Panther Commando

Chapter 2114: looking for life

? Kameda stared at the rice bowl with glowing eyes and strode over. At this moment, he put his left hand in his trousers pocket and gripped the grenade tightly, and with his right hand he quickly took out a hundred-yuan bill from his jacket pocket, raised his hand and handed it to the waiter behind the table, and then pointed casually a few times. A stainless steel basin that holds few meals.

The waiter raised his head and glanced at the pale-faced man, then turned his eyes and glanced at his left arm in his trousers pocket, a look of surprise flashed in his eyes, apparently seeing that his left arm was injured, but the waiter followed and looked down. Handing him the good change, he picked up a bento box and handed it to him.

Kameda saw the waiter's surprised eyes just now, and was secretly surprised in his heart. He quickly took a breath and suppressed the ** who was about to reach out and draw a gun. At this time, he saw that the other party was not particularly concerned about his abnormality, and the heart he held was finally put it down.

He let go of the grenade tightly gripped in his trouser pocket with his left hand, and then turned to glance at the surrounding participants who were leaving. He saw that these people were all men, women and children, but they were very agile under their feet. Obviously, all of them had A man of martial arts.

He glanced around in fear, then raised his head and greedily watched the waiter put food into the lunch box, and secretly rejoiced in his heart: the people who came here to participate in the meeting are really people who practice martial arts, thanks to the waiter who didn't check himself, otherwise Among the many people who practice martial arts, even with a machine gun, he can't escape. ? to read the book ? k?a book hu ?

He then glanced at the surrounding hillsides and saw two young men in training suits, slowly gesturing martial arts movements on the hillside, apparently learning kung fu.

He suddenly realized that these martial arts practitioners from different sects finally gathered together, and they must have a private discussion. Most of the martial arts practitioners are young and energetic, and if they are not careful during the training, someone will be injured. It is estimated that the waiter was not surprised when he saw that he was injured, so he did not make a sound.

At this time, the waiter had filled a full box of meals, Kameda grinned, took the box lunch, turned around and walked towards the side hillside, and stopped until he reached the low-lying place on the side hillside, followed by a piece of Sit down by the rock, put the lunch box on the rock and open it, stretched out his head and devoured the food in the box quickly.

At this time, his left arm was injured and he didn't dare to move at all, and could only operate it with one hand, so he was afraid that outsiders would notice his strange movements, so he quickly found a secluded place and ate the food into his stomach.

He quickly finished eating the food in the box, then looked around vigilantly, and saw the bustling crowd slowly walking towards the lake shore, and the hillside had become quiet. ?Look at a book???k?a??book h?u.

Kameda hesitated for a moment, then got up and walked quickly to the side of the mountain. He knew that he had been wounded, and he couldn't get rid of those strong chasing soldiers in the mountains, and he would be chased by his opponents sooner or later. Therefore, if he wanted to survive, he had to leave the mountain area quickly before the chasing soldiers found him, and approached the mountain road halfway up the mountain as soon as possible, and hijacked a car to speed up his escape. the only way.

Kameda walked quickly to the side of the mountain, while carefully observing the surrounding mountains. The mountain road on the mountainside in the distance is like a giant dragon entrenched on the mountainside.

Kameda's eyes swept across the mountains quickly, and he had already determined the escape route. As long as he turned over the mountain several thousand meters away from the side, he could approach the mountain road on the south side of the mountain. The mountain is relatively gentle and far away from the crowd, which is very suitable for him, the injured person, to approach the mountain road behind the mountain.

He determined his escape route, and immediately accelerated from the hillside to the side hillside, watching the surroundings vigilantly.

Just as he hurriedly approached the side hillside, he suddenly found a few figures flashing in the bamboo forest on the side above the hillside.

Kameda was shocked, and quickly glanced around, raised his right hand and pressed it on the gun handle at his waist, then quickly lowered his body and drilled into a grass on the side, followed by squatting next to a rock.

The half-human-high wormwood grew around the rock, which just blocked his figure tightly. If someone hadn't been watching from a close distance, he wouldn't have been able to see his figure on the green hillside.

Kameda concealed her figure and immediately looked nervously towards the side hillside through the tall wormwood. Only then did he see clearly that the figures walking out of the emerald green bamboo forest turned out to be a tall and one short two silver-headed old people and a 10-year-old youth. The three of them were slowly walking out of the bamboo forest on the mountainside.

Kameda saw that the person who came here immediately calmed down, and the hand holding the gun handle also loosened, and the corner of his mouth grinned upward, showing a self-deprecating look. The three people in front of him were obviously not the special forces who were following him. He quietly squatted in the grass and stared at the three people on the hillside, wanting to wait for them to pass before getting up and climbing to the top of the hill.

The three people on the hillside obviously didn't notice that someone was hiding in the tall wormwood on the side. The two old men walked in front and chatted while walking, followed by the young man a few meters behind. The three of them walked down the **** with a relaxed expression. Just when they were more than ten meters away from Kameda, there was a sudden burst of hurried dog barking on the hillside of the side camp.

Kameda was shocked! Thinking that the other party's chasing soldiers brought a group of police dogs to find him, he pulled out his pistol and lay down on the grass, looking in the direction of the dog's barking through the wormwood gap beside him.

In the distance around the campsite, seven leashed bulldogs were staring at the grass in the low-lying area where he had just eaten, barking frantically, looking extremely ferocious.

At this moment, a blue light shot out from the grass, and a small yellow and black animal suddenly sprang out of the grass, with a blue light in its eyes, and it was fiercely rushing towards the barking dogs. Several bulldogs on the hillside who were just barking suddenly saw this ferocious little animal, and immediately whined and fled backwards. The big trees on the hillside that tied the bulldogs were violently shaken by the fleeing bulldogs.

Kameda was shocked and immediately thought that this ferocious little animal was the beast that scratched his arm! But he immediately glanced at the small animal in the distance, and thought to himself: The one who attacked him in the fog was a small white animal with red eyes. Isn't this the ferocious little animal beside him?

Just when Kameda had some luck in his heart, he saw the ferocious little animal turn around and land on the hillside with a whistle, and ran towards the side hillside where he was following the smell of the grass in the mountains. !



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