenly appear, and immediately understood that Wan Lin and the others must be nearby, so he immediately followed Xiao Hua to this direction.

The visitor ran to Wan Lin, and Wan Lin pulled him behind the tree, and then looked up and down at the other party. The other party was in his thirties, holding a machete tightly in his hand and carrying a knife behind his back. A long curved bow and a quiver full of feathered arrows.

Wan Lin pushed the night vision device on his face onto his helmet and asked in a low voice, "I'm Wan Lin, what happened just now?" The other party only saw Wan Lin's face clearly at this time, and immediately recognized that he was following Wan Lin. The young man who appeared on the mountain with the old man, he quickly raised his hands and clasped his fists, panting and said, "It's really a Wan family brother, that's great!"

He took a few long breaths, calmed the panting caused by the fast running just now, and said in a low voice: "Just now, a junior brother and I were watching the surroundings from behind a tree in the forest, but I didn't expect that a gust of wind suddenly came from the dark forest behind him. , I immediately flashed to the side when I heard the sound, and a cold light flew from my chest with the sound of the wind, and with a 'cha', it slammed into the trunk of the tree that I had just hidden, and then I heard the junior brother next to me. There was a scream."

When he said this, he turned his head and glanced around in shock, and then said: "I don't know what hidden weapon the other party is using? The younger brother fell to the ground with a scream and did not make a sound. I flashed the hidden weapon and turned around and shot it behind me With one arrow, I saw two black shadows 20 meters away in the forest behind me, rushing towards me, holding your modern firearm in their hands."

He said and glanced at the long gun body in Wan Lin's hand, and then continued: "I saw that the situation was not good at the time, and took advantage of the opportunity of the opponent dodging the feather arrows that I shot, and pulled out the waist knife and attacked Lin to the side. run away."

"But the other party's movements were too fast, and the other person rushed behind me in a blink of an eye, seeing that the other party meant to capture me alive, so he didn't use that kind of firearm, but just chased me from left to right. Fortunately, I Familiar with the terrain in the forest, after running in the dark forest for a long time, the two of them were thrown away. When the other party saw that they could not catch up with me, they shot a series of gunshots in the direction I ran, and then there was no more. Seeing their figures, now I don't know where they went?"

When he said this, he looked up and looked behind the surrounding trees, and saw a long gun body sticking out from behind several big trees around, and a few cold gun bodies stuck out half of their heads, staring closely. The jungle ahead. At this time, he saw that there were several companions of the Wan family's little brothers around him, and his heart was truly settled. Knowing that he was finally safe now, he let out a long sigh of relief after speaking.

After listening to the other party's description, Wan Lin immediately understood that the other party must have used ninja kung fu, which is good at concealment. He quietly approached the two Lingxiu disciples in the forest, and then suddenly threw out the poisonous hidden weapon shuriken. , the Lingxiu disciple who was hit must have a slightly weaker skill, and when he heard the wind, he was hit by a hidden weapon and fell down.

The Lingxiu disciple in front of him seemed to have a good kung fu, but at the critical moment, he escaped in time with the sound of the opponent's hidden weapon.

He raised his hand and patted the other person's shoulder lightly, and said in a low voice, "It's all right now, leave these two to You go back to the mountain and report to Sect Xie that the enemy has already Entering the dense forest, I am leading people to chase, and let them be vigilant on the mountain!"

The Lingxiu disciple hesitated for a while, and said angrily, "I'll follow you guys to find those two bastards. I'm very familiar with this forest, so I just happened to show you the way. In addition, I want to see how my junior brother is doing?"

Wan Lin waved his hand decisively, and replied in a low tone: "No, it's too dangerous in the forest, I know the other party, these people are extremely cruel, and their subordinates will never leave a living room, your junior brother has already sacrificed. You go directly back to the mountain to inform the sect master, and let him be vigilant, the enemy may attack the top of the mountain at any time." Now he is tracking two opponents who are familiar with fighting in the jungle, and he really dare not bring this talented sect with him.

When the man from Lingxiu heard the Wan family saying that his junior brother was dead, a gleam of light suddenly appeared in his eyes. He turned his head and glanced at the dense forest behind him, and his voice suddenly became choked and replied: "Wan family brothers, then please, please. Now, I must avenge my junior brother! By the way, there are no traps in the forest in front of you. Only after passing through this forest is the trap we set up. There are even more traps near the top of the mountain. You must be careful when chasing them! "

Wan Lin nodded, pushed him lightly and said, "We will definitely avenge your junior brother! You go, we will catch up now!"

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