Panther Commando

Chapter 2102: mental breakdown

Wan Lin quickly stretched out his hand to support the trembling Sect Master Xie, and said hurriedly: "Now a gangster is fleeing to the martial arts conference opposite the lake shore, and my men are chasing it. I will immediately bring people over to support, my two brothers. I'm already injured, I'll stay here for now, please take care of it, I'll talk about anything when I get back." He raised his finger and glanced at Lin Zisheng and Chengru next to him.

Head Xie turned his head worriedly and glanced at the lakeshore in the distance, seeing that a fog had risen from the bottom of the mountain, and the white fog was filling the mountainside, he said in a low voice: "Okay, you can rest assured, these two Brother gave it to me, we Lingxiumen are very experienced in treating fractures and trauma!"

He had just seen Lin Zisheng jumping down from the high cliff regardless of his life and death, killing his opponent who was about to rush into the cave. He had long admired the subordinates of these Wan brothers, and he had already seen Lin Zisheng. broken arm bone.

Wan Lin hurriedly clasped his fists and saluted, turned around and ordered to Cheng Ru and Lin Zisheng, "You two stay! The rest of you follow me." Then he ran towards the forest with Xiao Hua.

Cheng Ru was about to say that he was not seriously injured and could act together, but Wang Dali had already gently pushed Lin Zisheng into his arms, turned around and rushed out with a machine gun followed by Leopard's head. Zhang Wa and Lingling did not speak. Just took a deep look at Cheng Ru and Lin Zisheng, then turned around and followed into the jungle.

Wu Xueying quickly ran to the side, bent down to pick up the assault rifle that Saito had thrown away just now, then ran to Saito's body and quickly pulled out two spare magazines, stood up and shouted to Cheng Ru and Lin Zisheng: "Take care of the two instructors!" They turned around and chased after Lingling and the others in the forest.

Cheng Ru gently supported Lin Zisheng with his right hand, and glanced at his injured arm hanging on his chest in frustration, knowing that he was injured at this time, and even if he caught up, he would not be able to keep up with the speed of Leopard's head.

Sect Master Xie watched Wan Lin and the others get into the dense forest, and looked at Saito's body lying on the rock with grief and indignation. He raised his head, took a deep look at the bare top of the mountain, and then looked at the cliff where the entrance of the cave could not be seen. Two lines of tears suddenly appeared on the surrounding faces.

He knelt on the ground with a thud, fell on the ground and kowtowed three times, followed by touching his head on the icy rock, and let out a cry of "Ouch".

At this moment, Cheng Ru was looking at the top of the mountain, which had suddenly become bare, in astonishment. Lin Zisheng, who was beside him, gave him a brief introduction to the battle just now in a low voice. The two were whispering about the situation just now, when they suddenly heard such a miserable cry from the sixty-year-old Sect Leader Xie, the two quickly stopped the words and turned their heads to look at the Sect Leader Xie who was lying on the ground, in their hearts. All a bit terrifying.

They understand the mood of Sect Master Xie at this time. Lingxiu Sect has been guarding this strange mountain for hundreds of years. How could Sect Leader Xie not feel sad in his heart? How could he not be filled with resentment toward these little devils who coveted treasures!

Cheng Ru and the two stood by each other, supporting each other, both of them staring at the top of the mountain with heavy expressions and silently. At this moment, they looked at the crumbling mountain top, and really didn't know how to comfort the sad leader.

At this moment, two Lingxiu disciples in their forties came over. The two of them looked at Takahashi Moriki's two torsos that had been cut off on the ground with grief and indignation. They suddenly raised their right feet and slammed the two parts of the torso. Kicked to the side, followed to walk to both sides of the head of Xie and bent over to gently lift him up.

Chief Xie stopped crying. Cheng Ru and Lin Zisheng silently turned their heads to look at Sect Master Xie, both of them trembled involuntarily, and their eyes widened immediately.

The head of Xie, who had gray hair in front of him, had now become full of white hair, and even his eyebrows had become silver-white as if stained with a layer of frost and snow, and his face had already looked unusual against the white hair. Pale, the whole person seems to have aged by dozens of years in an instant, and he looks even older than his father's old master. The originally upright body has collapsed. Just sit down.

At this moment, this unusually weak old man looked up at the top of the mountain, and whispered with his lips squirming: "It's over, the Lingxiu Gate is over, I'm sorry for the ancestors of the Lingxiu, I'm sorry for the Lingxiu School, I He is the eternal sinner of Lingxiu Sect! It's over, the centuries-old Lingxiu Sect is over, over..." He looked up at the bald mountain top with his old head, and repeated the two "finished" in his dry mouth. Words, the whole body trembled slightly.

Cheng Ru and Lin Zisheng's hearts suddenly trembled. The head of the head, who originally had deep and high-spirited skills, collapsed in a sudden blow! The two endured their own pain and supported each other as they walked to the head of Xie, and at the same time extended their uninjured right arm to support the trembling arms of Xie.

Cheng Ru grabbed the arm of the head of Xie, and immediately put in a pure internal force, followed by a low and firm voice: "Master Lingxiumen is not finished, Lingxiumen still has you guys. The Hangong mental method that has been passed down from generation to generation for hundreds of years, as well as your powerful Hangong, as well as you living Lingxiumen with superb martial arts, Lingxiumen will never disappear because of the giant sword on the top of the mountain and the goshawk. And perish, never!"

Cheng Ru's voice was very firm, like a drum beat on a war drum, the sound resounded in the hearts of Xie Zhangmen and the talented people around him. Trembling for a moment, he turned his head to look at Cheng Ru and nodded deeply on the gray head, and suddenly took a deep breath, a bright lustre suddenly appeared in his eyes, a cold air came out of his body, and his old face There was also a flash of light on it.

He turned his head to look at the young disciples around him, straightened up his slumped waist, and suddenly said loudly to the disciples around him: "Yes, Brother Cheng is right! The Lingxiu Sect is not over, the Lingxiu Sect still has your young palms. Men, as well as you young disciples, as well as our unparalleled cold work in the world, the kung fu of Lingxiumen will still be passed down from generation to generation, it will not end, it will never end!”

As the head of Xie suddenly became excited, "It will not end, it will not end! Our Lingxiu Sect will never end..." A shout suddenly sounded from the front of the cliff, and all the sects of Lingxiu Sect suddenly raised their heads high. The machete in his hand shouted loudly, and the machetes that flashed with cold light in the morning light suddenly resounded above the silent forest of Lingxiu Mountain with a powerful shout.

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