Panther Commando

Chapter 2107: Fight in the fog

?With the sound of two series of gunshots, the sound of pistol shooting suddenly came out, "Boom" and "Boom" followed by an explosion! Xiaoya and Kong Dazhuang, who were running, were startled and shouted into the microphone at almost the same time, "Wen Meng, report the situation?"

As the sound of the explosion disappeared, Wen Meng's dejected voice came from their earphones: "Safety, the enemy heard your gunshots, and immediately fled forward through the thick fog, and then threw a grenade for cover. , now there is no trace of the enemy." ??. ??`?

Xiaoya heard Wen Meng's voice, her heart beating violently calmed down immediately, just at this moment, a blue light shot out from behind her, followed by two black shadows, one large and one small, coming from her like lightning. rushed to the side.

Xiaoya was overjoyed, knowing that Wan Lin and Xiao Hua had already rushed over. When Wan Lin received his report just now, he must have been in a state of impatience, and immediately threw off his comrades beside him and ran over with Xiao Hua! Once the leopard head and the leopard are lifted up, no one can keep up with their galloping footsteps!

At this moment, a red light suddenly flashed from the thick fog in front, followed by a scream of "ah", followed by "papapa", followed by three pistol shots.

Xiaoya was startled, and then she heard a leopard roar from the mountains in the distance. A beam of blue light suddenly shot towards the mountains ahead with the roar. Xiaohua roared violently as she ran, apparently looking for noob.

"Ow", Xiaobai's echo sounded, and a red light also shot out from the dense fog in front.

The deafening roar of a leopard and two dazzling beams of light, one red and one blue, pierced through the thick fog and resounded above the lake shore. In the silent mountains, the roar of the leopard suddenly appeared and two colored beams pierced through the fog. In the beam of light, there were bursts of low-pitched roars of beasts, and bursts of dog barks also came from the lake shore in the distance.

With the deafening roar, the thick white fog shrouded in the mountains suddenly tumbled amidst the sudden roar, and then quickly dispersed to the surroundings, and the sound of water from the lake was also here. suddenly disappeared.

Xiaoya was chasing the leopard head in front of her with an assault rifle. Suddenly, she noticed that the white fog in the surrounding mountains was getting lighter and lighter, as if the white fog in the mountains was rolling and dissipating into the air.

Xiaoya was overjoyed, knowing that the lake that created the thick fog has quieted down, the thick fog in the mountains will soon dissipate, and the natural barrier that the opponent uses to hide will disappear. Sure enough, it didn't take long, Xiaoya saw in the thin mist, two shadowy shadows squatting on top of a hill several hundred meters ahead.

She turned around and glanced behind her. A few hundred meters away, Kong Dazhuang's tall figure was running fast. A black shadow was passing by him quickly. Zhang Wa was carrying an assault rifle and galloped from behind like a gust of wind.

Xiaoya's heart immediately calmed down, knowing that Zhang Wa's skill is much higher than Dali, Lingling, and Wu Xueying, she must have seen Wan Lin suddenly start and run out, and then she quickly got rid of a few people around and quickly chased after them. Everyone knew that Wen Meng was the only one in front of the enemy, and now he heard the gunshots in front of him and immediately rushed over with all his strength.

Xiaoya quickly ran to the bottom of the hill in front, followed by breathing heavily and climbed up the hill with two figures standing in front of her. It was Wan Lin and Wen Meng who were crouching behind a rock on the top of the mountain. Wan Lin was holding a sniper rifle and looking towards the campsite of the Wulin Conference, while Wen Meng was holding a pistol at the side of the hill.

At this moment, Wan Lin suddenly put down the sniper rifle in his hand, and suddenly a loud whistle sounded from his mouth. Xiaoya panted and ran to Wen Meng's side, raised her gun and looked at the mountains ahead through the scope on her gun.

A faint white fog is floating in the mountains. The thick fog that covered the sky and the sun just now is dissipating. The mountains are shadowy in the mist. The tops of the mountains in the distance are surrounded by circles of white clouds, and the sky has already appeared. A light blue came out.

Xiaoya raised her gun and aimed at the lakeshore not far in front of her. In the scope, some figures were vaguely swaying by the lake. There were also blurred figures swaying on the hillside on the side of the lakeshore.

Xiaoya suddenly understood the meaning of Wan Lin's whistle just now. He was ordering the two leopards to give up their pursuit. The poor robbers do not chase, this is to prevent the fleeing enemy from rushing into the crowd and hurting these martial arts practitioners in desperation.

She turned her head and glanced at Wan Lin, whose eyes were bright and serious, and then she silently lowered her gun and glanced at Wen Meng next to her. Wen Meng was still holding her pistol and aiming at the mountains in front of her. Her face was very gloomy. The sleeves on the top have been torn, and the bulletproof vest on the chest shows several curved soil marks, which are obviously traces left in the close combat with the opponent.

At this time, Zhang Wa had also crossed the hill, ran behind a big tree in front, and pointed his gun at the front. Kong Dazhuang was also raising his machine gun and flew to the back of a rock by the lake to lie down, set up his machine gun and aimed at the mountain in front.

Xiaoya pulled Wen Meng to her side and asked in a low voice, "Are you injured?" "No! I was lying on top of this mountain just now, and I couldn't see the scenery in front of me in the thick fog. The effective sight distance was less than five meters." Wen Meng said in a low voice in frustration.

When she said this, she turned her head and glanced at the gloomy leopard's head, and then said in a low voice, "Just as I was moving the muzzle to find the enemy's trail, I suddenly heard the sound of small stones rolling from the side, and I quickly turned my head to look. Go, suddenly I saw a black figure emerging from the thick fog five meters away..."

Wen Meng was taken aback at that time! Immediately rolled the gun to the side. At this moment, the other party also apparently suddenly found a shadow lying in front of him. He was caught off guard. He hurriedly pulled the trigger at the shadow in front of him, and a string of bullets whistled towards the back of the rock where Wen Meng was invisible.

Fortunately, Wen Meng saw the figure of the enemy, and immediately rolled out to the side of the rock with her gun in her hand. The rock beside her was immediately thrown off by the opponent's bullet, and she rolled to the side of the rock and raised the muzzle to open the top of the rock. A With the bullet fired by Wen Meng, the shadow had already flew over from the side of the rock, and the bullet fired by Wen Meng flew past the opponent's side, and the moment the opponent's body froze , Wen Meng picked up the sniper rifle with his right hand and swept towards the shadow's lower body. The two were close at hand, and neither of them bothered to continue shooting.

The opponent didn't expect the opponent to react so quickly, and at this time he didn't even bother to shoot.

Wen Meng took out the sniper rifle, and immediately jumped up from the side of the rock with the strength of the gun.

On the side of Wen Meng's body, the sole of the opponent's shoe rubbed her waist body armor and flew over, she immediately raised the long gun in her hand and smashed it on the opponent's other leg! At this moment, two series of gunshots suddenly sounded in the mountains behind.

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