Panther Commando

Chapter 2105: tracking in fog

? Kameda ran to the bottom of the mountain and immediately drilled into the mountains below. After running for a dozen kilometers in the dark mountains, he suddenly turned and ran straight to the south, near the Wulin Conference site and the mountain road. He jumped directly into the icy stream to prevent the opponent from following. 〓 to read a book. ̄k ̄a_ ̄ to h□u to read. book ̄ ̄

Kameda jumped out of the stream and glanced behind him vigilantly, then drilled into the mountains to the south. He just ran out not far when he heard earth-shattering sounds coming from the direction of Lingxiu Mountain behind him. He suddenly stopped in the mountains and looked behind him.

At this time, the roar of the mountain was coming from Lingxiu Mountain, followed by a huge roar, and a blue beam of light suddenly shot up from Lingxiu Mountain, and the mountains behind him flashed once. Bright red beams of light, straight into the sky!

Kameda was shocked, and immediately realized that the red light not far behind must be the pursuit of soldiers behind him. When he escaped from Lingxiu Mountain, he saw this bright red beam of light once appeared in the bamboo forest where his companion was, and then he heard the screams of his companion. His companion must have died under this red light. He didn't know what caused it, but he knew that it was definitely something powerful that could kill him.

Kameda didn't bother to carefully check what happened on Lingxiu Mountain? Carrying the assault rifle, he drilled into the mountain, running and secretly thinking: "It seems that the team leader Saito and the others have already rushed to the top of the mountain, but why is there such a loud noise from the top of the mountain? Did they grab the gem and blow up the cave? ?"

He thought of this and suddenly felt a sense of relaxation in his heart, covering Saito up the mountain to steal treasures. This was the mission of the second group he led. Now Saito and the others have rushed to the top of the mountain, which means that his mission has been completed. As for whether Saito can win the treasure, it has nothing to do with him for the time being! If Saito and the others win the gem, they will get a large bonus when they go back. If Saito and the others fail, they are lucky to save their lives, which is a fortune in misfortune. Take a look at the 〓 book. Take a look at the k◆_h book u︿.―︿

At this time, the sun has risen, and the dim mountains are shrouded in bright sunlight. In the distance, the dark mountains in the dark night suddenly become emerald green and eye-catching, giving people a beautiful feeling full of vitality.

Kameda really felt a sense of relief in his heart. The green vegetation, rolling hills, and the crisp birdsong in front of him made him suddenly feel a sense of escaping from death. , while calling him to continue his life, he suddenly felt a strong desire to survive.

During this trip, more than a dozen of them came to this Lingxiu mountain area that they had never heard of before, and now they are running alive in this mountain full of life. As for the lives and deaths of Saito and others, he has no way of knowing. He still breathes the fresh air of the mountains alive. Read a book.

At this moment, a thick white fog suddenly floated from the side of the lake, and in the blink of an eye, the mountains were already shrouded in thick white fog.

Kameda turned his head to look at the white mountains around him, and was overjoyed: "Damn, God is helping me! This sudden thick fog can just cover him from the chasing soldiers behind him. It seems that God is preparing to let him return alive. Hometown!"

He quickened his pace and ran forward. As he ran, he turned his head and glanced at the direction of Lingxiu Mountain behind him. There was no shadow of Lingxiu Mountain in the thick fog. The faint sound of gunshots and explosions had already ended. , even the loud noise that shook the earth just now has long since disappeared, and the lively mountains just now seem to have become silent in this thick fog.

Kameda looked at the thickening fog in the mountains as he ran, and suddenly thought of Saito in his heart: If they successfully captured the treasure, the thick fog at this time could just cover their retreat. He hurriedly lowered his head and called Saito to the microphone in his ear, wanting to know if they had successfully captured the treasure. This was related to whether he could get a huge bonus when he returned.

He called several times in succession, but the earphones were all silent. Kameda thought to himself: "Now that the gunfire has stopped, it stands to reason that Saito should cancel the radio silence, why there is no response? Is it out of communication range?" He quickly took out the satellite phone from his bag and dialed Saito out. The phone was already silent, and there was no reply at all.

Kameda's face suddenly turned pale, he put away the phone and turned his head to glance at the direction of Lingxiu Mountain in the thick fog, a strong ominous premonition immediately flooded into his heart: Saito, Yoshida and that little Takahashi must be doomed. ! He glanced behind him in horror, and suddenly quickened his pace to dive into the thick fog in front of him. He knew in his heart that once Saito and the others were finished, those fierce special forces would immediately chase him.

At this time, more than ten kilometers behind Kameda, Xiaoya and Kong Dazhuang followed Xiaobai, whose eyes were red, running fast in the mountains.

When the thick fog was rising, Xiaoya stopped Xiaobai in front of him and slowed down his pursuit, waiting for Kong Dazhuang, who had been pulled behind, to come up. In this fog, once Kong Dazhuang could not see his figure, he could easily lose his way in the mountains.

It didn't take long, Kong Dazhuang ran over with a machine gun out of breath, Xiaoya then whispered a few words to Xiaobai, telling him not to run too fast, lest the two of them could not see it in such a big fog figure.

After Xiaobai heard Xiaoya's words, he turned his head to look at the surrounding white mountains, a red light suddenly appeared in his eyes, turned around and ran towards the mountains in front of him. Xiaoya and Kong Dazhuang immediately followed behind it and chased forward.

In the white Xiaobai, who ran more than ten meters away, had already merged into the white fog, and Xiaoya and Dazhuang in the back could only stare at Xiaobai's eyes in front of him. The red light followed behind.

The dense fog filled the air, the pursuit of Xiaoya and the two had dropped, and both of them had anxious expressions in their eyes. The terrain in the mountains is very complicated, and there are rocks rolling down from the top of the mountain everywhere, and green bamboos and thorns block their way from time to time.

But the thick fog in front of him didn't seem to have any effect on Xiaobai, who was glowing red in his eyes. It ran slowly among the rugged mountains, sometimes jumping to the top of the rock and turning his head to wait for Xiaoya and the two behind him. An anxious look appeared in his red eyes.

At this time, Xiaoya saw Xiaobai standing on a rock in front of her and looked at her, she quickly raised her hand to make it stand still, she accelerated and ran to Xiaobai, and even explained to Xiaobai with gestures. Fan.

Xiaobai stared at Xiaoya with red eyes, then raised his tail and wagged it, turned around and jumped off the rock to dive into the surrounding dense fog, and disappeared in a blink of an eye.



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