Panther Commando

Chapter 2109: stains on face

? The loud voice of the loudspeaker rang three or four times in a row, sending the announcement to the entire lakeshore and the surrounding mountains. www/xshuotxt/com.`Obviously, the organizing committee of the conference temporarily terminated the established martial arts exchange program when the fog was thick in the morning. Now they saw that the fog had dissipated, so they temporarily decided to continue the martial arts exchange program that followed the conference according to the schedule in the afternoon.

At this moment, Wan Lin was wearing a black sports suit and strode towards the lakeshore in front of him, followed by Lingling wearing a white sports suit. On the hillside dozens of meters behind them, Zhang Wa and Wu Xueying, who are also wearing sportswear, are walking fast; Dali and Wen Meng, Da Zhuang and Xiaoya have already run to the mountain on the side of the lake, and take Xiaobai from the mountain to the side of the lake. The venue of the martial arts conference detours to the past.

At this time, Wan Lin's face looked very gloomy. In the late night battle on Lingxiu Mountain, Guoan soldiers had suffered heavy casualties, and the disciples of Lingxiu Sect also suffered heavy losses in the battle. This was indeed very frustrating for him, the commander of this battle.

Although they finally annihilated the enemy who rushed to the top of the mountain, and did not let the enemy's conspiracy succeed, the top of Lingxiu Mountain suddenly changed dramatically. Not only did the giant sword and black eagle symbolizing Lingxiu Gate collapse after the battle, but they even survived. The cave with the most cold treasure was also suddenly closed, all of which really made him depressed as a combatant.

Now, this remnant of the dangerous enemy has directly approached the venue of the martial arts conference, and there are many participants here. Once this kid is brutal, it is very likely to cause heavy casualties to these innocent civilians. .`

Therefore, Wan Lin's heart was like pressing a mountain, and his mood was both anxious and heavy. At this time, he and Lingling did not run forward quickly, so as not to cause the opponent's attention to the panic of the surrounding audience. Zhang Wa and Wu Xueying on the side hillside also strode from the side hillside to the front lake shore. From a distance, they seemed to be two pairs of lovers who had just rushed back from the surrounding mountains to attend the meeting.

The thick fog in the mountains has dissipated, and the bright sunshine has re-shrouded the mountains. The green mountains and light blue lakes covered with dense vegetation are still beautiful in people's eyes. The gunshots, explosions and the earth-shattering roar from Lingxiu Mountain at night have long since disappeared from people's ears, and the beautiful mountains have returned to their former tranquility.

At this time, Wanlin and the others had approached the lakeshore where many martial arts practitioners gathered. Shadowy figures were swaying around the wooden platform on the shore. Groups of people also appeared scattered in the campsite on the side of the hillside. Everyone He was walking slowly towards the shore of the lake.

Wan Lin raised his left hand and glanced at his watch. The time showed that it was already 12:30 noon. It was obvious that the crowd had already finished their meal and were walking towards the venue. .??`

Wan Lin slowed his pace and glanced at the swaying figure in the distance. He whispered to Xiaohua in front of him and pointed to the side of the mountain, followed by making a few gestures to let him search for the enemy's trail nearby, and notify himself when he found the target. . Seeing Wan Lin's gesture, Xiaohua raised her tail and shook her head, then she turned around and drilled behind the side of the hill.

Wan Lin dispatched Xiaohua, then glanced at Zhang Wa and Wu Xueying who were standing on the side hillside, and was stunned for a while. Lingling turned her head in surprise when she saw the action of Leopard's head. She raised her hand and covered her mouth, almost laughing.

It turned out that Zhang Wa's face was red and black, like a grimace, apparently stained with blood from the enemy during the battle at Lingxiu Peak. After the battle on the top of the mountain, the few people hurried down the top of the mountain, and no one bothered to clean the stains on their bodies and faces, and they didn't pay attention to the stains on each other's faces.

Wan Lin followed and glanced at Lingling, who was also full of gunpowder, and immediately whispered into the microphone: "All attention, immediately clean up the stains on your face to prevent people from being noticed." After saying this, he turned and walked towards the lake.

On the side of the hillside, Zhang Wa and Wu Xueying, who were in a hurry to search, froze for a moment, then glanced at each other's faces, and the two raised their fingers to each other's faces and almost laughed out loud. It turned out that not only Zhang Wa's face looked like a grimace, but Wu Xueying's face was also stained with pieces of dirt left over from fighting with the enemy. The two immediately ran down the hillside and came to the lake and squatted down together.

A few people picked up the cool water by the lake to wash off the blood stains and gunpowder on their faces, then glanced at each other, then raised their sleeves and wiped their faces, then stood up and looked at the just standing up from the lake. Wanlin.

Wan Lin glanced at the faces of several people, and then ordered to Zhang Wa and Wu Xueying: "You two will search from the foot of the mountain where Grandpa and their station are located, and enter the lake shore along the way." "Yes!" Zhang Wa and Wu Xueying answered straightly. Road, turned around and ran to the side of the mountain.

Wan Lin then whispered to Lingling: "Let's go straight to the venue!" After speaking, he immediately walked towards the front of the martial arts conference venue. Lingling raised her eyes and glanced at Wan Lin's emaciated back, a feeling of grief suddenly surged in her heart.

This brother, who is younger than her own age, is already the commander of a special operations force at a young age, but she knows in her heart that this slightly thin-looking leopard's head and shoulders bear a huge burden. pressure.

She silently pressed a pistol hidden under her jacket, followed by raising her left hand to open the hidden weapon bracelet on her right wrist, ready to fight at any time, and ran a few steps to catch up with the leopard head and walked towards the venue together go.

Wan Lin and Lingling approached the bustling crowd, and then slowed down to avoid attracting the attention of the people around They turned their heads and looked around as they walked, their sharp eyes swept across the surrounding crowd quickly , walked straight to the martial arts demonstration platform in the center of the empty field on the lakeshore.

The two approached the stage in front of him, Wan Lin suddenly felt someone approaching him from the side, and he was startled. A body-protecting qi instantly enveloped him and Lingling, and he took a half step to the side. He slammed Lingling beside him to the side, raised his left hand to protect his chest, turned around suddenly, and raised his right hand to strike forward!

Wan Lin turned around to see clearly. The people behind him were Senior Brothers Mu Hong and Liu Haibo from Xingyiquan. The two of them were looking at Wan Lin's movements in amazement. It seemed that they didn't expect this Brother Wan's reaction to be so intense.

Wan Lin quickly put away the body-protecting infuriating energy that had been forced out of the body, stood up straight and smiled awkwardly, followed by Yu Lingling hurriedly folded his fists and bowed to Mu Hong and the two of them, Wan Lin smiled and said, "The two seniors are here. It's early." His eyes quickly swept behind the two of them.

As the New Year is approaching, Bamboo Fragrance Bookstore welcomes all friends: thank you for your strong support over the past year, and wish you a happy New Year, all the best, a happy family, and a prosperous New Year!



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