Panther Commando

Chapter 2080: pursuit

Xiaoya quickly pulled Cheng Ru behind a thick bamboo stem beside her, and quickly opened the first aid kit to treat Cheng Ru's wound.

Xiaoya quickly took out the scissors and cut the clothes into Ru's upper arm, and immediately saw that there was a deep groove on the muscle of his upper left arm. She quickly put a tourniquet over the wound, then quickly checked the wound, and asked nervously, "How are you feeling now?"

Cheng Ru endured the severe pain on his left arm, took a breath and replied, "It's okay, it seems that a bullet passed through his arm, and his head is a little groggy."

Xiaoya looked at the **** wound on Cheng Ru's arm, but she breathed a sigh of relief. It was obviously a bullet that passed through the muscle tissue, and did not hurt the arm bones and arteries.

Then he quickly checked the wound and whispered, "Be patient!" Then he quickly disinfected the wound, then took out the trauma medicine powder made by grandpa and sprinkled it, and then tightly wrapped the wound with a bandage.

Xiaoya moved quickly. After dressing the wound, she quickly took out a small bamboo tube from the first aid kit, pulled out the stopper, and poured out a pill. With the opening of the bamboo tube, a fragrant fragrance immediately dispersed in the forest.

Xiaoya raised her hand and stuffed the pill into Chengru's mouth, and said in a low voice, "It's not dangerous! The bullet penetrated the muscles of the forearm, without hurting the arm bone and staying in the body. Dizziness is a reaction to excessive blood loss, so take one pill first. The incense magic pill that Grandpa concocted, it will be good in a while." He followed, and quickly used a bandage to hang Cheng Ru's wounded arm on his chest.

At this moment, Wu Xueying in front also turned her head nervously and looked at the two instructors behind her, her heart was full of emotion. She understood that Instructor Cheng and Xiaoya must have heard the sound of their fierce battle with the enemy in the forest, and immediately exposed their figure and rushed to support herself from both sides of the hillside, otherwise Instructor Cheng, who has rich experience in mountain combat, would not be shot by the enemy's bullets. hit easily.

At this time, she heard Xiaoya say that it was just too much blood loss, and gave Instructor Cheng a fragrant magic pill made by her grandfather. Knowing that the injury was not too serious, she calmed down a little. She immediately raised her gun and ran to the edge of the bamboo forest near the bottom of the hillside, followed by standing behind a thick bamboo trunk, raising her gun and aiming down the mountain.

The sound of gunfire on the hillside has stopped, and there is not a single figure on the dim hillside, only some withered grass hit by hot bullets is rising up in the dark hillside.

At this time, Cheng Ru and Xiaoya also bent over and ran to the edge of the bamboo forest, Cheng Ru asked in a low voice, "Yingying, have you found any trace of the enemy?" "No," Wu Xueying replied immediately.

Cheng Ru turned his head and glanced up the hillside, and asked in a low voice, "Da Zhuang, report the enemy's whereabouts?" "Report, after the enemy suddenly fired a grenade down the hill, he quickly retreated and rushed down the hill. Then he disappeared at the foot of the mountain, and his whereabouts are currently unknown!" Kong Dazhuang, who was lying behind the light machine gun on the top of the mountain, immediately reported.

Cheng Ru and a few people immediately looked down at the foot of the mountain. There was nothing unusual at the foot of the dark mountain, and there were bursts of pine waves from the dense forest on the mountainside. At this time, Xiaoya had already taken his sniper rifle from the wounded Cheng Ru, and she and Wu Xueying immediately raised their guns and looked towards the mountains in the distance.

Under the dim starlight, the mountains in the west are rolling, and the dim images of the mountains are giant beasts lying in the mountains, revealing huge black shadows. The green bamboos and small trees on the hillside are swaying gently in the breeze. The figures are like swaying figures, and it is impossible to distinguish the figure and the tree shadow at all.

Xiaoya raised her gun and swept down the mountain, then turned her head and asked Cheng Ru in a low voice, "Are you sending Xiaobai to scout the enemy's whereabouts?" Showing a worried look: "Okay, now we must determine the enemy's movement to prevent him from escaping to the direction of the martial arts conference." He said, quickly took out the pistol on his leg with his right hand, and rubbed the bullet on his leg. At this time, his left arm was injured and he could no longer use his long sniper rifle in action.

Xiaoya crouched down immediately, gestured at Xiaobai a few times, and then pointed down the hillside. With a flash of red light in Xiaobai's eyes, he jumped out of the bamboo forest, first ran back and forth on the side hillside looking for the enemy's trail, and then slowly ran down the hillside.

Xiaoya held Chengru's sniper rifle, gently pulled the bolt to the top of the bullet, and stared at the direction of Xiaobai's running, ready to provide cover for Xiaobai at any time, while observing the direction of Xiaobai's tracking to determine the enemy Where did you flee to?

Xiaobai was running towards the hillside below unhurriedly. The white figure rose and fell on the dim hillside, disappearing and appearing from time to time, apparently following the smell of the enemy running down the hill.

At this moment, Xiaoya put her sniper rifle tightly against her shoulders and watched Xiaobai run down the hillside in a crooked way. She whispered to Chengru and Wu Xueying on the side, "I'll follow, you guys. Cover." He said, bent over and ran out of the bamboo forest with a sniper rifle, and rushed down the hillside from left to right.

Cheng Ru saw Xiaoya rushing out, knowing that she was afraid of losing Xiaobai's figure in such a dark night, he hurriedly commanded the microphone: "Da Zhuang, cover!" With that, he was about to go down the hillside with his pistol in hand. Running away, Wu Xueying who was on the side grabbed him and whispered, "You are inconvenient, I'll go down." As she said that, she rushed out of the bamboo forest with her assault rifle, and on the side of Xiaoya, she also swiftly went down the hillside. Rushing to Cheng Ru was grabbed by Wu Xueying, looked down at his left arm, which was tied to his chest by a bandage, and shook his head helplessly, knowing that he was following, the injured left arm must be To affect his tactical actions, and he only has a self-defense pistol with a range of tens of meters in his hand, once encountering the enemy, it will cause trouble for the two of Xiaoya.

He held the pistol tightly and looked at the hillside below. Xiaoya and Wu Xueying were up and down on the dim hillside, moving quickly to the foot of the mountain, suddenly left and right, he turned his head and glanced at the direction of the top of the mountain behind him, and said in a low voice. He ordered: "Da Zhuang, follow. All the national security team members in the No. 1 area cover!" After saying that, he rushed out of the bamboo forest with his pistol in hand.

At this time, Cheng Ru was really worried that the two female team members would follow alone, so he immediately rushed down the hill with Kong Dazhuang.

Xiaoya and Wu Xueying rushed to the foot of the mountain quickly on the hillside. Xiaobai in front had already run down the foot of the mountain and was running towards the side of the mountain at the foot of the mountain. In the thick night, Xiaobai's figure flickered in and out of the rugged mountains, stopping from time to time and turning his head to go back and forth, with a faint pink light looming in his eyes.

Obviously, Xiaobai had noticed that Xiaoya and a few people were following, so he did not speed up the pursuit, but slowed down from time to time to wait for Xiaoya behind.

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